"You asked?"

"A liar! Let's not talk about how you could invite someone to kill the boss. It's the commission of ten thousand gold coins. Can you afford it..."

"How can it be impossible?"

The scavenger chuckled: "I've seen our captain displeased a long time ago."

The answer from the scavengers can't help but people can't believe it.

In fact, it was indeed the scavenger who contacted Yiqi Juechen anonymously, but the person who arranged this way was Zhang Yi.

It was Zhang Yi's commission of 10,000 gold coins, which told the scavengers to hire Yiqi Juechen to kill himself.

Therefore, Zhang Yi knew when Yiqi Juechen would come to him.

Therefore, this time he didn't use the City Return Scroll, and deliberately chose to walk back. The purpose was to meet Yiqi Juechen who came to look for him on the way, so as to pretend to be a chance encounter.

Some time ago, he did not hesitate to spend double the commission, and hired Yiqi Juechen at a high price to help himself with the purpose, all for the sake of defeating him today, and to prepare.

So Zhang Yi looked at the scavenger and asked, "You have given him all the conditions, but don't tell me now that he didn't make any conditions with him at that time!"

"This must not be forgotten!"

The scavenger said: "According to Brother's request, when I sent him an anonymous message to hire him, I told him that at ten times the market price and 10,000 gold coins to buy your head, you must kill you once within three days."

"If this task is not completed on time, he will repay it ten times and pay me a penalty of 100,000 gold coins."

After a pause, the scavenger continued: "The system contract has been signed with him, he can't run this one!"

Zhang Yi nodded: "Yes, that's it."

The voice just fell.

The Dragon Clan Immortal and Long Xing Tianxia on the side were dumbfounded.

"In that case, Yiqi Juechen is really the boss, you let Brother Scavengers spend money to invite..."

Spending so much money to buy others to kill oneself, this brain circuit is really novel and unexpected.

So, under the question of the Dragon Clan Immortal.

Zhang Yi told the truth that even the scavengers did not know.

"Yiqi Juechen is an arrogant person. Even if he died, he would not succumb to anyone."

With an attitude of knowing Yiqi Juechen very well, Zhang Yi continued: "So if you want to win him over, you have to use some means."

Hearing what Zhang Yi said, the scavenger woke up: "So, you want Yiqi Juechen to breach the contract, and then use the 100,000 liquidated damages to force him to join our dragon clan!"

Zhang Yi nodded and said: "In addition, his arrogance comes from his own strength, so the only thing that can make him bow his head is the strength stronger than him."

"Just use this opportunity to destroy his aura, and at the same time let him surrender to the boss from the bottom of his heart!" The Dragon Race Immortal also gradually understood.

"The dual oppression of strength and economy, in the end, you can only catch it once you ride Juechen!"

Speaking of this, Long Xing Tianxia couldn't help sighing: "Good guy, boss, you are really insidious. You have been preparing for this plan since so early. I remember that when I subdued me and Indestructible, it was the same. Use some means!"

Zhang Yi laughed and said, "I'm overwhelmed. This is called outsmart, not insidious!"

With that said, Zhang Yi looked at the scavenger and said, "The heat is not enough, you can add more material to him."

"What do you add?"

"Insult him in the main city chat channel!"

Scavenger: "..."

"Yiqi Juechen? This is... not so good~"

"Only in this way can he extinguish his spirit and arouse his hatred and anger."

Zhang Yi said: "The more angry he is, the more anxious he is to defeat me. Next time I will defeat him again, step by step, and break through his inner defense line."

The scavenger was startled: "Yiqi Juechen, big brother, you are not afraid of him or me, I dare not..."

"What are you afraid of? Didn't you contact him anonymously? He doesn't know who you are."

Seeing that the scavengers were still trembling, Zhang Yi went on to say: "Use your dialog box, I'll come."

With that said, just waiting for the scavenger to open the chat interface and use the identity of the scavenger to turn on anonymity, Zhang Yi began to edit the message on the chat interface in the main city.

Although it is anonymous, because I have contacted Yiqi Juechen before, I can see that the scavenger’s anonymity has a special "contacted" mark on the side of Yiqi Juechen, so that I can let Yiqi Juechen know. , The one who is sending the message now is indeed the employer who hired him before.

After a while, an anonymous message appeared on the chat interface of Moonlight City:

[Anonymous player]: "@一骑绝尘, you rookie, what can you do if you can't beat Yinuo Qingcheng? You are embarrassed to charge me a commission of 10,000 gold coins. I really look at you!"

With the emergence of this anonymous message.

I'm not interested in knowing how to explode in the main city chat.

I only know that after a few seconds, Yiqi Juechen sent a private message to the scavengers through this anonymity: "Are you a bit too much?"

Seeing this news, the scavengers swallowed deeply, and across the screen, they could feel a murderous aura from Yiqi Juechen, seeping out.

At this time, Zhang Yi followed the scavenger’s anonymous chat interface and responded to the message on behalf of the scavenger: "Am I wrong? I spent so many gold coins, but you are not invited to play."

After a while, Yiqi Juechen came back with news: "The contract stipulates three days, and today is only the first day. I can assure you that this task will be completed within three days, killing Yinuo Qingcheng."

"Then you have to work harder, don't fool me, but I heard someone say that you were tortured by Yinuo Qingcheng just now, and the HP locker was turned on, so I deliberately let you go!"

"I repeat: Within three days, a promise will lead to death."

The news was full of deterrence, so that the scavengers put away the dialog box, and did not dare to give it to Zhang Yi again, so that he would continue to use his anonymous identity to communicate with Yiqi Juechen.

After taking a deep breath, the scavenger said to Zhang Yi: "When Yiqi Juechen joins us, don't tell him, I am this anonymous player!"

"Otherwise I feel that my head will be broken by him!"

"Don't worry, I will keep it secret for you."

In Zhang Yi's plan, the process of conquering Yiqi Juechen was divided into two steps.

The first step is to let the opponent yield to oneself in terms of strength. It has been completed. Next, you can plan for the second step.

And the second step is the action tomorrow night.

According to the historical progress of the previous life, tomorrow night, Yiqi Juechen should receive an invitation from a certain family to go to a map with special restrictions, and then on that map, he was vendetta by that family.

Zhang Yi's purpose is to change the history of this life.

The most important thing is to rescue Yiqi Juechen at the same time.

Otherwise, everyone is dead, what's the point of what Zhang Yi did.

Unconsciously, the night fell quietly.

Zhang Yi, who had just returned to the city, looked at the time and seemed to have suddenly thought of something.

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