Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 355: My boyfriend's name is Yinuo Qingcheng

"The BOSS broke the team building order!"

Looking at the team building order in the hands of the uncle, the peak emperor was overjoyed.

"We are in Extreme Ice City now, but there is no official team! What you have in your hand should be the first team building order in Extreme Ice City!"

The peak emperor seemed to be more excited than the uncle himself, as if he was the one who got the team building order at this moment.

The uncle thought of what Zhang Yi said to him before.

Even the opportunity to know the opportunity to kill the King of Slime on the card map is a question. How did Zhang Yi predict that the King of Slime will definitely burst the order to build a team?

The doubts that existed in the uncle's mind were covered by Zhang Yi's previous admonition.

I remember that Zhang Yi told himself that when the team was formed, he was the first to bring in the people from the Peak Hall.

Previously, it was only because of believing in Zhang Yi, but now it seems that the people in the pinnacle have proved to the uncle by their actions that they are indeed worthy of trust.

Therefore, the uncle once again initiated an invitation to the peak emperor: "After I set up the team, I want to be the first to invite everyone in the peak hall to join my team. Do you have this interest?"

"Yes! Of course there are!"

This is simply a pie falling from the sky. In this stage where players in the city are looking forward to having a team, facing the invitation of the uncle, there is no reason for the peak emperor to refuse.

Quickly agreed: "Let's join!"


The uncle nodded, pointed at the spoils scattered around, and said to the pinnacle emperor: "These spoils belong to you all, besides,"

With that, the uncle opened the backpack, took out a piece of equipment and some gold coins from the bag, and handed it to the peak emperor: "This is as a reward for your assistance just now. The BOSS exploded is limited, I can only I brought out these things for you."

Young Master Pinnacle was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "Why the uncle is so polite? He will be a family soon, so what's the reward for talking about it! It's too far-sighted!"

Having said that, Young Master Pinnacle has already reached out and took over the equipment from the uncle's hands: "It's too far away!"

When he saw that the uncle was given a 4-star warrior armor, the peak emperor was shocked.


"Really give it to me??"

"It exploded two pieces of warrior equipment, both of which were 4 stars, and both were parts of the qi and blood."

The uncle said, "The other is a helmet, so we have one for each of us."

"God!" Young Master Peak Huang was so excited that she almost cried: "Uncle, you are too kind!"

No wonder Young Master Peak is so excited.

Because at this stage, in terms of Extreme Ice City, 4-star equipment is very rare and extremely high-quality equipment.

Open the equipment list of Polar Ice City and you can see that among the top 100 equipment, only the top 85 are 4-star equipment, and there are 15 3-star equipment behind.

In other words, in the huge Ice City, the 4-star equipment possessed by millions of players totals only 85 pieces!

Therefore, after hearing the peak emperor say that the armor in his hand is a 4-star equipment, and there are several peak palace players around, they cast envious glances.

At the same time, it also made them feel: As expected, their captain did not misunderstand the person.

This [Uncle] is not only powerful, but also empathetic!

This armor can be used by the uncle himself, and he is naturally very reluctant to give it out.

But the other party stayed with his life to get this reward, it should be.

Moreover, Zhang Yi said: The Pinnacle Hall can be used as a key training object for the team in the future.

In addition to the two pieces of warrior equipment, the King of Slime also exploded a pair of 4-star wizard boots, which Han Yarou could use, so I gave it to her.

There is also a purple skill book, and a rare-level magic scroll that has been used.

The 50-level 4-star BOSS, the first explosion of the King of Slime, is indeed invaluable!

Everything else is secondary, and the most important is the team building order.

With the addition of the income gained from killing the King of Slime, the prestige that the uncle now possesses has reached the level needed to create a team.

Next, just go back to the city and find the team ambassador to create a team!

However, in the battle just now, because too many players with the strongest ace were killed, many white names were included.

So now the uncle is already a red name.

You need to wipe off the sin value in the wild before you can return to the city.

So, I found a 50-level wild map nearby, and with the help of the peak emperor and the others, it took two hours to clear the red name.

At ten o'clock in the middle of the night, Uncle Han Yarou, together with the peak emperor and the others, returned to Extreme Ice City.

Han Yarou couldn't wait to open her friends list, and told Zhang Yi that she had successfully won the BOSS and broke the team building order.

I took this opportunity to chat with Zhang Yi who hadn't talked for a long time.

Seeing Han Yarou typing in the dialog box, she giggled for a while.

While impressed by the gentleness hidden in the smile of Han Yarou, the peak emperor was a little jealous: "Xiao Yarou, who is so happy to chat with? When you talk to me, you never laughed! You are always straightforward. Face~"

Just then, Han Yarou, who had already finished chatting with Zhang Yi, closed the dialog box.

Proudly said to the peak emperor: "My boyfriend!"

"I do not believe!"

Young Master Pinnacle disagrees: "How could you have a boyfriend? I have known you for so many days, and I will basically look for you every day these days."

"But according to my observation, apart from the uncle who is with you every day, no other man has ever looked for you!"

Han Yarou looked at Young Master Peak Emperor, and then said: "I told you before, my boyfriend is not in Extreme Ice City."

"Cut, I don't believe it, you must have deliberately lied to me, wanting me to get out of trouble, right? I won't be fooled by you!"

The peak emperor was upright and confident, looking like he was eating Han Yarou, and then said: "Unless you tell me, what is your boyfriend's name!"

I really don't want to continue to be so stalked and beaten by Young Master Peak Emperor.

Han Yarou frowned slightly and said, "I didn't lie to you! His game name is Yinuo Qingcheng!"

Yinuo Qingcheng?

Hearing this ID, Young Master Feng was stunned for a moment: "This name, how does it feel like I've heard it somewhere..."

The voice just fell.

The soldier brother of the pinnacle hall next to him seemed to think of something, and said with astonishment: "Young Master Huang, the Yinuo Qingcheng she said, seems to have triggered a full server announcement two days ago and received a legendary dragon clan hidden mission. ..."

"Damn! Really!"

After being reminded by the soldier's brother, Master Pinnacle remembered: "I'll just say this name, why is it so familiar!"

But after knowing this, Young Master Pinnacle didn't worry any more, instead he smiled: "I really thought you had a boyfriend. You did it for a long time, it really was fooling me!"

Han Yarou frowned and said, "I didn't lie to you. Yinuo Qingcheng is my boyfriend. He now has a mission in Moonlight City, a foreign race, and he will come here to find me soon!"

Young Master Pinnacle disagrees: "That guy received a legendary dragon hidden mission, which triggered a full server announcement! If you really have a boyfriend like this, how could he let you get a trump card on the ice city side? Those bullies of rubbish, don't care? If it were me, I would have killed the ice city from that moonlight city long ago, and would have destroyed the trump card!"

"I said, he has very important things on the alien side, there is no way to come over!"

Han Yarou was very helpless, and didn't want to explain to Young Master Pinfeng.

The pinnacle emperor said, "I don't believe it! You are lying to me, huh! Little liar!"

Just when Han Yarou had a dispute with the peak emperor.

The uncle who walked silently between the two suddenly stopped and frowned.

"What's the matter, uncle?"


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