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Chapter 356: It's a pity you met me

The uncle with a calm mind is obviously more conscious than the two "little boys" Han Yarou and Pinnacle Huangshao.

So when Han Yarou and the others were unaware, the uncle had already discovered that the danger was approaching.

The danger is hidden in the jungle on both sides of the road!

However, even if the uncle reacted, it was too late.

Almost at the moment when the uncle's voice fell.


A sharp arrow flew from the darkness in the front right, and was blocked by the uncle's quick-sweeping sword.

next moment


Accompanied by a flurry of restlessness, a group of players flew out of the jungle on both sides, surrounded by the uncle and the pinnacle emperor!

Upon seeing this, Young Master Feng was shocked: "Why are there so many people!"

This group of players is like ambushing here in advance, knowing that the uncle will pass by here!

What is even more shocking is that the IDs on their heads all start with the word "Wushuang"!

This is surprisingly recognized by countless players in Extreme Ice City. The power is extremely strong. The top three teams in the main city: Unparalleled in the world!

At the same time, it is also an enemy Zhang Yi has repeatedly told Uncle not to provoke him!

Extreme Bingcheng is full of influence.

With three thousand players in the world, Unparalleled, deservedly became one of the top forces in the city.

The uncle also remembers Zhang Yi's advice, since coming to Jibing City with Han Yarou, he has never provoke the world unparalleled.

In addition to being maliciously targeted once by them before.

But that was also a long time ago, so they shouldn't be grudges, they still came here deliberately to ambush the uncle and them!

See this group of unparalleled players suddenly and aggressively.

Several players in the pinnacle hall are ready to meet the enemy.

The pinnacle emperor was a leader who stared at the opponent with a torch-like gaze, a 51-level three-rank assassin man: Wushuang Ranwu.

Questioned: "What do you mean?"

"How did you ask this kind of idiot question?"

As the captain of Tian Xia Wushuang, Wushuang Ranwu glanced contemptuously at Pinnacle Emperor Young Master.

Then, he focused his attention on the uncle, and said with interest: "It's you, solo kill a level 50 4-star BOSS, the king of slimes. Did you kill the strongest ace team?"

Hearing Wushuang Ranwu say this, everyone who was still puzzled just now reacted immediately.

It seems that the person with the strongest trump card, revealed the news to Tian Xia Wushuang.

Therefore, they have made an ambush on the only way from the exile to the extreme ice city!

When thinking like this, he saw a familiar figure walking out from behind the unparalleled crowd.

This person is exactly the trump card who was killed from level 49 back to level 48!

Thinking of not being able to grab the BOSS, the whole team was destroyed. The trump card fought violently, pointed at the uncle in anger, and said to Wushuang Luanwu beside him: "The boss of Luanwu, that guy, swallowed everything from the BOSS! There is a high probability that the team building order has been exploded, and it is on him!"


Hearing the name Wushuang Flurry Ace Kuangzhan called Wushuang Flurry, the peak emperor said in a strange way: "You are allied? Unexpectedly, the top three teams in the ice city, the world's unparalleled, will actually be worthy of your ace's water ratio!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ace Kuangzhan smiled triumphantly: "But we are allied, eh are you angry?"

At this moment, Uncle Wushuang Ranwu Finger said in a cold voice: "Give you ten seconds to hand over the things that exploded the BOSS and all the equipment on your body."

The uncle was silent.

Zhang Yi repeatedly confessed: No matter when, you must not provoke the unparalleled.

And the uncle also knew that even if the opponent did not dispatch the entire army, there were only thirty or forty people.

With their current strength, it is impossible to be their opponent, even with a top dark suit.

Because the opponents present, except for the 51-level Wushuang Flurry, all the others have reached the 50th Rank 3 strength.

Wushuang Luanwu is the tenth top operation master in the extreme ice city battle power list!

In order to take into account the overall situation, especially considering that the death of the body is bound to drop the team building order.

The uncle said to Wushuang Ranwu: "Boss explosive equipment for you."

"I want everything on you, don't try to bargain with me." Wushuang Ranwu looked at the uncle indifferently and said.

Hearing what the other party said, the uncle hesitated and said, "Then there is no discussion."

After that, he raised the sword and pointed straight at the unparalleled player ahead.

How can it be possible that the BOSS exploded things and all the equipment on the body?

But head-to-head with them is not a good idea.

So, before the battle started, the uncle whispered to Han Yarou and Pinnacle Huang Shao next to him, "Wait a moment to find a chance to break through, don't fight with them!"

As soon as the voice fell, the peak emperor held a sword guarding Han Yarou, vowing to say: "Don't be afraid, Xiao Yarou, I will protect you!"

"Do you want to protect others with the waste that you can't protect yourself?"

Seeing that the uncle's attitude was tough, Wushuang Flurry was impatient, and couldn't stand it anymore.

"Wacha" took out a silver light dagger, and shouted coldly to the uncle: "Since you refuse to pay, then I have to do it myself!"


Following Wushuang Flurry, gave an order.

In all directions, dozens of unparalleled high-level players immediately copied the guys and besieged them towards the uncle!

And in the encirclement.

Except for the pinnacle emperor, the rest of the pinnacle hall were a little afraid.

Because they are now hostile, but the top three teams in the top three of the ice city!

Once you play against them today, I am afraid that in the future, it will be difficult to gain a foothold in Extreme Ice City.

At this moment, the unparalleled player in the world has launched an attack.

Whoosh whoosh!

More than a dozen archers and magicians gathered and fired in a round, instantly killing a soldier in the peak hall.

Accompanied by a scream, the warrior player of the Peak Palace turned into a beam of white light and flew away.

And his death also aroused the hatred of other Peak Palace players who were still hesitating.

"Brothers, we still have a chance to be resurrected, so don't worry!"

"What about the top three teams in Extreme Ice City? Who dares to bully us, we will pay back ten times!"

"Brothers, kill me!"

Under the command of the pinnacle emperor, the players of the pinnacle hall began to counterattack.

At this moment, the uncle who was standing there was staring at the nearby unparalleled players around him like a torch.

Under his natural and honest expression, a murderous aura that couldn't be hidden was ready to come out.

Raise the giant sword high in both hands, after a short charge.


With the sword blade resident, a strong sword aura was released to the surroundings.

In an instant, all the unparalleled players around the world retreated.

The next moment, a sword swept across the thousand army and released a sword light again, causing the group of people who were repulsed by the sword aura to lose a bit of blood on their heads!

See this scene.

The Wushuang flurry that hadn't started before, a touch of shock could not help appearing in his eyes.

"Sure enough!"

"Unfortunately, you met me."

After finishing speaking, holding a dagger, the 51st Rank 3 Assassin Wushuang Flurry immediately turned on the invisibility technique and disappeared in place.

Then, in the invisible state, he quietly approached the uncle.

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