
One after another white light came and went.

The players of the five major families thought that in this battle, they could rely on their number advantage to crush the dragon clan with only one hundred people.

However, they underestimated the strength of the dragon clan.

In the first battle of the defensive camp, the resources exploded by thousands of people from the three major teams killed by Zhang Yi were used for overall strengthening.

The average combat effectiveness of the dragons is already very strong.

In addition, Zhang Yi is in charge.

Although the five major families have four times the number of people, they are completely inferior to the dragons.

In less than ten minutes before and after, except for a small part that escaped toward the depths of the map, most of the players in the five major families were all killed!

According to the special restrictions on the [Blood Domain] map, the player will be resurrected in the blood pool after death.

As a result, in a blood pool located in the center of the blood domain map, white light fell one after another, and the five families of players killed were refreshed in the blood pool one after another.

I am honored to be killed by Zhang Yi with the two skills of fireball and aurora. The Tiger Sniffing Rose, who died earlier, stood outside the blood pool and watched the five families constantly refreshing in the blood pool, but almost none A dragon player.

Suddenly he was dumbfounded.

Open his mouth wide, before he can speak.


Two white lights fell, and the two kings of Thousand Years and Eternal Night were also sent over.

The leaders of several big families gathered together and looked at each other.

"Why! The guy from Yinuo Qingcheng is a ghost! The damage is so abnormal! And their Dragon Clan, there are only so few people, why are they all like stimulants, so fierce!"

With the voice of the millennium just falling.

Tiger sniffed the rose a little bit aggrieved: "I said it's best not to mess with them, you just didn't listen, now it's all right, the whole army is wiped out."

Emperor Yongye gritted his teeth: "What should we do, we still have brothers fighting over there, shall we kill them again?"

"Kill a chicken!"

Qian Qian said: "What else can I do if I go back and die?"

"Let’s run from the other side of the map before they have come to the blood pool! If they block the blood pool to kill, we will be finished!"

"There are still brothers who are not dead, send a message to them and tell them that they will run away if they die, don't go back!"

"Brothers, run!"

Accompanied by a shout, the players from the five major families who had been resurrected from the blood pond one after another fled towards the back of the blood domain map.

On the other side, the battle has reached its end.

The last remaining blood assassin player in the Tiger Palace was stabbed to death by the dragon's immortal sword.

In the surrounding area, no players from the five major families were left, and the audience returned to silence.


Draw a long sword from the assassin player in the Tiger Palace.

The white light comes on.

The Dragon Clan looked around indefinitely, and couldn't help but sigh: "Good food, this group of people, they can't beat us even if they have the advantage of numbers. With this strength, they want to burst our boss!"

"Are you all dead?"

In the voice, the ID above his head has turned into a red dragon walking around the world, looking around.

As if he had found something, his eyes stayed on a dilapidated building not far away.

"Oh, there is a fish that slipped through the net here."

With that, Longxing Tianxia approached the building.

At the same time, I saw a beautiful figure rushing out of the building.

After knowing that she had been found, the original girl who had been hiding in the building had no choice but to escape.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he ran out of the house, he was trapped by an archer of the dragon clan with the release of an enchantment with [Soul Lock Arrow]!

The original girl was full of horror: "I, I didn't hurt you, I just didn't participate in this battle..."

"You don't have one, but your teammate wants to kill our dragon boss."

"Go to your teammates to complain."

With that said, Long Xing Tianxia raised the sword and continued to approach the original girl.

at this time.

Yiqi Juechen on the side suddenly said: "She is innocent!"

"Let her go,"

Knowing that Zhang Yi is the person who has the most say in the Dragon Clan, therefore, Yiqi Juechen's gaze stopped on Zhang Yi: "It's a face to me."

Hearing, Zhang Yi, who had just put away the storm wand and released the fighting posture, smiled faintly: "You wanted to kill me yesterday, now let me give you face? Do you think I would do this?"

Yiqi Juechen was speechless.

"Then why are you saving me..."

"Because I haven't abused you enough yet." Zhang Yi said, "You just died like this. Who will abuse you in the future?"

Yiqi Juechen was stunned for a moment, and fell silent again.

However, then, Zhang Yi confessed to Long Xingtian's sentence: "She is indeed innocent, let her go."

In the impression, Zhang Yi remembered that when scavengers in the last life talked about the murder of Yiqi Juechen, they vaguely mentioned that there seemed to be an infatuated woman who died with him in order to protect him.

In this way, that woman should be the archer girl, the original girl.

Zhang Yi has spoken, how dare you refuse to follow Longxing Tianxia, ​​immediately retracted the sword and withdrew.

As the effect of the soul-locking arrow disappeared, the original girl, full of fear, glanced at Yiqi Juechen one last time, and then hurried away.

Only then did Zhang Yi finally tell Yiqi Juechen his purpose.

Walking straight to Yiqi Juechen, Zhang Yi said, "Are you interested in joining our Dragon Race?"

"To be honest, I originally thought you would be different, but slowly, I have begun to treat you differently."

After Zhang Yi confided his purpose, a look of disappointment appeared in the eyes of Yiqi Juechen.

"It turns out that you are the same as them, and the ultimate goal is to let me join you."

Zhang Yi thinks that the pavement he has made is enough, and he is bound to win the victory tonight.

He said to Yiqi Juechen: "You can't beat me in a fight. In Moonlight City, I should be the only one who can beat you one-on-one."

Yiqi Juechen was silent, because it was exactly what Zhang Yi said.

Before that, Yiqi Juechen thought he was invincible in Moonlight City until he met Zhang Yi.

He actually knows the drawbacks of his god-level talent and ten times anti-injury!

It is precisely because of this that after losing to Zhang Yi in the last match, Yiqi Juechen hit Zhang Yi from the bottom of his heart, and he developed an unusual view.

After a pause, Zhang Yi continued: "Now I have saved your life again. Isn't it enough for you to join my dragon clan in return for this life-saving grace?"

Never thought, Yiqi Juechen did not hesitate: "I will not join any team."

"Today I owe you a life, and I will return it to you in other ways, but by no means use my freedom."

"I didn't say I want your freedom."

Zhang Yi said: "Join the Dragon Clan, what do you want to do, I will not interfere, but when the team has a collective action, you can come out."

"Feel sorry."

Yiqi Juechen's attitude was firm, and he paused: "The girl just counted on me, 10,000 gold coins per person, shouldn't it be enough."

The voice just fell.

Zhang Yi received a prompt here: "Ding~The player [Yiqi Juechen] gave you gold coins x10000!"

Good guys!

This handwriting!

It's really worthy of her last life, the original girl gave her life to protect Yiqi Juechen.

After the transaction, Yiqi Juechen was ready to leave.

Suddenly I heard Zhang Yi say: "Since you don't want to, then I won't force it."

"With a penalty of 100,000, you can start preparing now, although I am not in a hurry."

Hearing, Yiqi Juechen was taken aback.

"The one who hired me to kill you, is you yourself?"

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