in all directions.

The sudden large group of players caused Yiqi Juechen, who was suddenly surrounded by them, to react quickly:

I've got it!

Because you can see all around, the IDs above the players' heads are all familiar to Yiqi Juechen.

Eternal Night League player, Eternal Night King...

Tiger Palace player, Tiger Sniffs Rose...

Reincarnation player, millennium...

Gathering in the surrounding area, four or five second- and third-rate teams from Moonlight City, with a total of at least three or four hundred players, were all the people who had sinned when Yiqi Juechen did the commission task before!

At this moment, everyone was in a violent manner, and they wanted to tear up the appearance of Yiqi Juechen.

Obviously, they had united a long time ago, waiting here, waiting in an ambush.

See the players that I have provoked.

Yiqi Juechen turned around, seeing the wind clearing them, each with a smug smirk.

Sure enough, they deliberately lured themselves to come here!

But at this moment.

The original girl, the archer sister, looked at Feng Qingyang beside her blankly, and asked unthinkingly: "Qingyang, what's the matter?"

"Aren't we looking for Juechen to help us fight the boss? Why are there so many people here?"

The voice just fell.

Feng Qingyang smiled faintly: "Do you really don't understand?"

"I asked you to test Yiqi Juechen and asked him to join us. How did he react?"

Hearing, the original girl said: "He...refused."

"That was the last chance I gave him."

Feng Qingyang said: "Originally, as long as he was willing to serve me, he could avoid death tonight, but now, he is dead!"

When Feng Qingyang heard what Feng Qingyang said, the original girl understood and said with a look of surprise: "So, you deliberately let me lure him here, and then call so many people here in advance to prepare for ambush. Ambush Juechen?"

Looking at it this way, the original girl didn't even know Feng Qingyang's plan before this!

And at this time.

On the other hand, Yiqi Juechen, facing the scene surrounded by so many people, did not panic.

After all, this kind of scene, as a top mercenary, is not uncommon for him.

Instead, he turned to look towards Feng Qingyang, and said in a cold voice, "I will avenge my grace?"

"En? Are you kind to me?"

Feng Qingyang sneered: "Acknowledge to me that you helped me kill the Scarlet Mercenary, but you are just collecting money for work. Isn't that kind of good to me? Not to mention to collect the 5000 gold coins for you. Commission, I almost squeeze out my brothers under my hands."

"I thought that because of the face of the 5000 commission task in the first two days, you would help us for such a small favor today, but I didn't expect to help us kill a small 2-star BOSS. You actually have to charge 2000 gold. cost!"

In the sound of words, a touch of resentment appeared in Feng Qingyang's eyes: "There is not enough greed to swallow the elephant. People like you who recognize money but don't recognize people deserve to be killed!"

Hearing, the original girl said unbelievably: "Qingyang! Why do you want to do this!"

"Let's see for yourself!" Feng Qingyang pointed to the surrounding Yongye League, the players in the Tiger Palace, and said to the original girl: "How many people this guy has provoked in Moonlight City!"

"Each of them gave 2,000 gold coins. Let me find a way to bring Yiqi Juechen to the map of the blood domain. What can't I do with this empty glove white wolf trade?"

Feng Qingyang couldn't help feeling agitated when he thought of the 10,000 gold coins in the bag.

While talking.

Countless players from the surrounding teams have already begun to make noise.

"Kill Yiqi Juechen!"

"Kill him! Revenge for our brother who died in his hands in the Tiger Temple!"

"Let Yiqi Juechen disappear forever in the world of the apocalypse, this map will be resurrected in the blood pool from the death of this map, brothers, kill him all the times!"

In the voice.

Feng Qingyang yelled at those players: "Brothers, I brought you people. Next, it's up to you!"

"do not want!"

The original girl hurriedly pulled Feng Qingyang: "Qingyang, no, can you let Juechen go!"

"Fuck! You don't like this brat, are you?"

Seeing the original girl plead for Yiqi Juechen.

As a former high school classmate of Yuanwei Girl, Feng Qingyang, who has always had a good impression of Yuanwei Girl, couldn't help being jealous: "I chased you for so long and you never looked at me directly. This guy has only known each other for a few days, and you like it. He?"

The original taste girl stopped in front of Feng Qingyang and said: "For the face of classmates, you can put a ride on Juechen!"


Feng Qingyang slapped the original girl to the ground with an impressive slap: "Bitch girl! Don't get in the way of me!"

Then, the warrior Feng Qingyang drew out his long sword with a "wow", and pointed directly at Yiqi Juechen in front of him: "Kill!"

In all directions, countless players are ready to move.

And Yiqi Juechen didn't panic at all.


Stationed with a spear, through the fully enclosed metal helmet covering the face, staring indifferently at the surrounding group of players.

He didn't speak, the breath of a strong person exuded from all over his body, but it made the people around him afraid to approach.

Everyone knew about Yiqi Juechen's tenfold anti-injury talent.

So this time, the players of these teams are naturally well prepared.

In fact, there are so many of them, they can use dozens of mage shooters to gather fire in a round, and directly remove the lonely Yiqi Juechen in seconds.

But to do so, the price is too great.

Undoubtedly, Yiqi Juechen could be killed in the end, but those who launched the attack would all die from tenfold retaliation.


In Yiqi Juechen's sight, he could see that countless mage shooter players around him began to perform the same operation: unloading equipment!

They all removed the equipment in the ring part, and then took out a novice whiteboard weapon bought in advance in the shop from the bag!

After reducing his attack power to the lowest level, he launched a fire-focused attack on Yiqi Juechen.

next moment.

Whoosh whoosh!

Boom boom boom!

In all directions, hundreds of archers and magician players attacked quickly.

The wide range of attacks almost covered the entire field, making Yiqi Juechen nowhere to hide.

Under the double protection of 【Bronze Wall and Iron Bone】and 【Deterrence】, it resists dozens of sharp arrows and magic **** at the same time.

Immediately, blood-red injuries jumped from the top of Yiqi Juechen's head——




With the damage greatly weakened, those archers and magicians suffered only three or four thousand counter-injuries, which was not enough to be fatal!

However, their round of gathering fire instantly knocked out half of Yiqi Juechen's blood!

As a melee professional, Yiqi Juechen didn't even have a chance to fight back.

Only then did Yiqi Juechen feel a little panicked.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the "bug" of the god-level talent, the other party actually thought of the second method, which can be aimed at [Tenfold Anti-Injury]!

As for the surrounding wizard shooter players, they have already begun to accumulate their power for the second round of attacks, ready to directly take the Qi Juechen!

At this moment.

Behind the crowd, a beastmaster man in a black robe, holding a silver light staff, stepped on blood, approached here.

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