Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 354: Are you interested in joining my team?


The rank 49 second-ranking fighter [Ace Agent] running at the forefront was pierced through his chest by a sudden black "giant thorn" from his back.

Looking down at the giant thorn that penetrated from his body and was still dripping with blood, the ace agent was shocked.

Before he could react, he was dragged into the air by the biochemical giant scorpion swinging his tail, and suddenly thrown to the ground.


Boom boom boom boom!

A series of red dead lights shot out from the top of the biochemical giant scorpion's tail, focusing on the ace agent's body.

One after another two or three thousand points of damage, instantly emptied the blood bar on the head of the ace agent.

After two painful struggles on the ground, the ace agent turned into a beam of white light and disappeared in front of everyone around him.

Seeing this scene, all the players around the strongest trump card were stunned.

Especially in the back, thinking that a biochemical giant scorpion can handle the uncle and the others, there is no trump card for action.

Seeing that the biochemical giant scorpion summoned by him actually killed his own people, Ace Kuangzhan was stunned.

"Am I... cheating? This is?"

"It must be the magic scroll that the guy just used!"

An ace pilot, a younger archer younger brother, came to his senses and said: "He used the magic scroll to control the boss, your summoned beast!"

"There is this kind of operation?!"

At the same time that was unthinkable, the ace battle was annoyed: "Really, it must be the scroll that the BOSS burst out!"

As he was talking, the mad biochemical giant scorpion in front of him had already killed the second player with the strongest trump card.

The people in the pinnacle hall can't resist the damage of the biochemical giant scorpion, and the player with the strongest trump card is the same.


I saw that the uncle used a magic scroll to control the enemy's summoned beast.

Han Yarou couldn't help being a little surprised: "Uncle, where did you get that scroll?"

"The BOSS just exploded."

The ace pilot guessed it right, this scroll was exactly what the King of Slime exploded.

Of course, even the uncle did not expect that a rare quality scroll that could be used in this battle was just exploded!

It could be used for players whose level is not higher than its own to achieve the effect of controlling players and turning them into puppets.

But right now, it must be applied to the lord-level biochemical giant scorpion, and the effect is better.

Originally, the uncle was not sure, so many people could have played the strongest trump card, plus a lord-level summoned beast.

Now the other party's summoned beast has been used for his own use. Next, even without the uncle's action, the group of strongest trump cards against the biochemical giant scorpion will be choking.

However, the uncle did not intend to stand by.

Zhang Yi once said to him: There is no endurance, no need to endure.

The trump card has repeatedly threatened the personal safety of himself and Han Yarou, and for them, there is no need to tolerate them.

So, when the biochemical giant scorpion smashed all quarters among the ace crowd.

The uncle carried the dark giant sword and rushed into the crowd.

call out!

The attack coordination focuses on slashing and sweeping, a set of three combos.

Critical damage of 3245, 3578, and 7030 points directly took a 49-level second-tier soldier with full blood from the front trump card!

Then, the uncle in the crowd held up the huge sword with both hands, standing with the blade of the sword.


A sword aura was released to the surroundings, and all the players with the strongest ace in the surrounding area were lifted off.

At the same time, the biochemical giant scorpion bombarded the audience with dead rays from its tail. With the extremely high damage of the 49-level lord monster, it instantly killed the few ace players who had just been maimed by the uncle!

Under the blessing of a full set of strengthened top-level dark suits, the uncle who has obtained the dark suit bonus [30% output increase], the damage that no one can resist at all.

Moreover, the damage caused by the ace player to the uncle will soon be recovered by Han Yarou's spell.

Under the effect of a full set of 3-star priest's dark suit, Han Yarou's healing ability is amazing.

Moreover, in the state of exclusively treating the uncle, the uncle's blood volume can basically be maintained at more than 50% when many people are besieged!

Those who tried to target Han Yarou were robbed halfway by the uncle.

As the uncle cut in, the fighting situation reversed.

The pinnacle emperor and the remaining few pinnacle players also took advantage of the situation and launched a counterattack.

Uncle, under the strong combination of the pinnacle hall and the biochemical behemoth, the player with the strongest trump card is finally irresistible, only to wait for the surroundings to be established by the pinnacle emperor, and the enchantment that lasted for 5 minutes disappeared.

Originally had the strongest trump card with more than 50 players, only one trump card was left dead!

I looked around and found that all his teammates had died, and there was only one player left in the ace fighting frantically, and he was shocked.

Facing the uncle and the pinnacle emperor, and the biochemical giant scorpion standing behind them.

Ace Kuangzhan didn't care about face anymore, and just now he was tough, and in a blink of an eye he said something that made the peak emperor and the others unbelievable:

"BO...I don't want the BOSS stuff. Is it feasible to let me go?"

"Let you go?"

Young Master Pinnacle snorted coldly: "Then what do you do with the group of brothers who were killed by you in the Pinnacle Hall?"

"Then I have more people dead than you!"

"That's what you deserve!"

With that said, Young Master Pinnacle unceremoniously kicked the trump card to the ground, and then stepped on his chest, hehe with a smile:

"It's no wonder you always like to step on me. It feels so cool to step on an annoying person under your feet!"

Ace Kuangzhan froze for a moment: "You... if you like it, step on it hard, but if you don't feel like it, I will go to your house next time and let you step on it again. If you let me go, this time is feasible?"

"Forget it, step on it again, I'm afraid it will dirty my feet."

"I know you still have a chance to be resurrected."

Young Master Pinnacle stared at the trump card violently and said: "But next time, if you dare to bully Xiao Yarou, I will let you die worse than this time!"

After finishing speaking, the sword of "Puff" pierced the chest of Ace Kuangzhan, and with a damage of less than 2000 points, cleared the remaining blood bar on Ace Kuangzhan's head and killed it.

"Palace Hall, you are waiting for labor and capital, if labor and capital are immortal, you will not be human!"

After leaving only such a sentence, the ace mad warfare turned into a beam of white light and floated away.

And with the death of Ace Kuangzhan, the biochemical giant scorpion summoned by him also disappeared.

The surrounding area fell into silence, except for the various falling objects that can be seen everywhere on the ground.

He didn't take the ruthless words that Ace Kuangzhan put before his death seriously.

With the end of the battle.

The uncle looked at the pinnacle who still had footprints on his chest, and asked, "Why are you giving up your life to help us?"

The pinnacle emperor glanced at Han Yarou, pretending to be disapproving, and said: "It's not entirely to help you, our pinnacle hall has enemies with their trump cards."

Having said that, Han Yarou noticed that Young Master Pinnacle did this entirely for her own sake.

So, biting his lip, he gratefully said to Peak Emperor Shao: "Thank you, you have killed so many people."

Hearing what Han Yarou said to herself, the peak emperor suddenly became excited, feeling that all the sacrifices she had just made were worthwhile.

"Hey, it's okay, all of them have a chance to resurrect, it's nothing more than a drop, Xiao Yarou, don't worry, there will be me in the future, no one dares to bully you!"

The pinnacle emperor who just took care of his pretensions seemed to have forgotten. If there was no uncle's rescue just now, he would have died in the hands of Ace Kuangzhan.

At this moment, the uncle suddenly asked the peak emperor: "Are you interested in joining my team?"

"Your team?" The peak emperor was a little surprised, and was about to ask "Where are you from the team".

I saw that the uncle picked up a golden token in his hand: "Yes, my team."

"Team building order..."

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