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Chapter 352: Rare Call: Biochemical Giant Scorpion

"Uncle, it seems to be the pinnacle hall and the strongest trump card!"

Here, Han Yarou, who was still working hard to fight against the BOSS, recognized the two factions of players who were fighting fiercely over there.

The situation is clear at a glance.

Uncle can see it too.

Obviously the ace people want to grab the BOSS, but the peak hall people are trying their best to stop it.

Seeing that in order to stop the trump card, the players of the Peak Palace were beheaded one by one in the enchantment they had set up. While feeling a little guilty, the uncle had nothing to do and could only continue to attack the BOSS.

Even under the bonus of a top-level 40 3-star dark suit, the strength of the uncle has already crushed any of the two teams present.

Coupled with the assistance of the 48-level priest Han Yarou in the top dark suit of the whole body, and even dispatching the entire strongest trump card, it may not necessarily be the opponent of the uncle.

But in this situation, it's not that the uncle doesn't want to support the pinnacle player who has sacrificed his life to guard him, but he can't.

The King of Slime has only 0.2% of blood left.

Don't let the people of the pinnacle hall sacrifice in vain.

Only when the uncle and Han Yarou can only continue to kill the BOSS blindly.

In the enchantment set by the pinnacle emperor.

When the battle was fierce, I saw the trump card fighting wildly, and suddenly took out a magic scroll from the bag!

"Originally, there was no need to use such a precious thing to deal with your rubbish, this scroll is used on you, it is simply a violent thing!"

Looking at the players in the surrounding Peak Palace, the trump card violently warned with murderous aura: "But now, this is what you forced me!"

Here, the "swipe" sword cut an enemy to the ground, the pinnacle Emperor Young Master, looking at the scroll in Ace Kuangzhan's hand, he was suddenly surprised.

"This guy actually has a magic scroll too!"

And according to Ace Kuangzhan, the scroll in his hand should be of high quality.

Young Master Pinnacle felt a powerful threat, and tension and fear arose spontaneously.

Because in the world of apocalypse, the power of magic scrolls is well known.

Often, a high-level magic scroll can affect the winning or losing of a team battle!

Possess the powerful ability to turn "impossible" into "possible"!


In the next moment, Young Master Pinnacle held his sword and fought wildly with the trump card, trying to kill him before he could use the magic scroll!

After all, it was a step too late.

Did not wait for the peak emperor to get close to the past.

Ace Kuangzhan had already crushed the scroll in his hand, and said with a grinning smile: "You are finished."

The voice just fell.

At the moment when the scroll shattered.

The ground trembled suddenly.

The players in the pinnacle hall felt a moment of inexplicable panic.

Awesomely, there was a loud "pouch", and a huge black scorpion broke out of the ground among the crowd!

A line of exclusive blue IDs representing summoned objects greeted everyone's eyes——

Lv49 Biochemical Giant Scorpion (Physics Department·Lord Monster)!

It's actually a summoning scroll!

Seeing this 49-level lord scorpion summoned by Ace Kuangzhan using the magic scroll, all the players in the surrounding Peak Palace were stunned.

In the world of apocalypse, the varieties of magic scrolls are diversified, and the rarity of summoning scrolls is higher than other scrolls of the same level.

Because it is similar to the scroll of single summoning, except for the level of the summoned beast, which depends on the level of the summoner, its survival time is very long and can assist the summoner for a long time.

Unlike most scrolls, after use, the effect is short and fast.

Generally, when hunting monsters above the elite level, there is a relatively small probability that the monster's summoning scroll will be dropped.

Especially, the one summoned at this moment is actually a lord monster!

It can be seen that this scroll must have been exploded when the ace man hunted the lord's biochemical scorpion, and the grade was at least rare.

At this stage, the market value of this scroll will not be less than two or three thousand gold coins!

Ace Kuangzhan spent such a large price to deal with the Peak Palace, which really flattered the players of the Peak Palace.

Immediately afterwards, under the control of Ace Kuangzhan, the lord biochemical giant scorpion began to attack the players in the surrounding Peak Palace!

The combat effectiveness of the 49-level lord monster can be imagined.

Between deportment and deportment, for players in the surrounding peak halls, they can easily cause three to four thousand points of damage.

This group of Rank 2 players in the Pinnacle Hall, who are all less than level 50, even if they normally beat a level 49 lord monster, it would be very difficult.

What's more, there are so many players with trump cards right now.

The biochemical giant scorpion is like a divine help to them.

As a result, in the battle that was originally the strongest trump card duel at the peak hall, with the addition of the biochemical giant scorpion, the situation immediately fell to one side.

The pinnacle hall fell into a disadvantage and was abused by the strongest ace player in conjunction with the biochemical giant scorpion.

Accompanied by the constant screams, the white lights on the field one after another, most of the dead players are the pinnacle hall players.

However, the enchantment established by the pinnacle emperor using the magic scroll has instead become a cage that traps them.

As a result, under the invasion of the ace players and the biochemical giant scorpions, they have nowhere to escape.

After the biochemical giant scorpion was summoned, within two minutes, the pinnacle hall was defeated.

Of the first more than forty people, only a few dozen were left.


Another beam of white light lit up.

The pinnacle emperor who saw a teammate beheaded next to him, staring at these ace players around him furiously, was about to continue to fight back.

A stream of "brushing" came from his side impressively.

Suddenly caught off guard, the pinnacle emperor who was overturned by the streamer on the ground, before he could get up from the ground, he was violently fought by the ace that rushed in and stepped on his chest.

The same scene, once upon a time, also appeared in this scene.

Young Master Pinnacle has been defeated twice by Ace Kuangzhan.

At this time, I saw the ace Kuangzhan leaned down, staring at the pinnacle emperor at his feet with disdain, and mocked: "That's it?"

"It's so awkward that you, a stubborn dog, dare to interfere with labor and management?"

The pinnacle emperor gritted his teeth and stared at the trump card violently, shouting unconvinced: "Isn't it just because there is a magic scroll? You don't need a scroll, can your trump card trash be my peak palace opponent?"

"Why didn't you say this when you first used the scroll? Just because your scroll is not as good as mine?"

"Haha, what kind of trash scroll is that, I'm ashamed to take it out!"

Ace Kuangzhan used the back of the sword to knock on the head of Young Master Peak, and said with a smile: "Little brother, fight with me, you are still too tender."

"So what?"

Young Master Pinnacle was unyielding, and suddenly smiled: "Anyway, you have no chance to grab the boss."

Seeing that Young Master Peak was still smiling at this time, it seemed that he realized something.

Ace Kuangzhan turned around and heard a loud roar.

The King of Slime has been overthrown.

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