The place of exile.

Following the King of Slime's huge green body collapsed to the ground like a puddle of liquid.


The two men, the uncle and Han Yarou, located in the groove of the bunker, had two consecutive golden lights on their heads.

Both of them have been upgraded to level 2 and reached level 50 at the same time!

It took two whole days and two nights, exhausting all sorts of hard work, and finally killed this 50-level 4-star BOSS.

At the same time, on the other side, the ace craze, who was still trapped in the enchantment, and the strongest ace players around, saw that the BOSS had been overthrown, and they were all stunned.

The peak emperor was relieved.

As long as the boss is taken down by the uncles and they are not taken away by the ace craze.

For Young Master Pinnacle, the sacrifice of so many people in Pinnacle Hall was not in vain.

Ace Kuangzhan was stunned.

"BOSS... no more..."

When it comes to the fat on the lips, it just disappears.

The ace fought violently from anger and shame, and vented all the anger on the peak emperor's body.

"It's all you rubbish, causing labor and capital to lose such a big boss!"

"You rubbish, die for me!"

As he said, Ace Kuangzhan held up the long sword in both hands, and the "brush" sword pierced the chest of the peak emperor, bringing a thousand seven hundred points of damage on his head.

The limited damage is not enough to kill the peak emperor who still has half of the blood.

At the same time, the rest of the people in the pinnacle hall were also beaten to the ground. Amidst the screams, they were killed by ace players or biochemical scorpions.

The pinnacle hall is already unable to resist.

Withdrawing the long sword from the pinnacle emperor's body, this time, the sharp blade of the ace mad warrior aimed at his head: "Let you taste the taste of brain cracking!"

After saying that, just when the long sword in the hands of Ace Kuangzhan was about to pierce the pinnacle Emperor's face under his feet, an exclamation suddenly came from his ear:

"Old and big heart!"

The voice just fell.

A red sword light swept across behind him, caught off guard for a while, the Ace Kuangzhan was overturned by that sword light.

Looking back, he saw a level 50 second-ranking warrior uncle in a dark armor, holding a dark epee, slowly stepping into the enchantment, and approaching here.

Seeing the uncle soldier who was gradually approaching with a strong murderous aura hidden under the naturally simple and honest expression.

Several ace players who had played against the uncle before, the first reaction was to go backwards involuntarily.

Even the ace fights wildly, can't help feeling a trace of fear.

Because the last time he played against him, the Ace Kuangzhan was killed by this uncle who suddenly increased his strength with a few swords!

And in that battle, the dozen or so players with the strongest ace weren't the uncle's opponent alone.

At the same time feeling a little scared, the ace of war madly looked through the uncle and placed it on the corpse of the King of Slime in the distance.

Seeing the empty space next to the BOSS's body and nothing left, the Ace Fighting violently couldn't help but become annoyed, and swung his sword at the two of the uncle and Han Yarou.

"Give me all the things that BOSS exploded! Otherwise, you two, don't want to leave alive today!"

As soon as the voice fell, he didn't wait for the uncle to speak.

By the side of Ace Kuangzhan, a priest hurriedly reminded Ace Kuangzhan in a low voice: "Captain, he just killed one-third of your blood with a sword..."

The trump card, who hadn't noticed this, was stunned. He looked at the health bar in his status bar and suddenly lost a third.

The priest's younger brother continued: "This guy is equipped with great equipment, a top-level enhanced dark suit, the first time I saw a warrior with such a high damage! And the priest next to him is also a top suit, a combination of war milk, I'm afraid it is. It's hard to deal with them!"

"Are you kidding me?"

The color of fear in the eyes is fleeting.

The ace looked at the uncle and said to the younger brother beside him: "We still have more than 30 people. You told me that so many people can't beat the two of them? It's nothing more than better equipped, are they gods?"

"What's more, I still have a trump card in hand."

It seems to have been called by the ace of violent wars.

Guarding by the Ace Kuangzhan, there is a three or four-meter-high black giant scorpion biochemical scorpion, which roars in response to the Ace Kuangzhan.

The people in the pinnacle hall have basically lost their combat effectiveness.

Next, the only enemies of the strongest trump card were the uncle and Han Yarou.

Relying on the large number of people on his side and the support of a lord-level biochemical giant scorpion with half a blood remaining, Ace Kuangzhan did not kill him easily, and just killed a 50-level 4-star BOSS. Uncle looked at it.

Instead, he was eyeing the uncle who had a lot of treasures on him.

"The things that the 4-star BOSS exploded are all on him, and there is a high probability that it contains a team building order that death must be dropped!"

There was a trace of greed in his eyes.

Ace Kuangzhan said: "I want to get everything on him, including the top dark suit!"

At the same time, the pinnacle Emperor, who was struggling on the ground, heard what the Ace Kuangzhan said, and hurriedly shouted to the uncle and Han Yarou who were approaching in front:

"Go, you guys go!"

It's not that I don't believe in the strength of the uncle, after all, I saw him alone repelling dozens of elite players from the strongest trump card.

It's just that right now, there is a lord monster on the side of Ace Kuangzhan to help out, plus more than 30 people with the strongest Ace, Uncle, they are definitely not opponents.

The sacrifice made by the Pinnacle Hall was to protect the uncle and Han Yarou.

At this time, Young Master Pinnacle naturally didn't want to see that all the efforts he had just made were in vain.

She shouted to the uncle and Han Yarou again: "Go away, Xiao Yarou, leave us alone! We all have a chance to resurrect. We will revenge this grudge next time!"

"Uncle, you can't die, if anything bursts out of your body, the loss is too great!"

The uncle did not agree, and continued to come closer.

Because he knew that he could successfully win the King of Slime because of the assistance of the pinnacle hall.

In this case, it is natural not to ignore the remaining people in the pinnacle hall, who are still in distress.

Seeing the uncle approaching without hesitation.

The trump card madly fights with a smile: "Good come!"

"It seems that it is impossible for you to hand over the things dropped by the BOSS by yourself. Then I will explode by myself!"

As he said, the ace violently waved his sword and gave an order: "Bloat him!"

As soon as the voice fell, dozens of ace players around, together with the lord Biochemical Giant Scorpion, attacked and killed both the uncle and Han Yarou in the front!

The Ace Kuangzhan was grinning: "Forgive you for your great ability, a 50th rank second-ranking fighter, how else can you get a lord monster?"


Facing the oncoming enemy, Han Yarou was a little uneasy.

The uncle is calm and composed.

"Don't be afraid, we can beat them."

With that, the uncle suddenly took out a magic scroll from his bag and crushed it.

The next moment, the broken scroll turned into a red light and flew into the body of the biochemical giant scorpion approaching in front.

Immediately afterwards, the biochemical giant scorpion seemed to be enchanted. After a roar, he flicked his tail and used the poisonous needle at the tail to penetrate the body of a fighter player with the strongest ace in front of him!

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