Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 362: Don't say I didn't give you a chance

Suddenly, Yiqi Juechen used the red potion and self-healing skills to recover the blood volume, and was knocked out by the surrounding mage shooter players in the second round of the fire attack.

The blood bar on the top of the head fell to one-third of the position.

And those players who attacked Yiqi Juechen, after two consecutive rounds of ten times the damage, their respective health bars also had about a half.

In addition, the priests and teammates around each other began to use healing techniques to treat them.

The opponent's new tactics left Yiqi Juechen helpless, almost waiting to die.

And those players, after their HP has recovered, are already accumulating the third round of attacks!

Looking ahead, Yiqi Juechen who was only one step away from death in the encircled circle.

After that, Feng Qingyang couldn't help but let out a faint smile: "Goodbye, the second **** of Moonlight City."

The voice just fell.

In sight, when the surrounding mage shooter players were about to launch a lethal attack on Yiqi Juechen.

Floating in the air.


A silver light suddenly spilled from the sky above Yiqi Juechen's head.

At the moment of landing, a strong silver light wave bloomed around.

Suddenly, all the mage shooter players who are accumulating in all directions will fly away!

On top of their heads, they brought a huge amount of damage of up to 7000-9000 points!

Everyone's health bar dropped a lot, some of them suffered more than 10,000 crit damage, and the health bar was beaten by only 1 point!

Obviously, the attacker turned on the blood lock mode, otherwise, the players who were injured by the crit would have been directly killed by a spike.

Suddenly, the audience was stunned.

The players of the Tiger Palace, the Eternal Night League, and the Samsara teams were all shocked.

"Damn! What the hell!"

"An enemy is coming!"

Accompanied by a shout, everyone's eyes swept back.

When I saw Zhang Yi who was in full PK mode, his whole body was full of red light, holding a staff, and slowly approaching here.

Everyone was stunned again.

"Yinuo Qingcheng!"

At the same time, I just turned around and saw Zhang Yi's breeze rising, and he was shocked: "Yinuo Qingcheng... how come!"

As soon as the voice fell, another magician player beside Feng Qingyang said quickly: "It must be here to save Yiqi Juechen! He just started it!"

In all directions, the five big families who were targeting Yiqi Juechen also stopped their actions with Zhang Yi's arrival.

The wand of the storm, overflowing with light.

Zhang Yi, who was within the effective range and could attack those players at any time, suddenly stopped.

"Give you ten seconds to get out of here."

Stop talking.

Around, the players of the five major families look at me and I look at you, looking at each other.

Among them, the captain of the Yongye League, the 51st Rank 3 Assassin [Yongye Sovereign], stared at Zhang Yi, unimaginably facing the Captain of the Tiger Palace next to him, the 51st Rank 3 fighter [Tiger Sniffing Rose] and said: "This guy, is Are you threatening us?"

"What to do?" Tiger Sniffing Qiangwei said with some worry: "The purpose is clear. He is here for Yiqi Juechen, but this time, it is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill Yiqi Juechen!"

"I missed this great opportunity, how can we retaliate against Yiqi Juechen next time? Maybe he will take the initiative to retaliate against us next time!"


The captain of the Samsara team, the magician [Millennium] walked from the side, and his gaze revealed a killing intent: "Since he wants to protect Yiqi Juechen, and Yiqi Juechen must die."

"Then we even kill him and Yiqi Juechen!"

"Damn! You are crazy!"

Tiger Sniff Rose said in astonishment: "Yinuo Qingcheng, but relying on his own power to kill thousands of people in the King's Landing Temple and the Xiange team! Are you sure we can kill him?"

"He was taking advantage of the map at the time, okay, and at that time their three major teams were all second-round garbage."

Thousand years of vows: "The people in our families are all Rank 3 elites, and Yinuo Qingcheng is alone. Let's kill him, no problem!"

"Every piece of equipment on this guy is invaluable!" Looking at Zhang Yi in the distance, he said with a smile for a thousand years: "Moonlight City has the first 5-star ring and the second 5-star clothes on the equipment list of Moonlight City. It's all on him! Don't you, don't you be moved?"

"He opened all PKs. As long as he dies, his equipment will be completely lost, and the blood map has special restrictions. When he is dead and resurrected here, we will kill him again until he is completely wiped out, so don’t worry, he I will retaliate against us in the future!"

Hear what has been said for thousands of years.

King Yongye and Tiger sniffed the roses, and they really moved.

"Okay, let's do a big vote tonight!"

"Brothers, copy guys, ready to burst a promise!"

With a command, in all directions, the three or four hundred of the five major families, all three rank players above level 50, copied the guys and pointed the finger at Zhang Yi.

"Want to protect Yiqi Juechen? Dreaming!"

"You two have to die today!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yi's eyes were cold.

"Don't say I didn't give you a chance."

After that, slowly lift the storm wand, and at the same time turn off the [lock blood] mode that was just turned on for all players in the audience.

Facing the moonlight city, the first person in the sky list, Yinuo Qingcheng.

Except for a few captains who reached a consensus, the rest of the five families are obviously a little afraid.

Upon seeing this, King Yong Ye shouted: "Brothers, don't panic, he is only one person, kill me! Burst out the two 5-star equipment on him!"

The voice just fell.

In a burst of shouts, part of the force continued to target Yiqi Juechen.

The rest of the five major families rushed towards Zhang Yi!

I saw Zhang Yi standing still, not in a hurry.

"I have never been alone."


There was a stir behind him.

The Dragon Clan Immortal and the Dragon Traveling the World, they led an elite group of one hundred people from the [Dragon Clan], and they killed in from outside the blood map!

The sudden arrival of a large number of enemies made the players who were approaching from the five major families stopped one after another.

"Damn! They are here too!"

Emperor Yong Ye was already determined by Zhang Yi's plan, gritted his teeth and said: "They are just such a small number of people, what are they afraid of, kill me!"

After that, the five major family players continued to rush over.

The Dragon Race's Hundred-member Group passed by Zhang Yi and directly charged towards the group of players.

Boom boom boom boom!


With the ultra-fast attack speed brought by Zhang Yi with more than 1400 points of agility, he started with [Dead Storm] and [Earth Fire] to cover a large area in front with the big move [Ice and Snow]. The high damage directly kills the opponent first. Dozens of warrior assassins opened.

Then, a white light shattered in front, and the dragon blood knight was summoned.

The battle has officially started.

Extremely icy and arrow rain, icy and snowy...

The big moves of the major professions enveloped the audience, and the scene was chaotic just after the battle began.

[Fireball] In conjunction with [Aurora], only two skills, with 9251 points and 16820 points of critical damage respectively, directly kills Zhang Yi, who is within the range of the 51st Tier 3 warrior Tiger Sniffing Rose, has not yet started to play One step.


A loud roar tore through the sky, and a hot dragon flame swept across the air...

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