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Chapter 349: King of Slimes Being Targeted


Extreme ice city.

The place of exile.

The battle between the two uncles, Han Yarou, and the 50-level 4-star BOSS King of Slime continues.

In the exile shrouded in darkness, the weak roar of the Slime King and the sound of his sword swinging and casting spells echoed in it.

Since playing against this powerful BOSS in the form of a card map, two full days have passed without knowing it.

Relying on the two people, the uncle and Han Yarou, in two days, they finally consumed the vitality of the BOSS step by step to only the last 2%!

According to the current progress, it will take less than an hour to end this BOSS battle and take down the King of Slime.

According to the system announcement reminder, there is currently no team successfully created in Extreme Ice City.

If according to what Zhang Yi said, this king of slimes can really burst out a team building order, then uncle, will soon become the founder of the first team in the ice city!

Since the task of collecting wolf hides that took more than ten days to perform last time, the two of them spent the rest of their time on the slime king.

Without leveling in two days, the level naturally fell a lot.

Next, relying solely on this BOSS, the uncle and Han Yarou once again brought a wave of ascension to the top players in the ice city.

Seeing that the BOSS was about to be overthrown.

At this moment, they were living in the two grooves of the bunker, and the uncle Han Yarou, who was still attacking the King of Slime, felt extremely exhausted, and finally saw the hope that was waving to them.

"Uncle, we are about to succeed!"

In one of the grooves, Han Yarou, who was waving his staff, used the priest's meager general attack damage to contribute his maximum output, looked at the King of Slime, who had 2% blood left, and said with joy.


The uncle in the other groove was also a little relieved.

"If you are tired, take a rest and leave the rest to me."

"It's okay." Han Yarou said happily: "Let's kill it quickly, and then I want to tell the dog the good news!"

As a result, the two continued to attack the King of Slime at the fastest speed.

As everyone knows, at this moment, there are several figures quietly entering the place of exile...

in the dark.

Those few shadows stared at the big BOSS King Slime with a trace of vitality left in front, and they were surprised and surprised one after another.

"Damn! There is a level 50 4-star BOSS hidden here! And there is only so much blood!"

"Wipe, keep your voice down, for fear that others won't be able to hear it? There are two other people beating the boss over there! Wait..."

"Those two are using the map card to kill the boss?"

"God! Brothers, let's go grab the boss!"

"Don't, we are too few. Those two people have map protection. The BOSS can't touch him. But as soon as we get close, we will be instantly beaten. From my point of view, the BOSS's blood volume should be able to support one or two. In an hour, immediately notify the captain and the brothers in the team and ask for support!"

With that said, the players whose IDs above their heads are prefixed with the word "Ace" open their friends list one after another, select one of them, and edit the message...

The extremely ice city standing on the ice is full of cold air in all directions.

Inside the city, players are like a tide.

The brightly lit streets and alleys are very lively.

In a lively street, as the captain of the [Strong Ace], the second-turn middle-aged soldier man [Ace, Crazy Fight] with a level of only 49, is leading the core players of the strongest Ace, aimlessly Wandering the night market.

"By the way, Captain, the [uncle] who killed us two days ago, and the little beautiful girl [Yarou] have evaporated like the world in the past two days, and the entire Polar Ice City has not seen them both."

Beside Ace Kuangzhan, a 49-level second-tier mage's younger brother, Ace Immortal, said to Ace Kuangzhan.

The trump card snorted violently, and a murderous aura appeared in his eyes.

"Yeah, that trash killed me once that day. This hatred must be paid, and that chick, it's better not to fall into my hands, otherwise, I will let you know what life is better than death!"

Amidst the words, a wretched smile appeared on the face of Ace Kuangzhan: "You continue to find them for me, as long as there is news about both of them, immediately report to me!"


While talking.

With a "dingdong" sound, Ace Kuangzhan suddenly received a message from a friend.

I opened the message interface and saw that when he saw a message with a location sent from under his hand, Ace Kuangzhan couldn't help but look excited.

Upon seeing this, several younger brothers asked quickly: "What's the matter with the boss, so happy?"

"A brother found a 4-star big boss in the wild, and it's still bloody!"

With the ace of mad war, the voice just fell.

The little brothers around were all pleasantly surprised.

"4-star BOSS? Wow, the strongest one we have encountered so far is only a 3-star BOSS!"

"It is said that for a BOSS with a quality of 4 stars or higher, the probability of first killing the team building order is extremely high. At present, we have not successfully created a team in Jibing City. Wouldn't it? Order out, ready to take off directly on the spot?"

The ace warrior laughed and said, "Moreover, not only did the BOSS not have much blood left, but there were only two people killing the BOSS on the card map. It was not a family power."

"Let's just kill them, kill those two people, and grab the boss!"

"Brothers, gather everyone in the team and march into [The Exile]!"

Under the command of Ace Kuangzhan.

In a short while, all the more than fifty players of [The Strongest Ace] quickly gathered from various places in the city, and then rushed towards the outside of the city together.

The strongest trump card can only be regarded as a third-rate small team in Extreme Ice City.

Not only the total number of people is only more than 50, but also the stubbornness of each dish, and the [Pinnacle Hall] belongs to the same level of strength.

That's why the ace mad war can be so excited.

If he can really grab this BOSS and burst the team building order to form the first team in Extreme Ice City, the strongest trump card, he will be promoted to the first-class team in Extreme Ice City overnight!

With more than fifty players from the strongest ace out of the city, this move inadvertently attracted the attention of passers-by players who were watching the equipment at a stall.

Peak Palace, and the strongest trump card, can also be regarded as mortal enemies, because the uncle and Han Yarou. These two half-and-half teams have never done anything less.

When seeing a large number of players with the strongest trump card out of the city collectively, and they seem to be in a hurry.

An assassin teammate next to him, facing the second-ranking soldier, Pinnacle Emperor, who had not completed the third rank at level 50, whispered: "Emperor, the ace guys are in a hurry, why are you going out?"

"How do I know?"

Young Master Pinnacle touched his chin, and thought: "But looking at their posture, I guess they should go out to do more important tasks."

"The ace dog thieves have trouble with our Peak Palace all day long, and they always bully Xiao Yarou! Bah, inform the brothers and sisters in the team, all the members are assembled, we are ready to go out to make trouble, destroy the ace of the task, don’t let They are better off!"


With an order, more than forty players from the Pinnacle Hall immediately gathered.

Then, under the leadership of Young Master Feng Huang, he left the city and followed the player with the strongest trump card all the way...

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