Spend your own money to buy people to kill yourself.

Is this a human thing?

Yiqi Juechen felt incredible to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi continued with a smile: "Of course, if you are willing to join the Dragon Clan, you won't have to pay the penalty."

"Don't forget, the duration of this task is three days."

Yiqi Juechen said solemnly: "I will complete this task in the next two days."

"Really?" Zhang Yi smiled disapprovingly: "Then I will wait and see."

After saying this, Yiqi Juechen went straight away.

Just wait for Yiqi Juechen to walk away.

The Dragon Clan immortal and the Dragon Xing Tianxia them, surrounded them.

"Boss, this guy is so ignorant of what is good or bad, you saved his life, he has this attitude?"


Taking the words of the immortal dragon clan, Long Xing Tianxia said angrily: "With my violent temper, I guess I will kill him!"

Indeed, even Zhang Yi didn't expect it.

This time Ichiki Juechen took a lot of effort, and even used such a lossy trick as the liquidated damages, but I didn't expect that in the end, he still got nothing.

This Yiqi Juechen is really unstoppable.

At this moment, the scavenger on the side suddenly said: "Actually, this can't be blamed on others."

"Probably it has a lot to do with something he has experienced before."

Everyone looked at the scavengers in unison.

It seems that through his scavenger group, or somehow, the scavenger has already deeply understood Yiqi Juechen.

Then he explained to everyone.

"As far as I know, he is a professional player in real life, ranked second in the family, and has a sister and a younger brother."

"Taking advantage of the summer vacation, all five members of the family entered the game, and then this situation occurred and they were trapped in the world of the apocalypse."

"While in the safe zone, Yiqi Juechen formed a team with several teammates in his previous studio who had known each other for several years, but then he was betrayed."

The dragons never destroy them, listening quietly to the description of the scavengers.

After a pause, the scavenger continued: "Several comrades in his studio who usually have a good relationship with brothers, killed Yiqi Juechen’s family for a little benefit, and even in the presence of Yiqi Juechen... His sister."


Lin Qian was surprised: "He still has this gloomy experience?"

At the same time, the immortal dragon is thinking of a question: "Doesn't the world of Apocalypse have a thunder system aimed at protecting female players? How did his sister get..."

"With her brother's life as a threat, what can you do with his sister?"

The scavenger said: "However, in the end, after the group got everything they wanted, they still killed a family of five in Yiqi Juechen."

"Except for Yiqi Juechen, none of his parents, sisters and brothers have the chance to be resurrected and die permanently."

Hearing this, everyone was silent.

For a while, Long Xing Tianxia asked in doubt: "He has ten times the injury. How could that group of people be his opponents? Could it be that they are taking hostages?"

"No." The scavenger said: "Yiqi Juechen's ten-fold anti-injury is acquired. When he first entered the game, the talent he obtained was only twice the rare quality of anti-injury."

Hearing this, Long Xing Tianxia said in astonishment: "Can the talent be upgraded?"

For this, Zhang Yi has the most say: "I can upgrade, but the probability is the same as the probability of getting a god-level talent at the beginning of the game."

Through some very mysterious opportunities, or completing high-level hidden tasks with high difficulty, there is a probability that you can get special rewards that upgrade your talents.

However, the probability of receiving this special reward is so low that it is horrible, especially if you can directly upgrade a rare talent to a god-level talent, the possibility is like buying a lottery ticket and winning 1 billion.

However, what the scavenger said next was to make Zhang Yi a little excited.

"He obtained a very rare high-level treasure chest through the treasure chest synthesis function. From the chest, he opened a god-level magic scroll that can upgrade the player's talent to a god-level!"

"It's so cool!" Everyone heard a burst of excitement.

But Zhang Yi thought of something more exciting.

He now has two five-star treasure chests on his body, deliberately left unopened, just for synthesis.

The probability of successful treasure chest synthesis is very, very low, and if it fails, one of the treasure chests will be lost.

Therefore, in order to ensure success, Zhang Yi was planning to go to Extreme Ice City and use a secret opportunity he knew in his last life that could greatly increase the success rate of treasure chest synthesis to combine these two five-star treasure chests.

Yiqi Juechen can get a god-level magic scroll from the synthetic treasure chest.

This makes Zhang Yi very much looking forward to it.

Because in the last life, not only Zhang Yi, but countless players in the world of Apocalypse have never tried the treasure chest synthesis function with a heinously low success rate.

Closer to home.

Under the description of the scavengers, everyone came to understand.

"So, he doesn't believe in anyone, and he doesn't want to associate with anyone because of this dark experience."

In the voice.

Lin Qian sighed, drooping her head and said, "Brother Zhang Yi, do we continue to draw Yiqi Juechen?"

"I have used all the methods I can use. Next, let's do whatever it takes." Zhang Yi said lightly.

The matter of Yiqi Juechen finally came to an end.

Next, Zhang Yi can finally do what he wants to do!

So, I glanced at the Dragon Clan members with red or gray IDs around him, and told them: "Thanks for your hard work tonight, you share the spoils, and then you can go back to the city to rest. I have something to do. I have to go back first. ."

As the only person who dared to turn on all OK mode under any circumstances, Zhang Yi crushed the scroll of returning to the city in front of everyone.

Unexpectedly, the immortal dragon clan that attracted the red name looked envied.

Long Xing Tianxia: "When can you be like the boss, you don't need to wipe your **** after **** every time~"

The dragon clan is immortal "You metaphor... a real image of tm!"

Scavenger: "Don't think about it, all the pk stuff is not something we can drive. It's not early, let's quickly find a low-level map to clean up the crime value, and then go back to the city to sleep!"

Therefore, after evacuating the blood domain, the dragon people began to look for suitable wild areas around them, preparing to clean up the crime value.

At the same time, the other side.

Under the protection of Yiqi Juechen, the original girl who had just escaped, ran back to Extreme Ice City without looking back.

As soon as I arrived in the city, I heard a "dingdong" and received a message.

Open the message list and see the message sent by Feng Qingyang:

"Bitch! From now on, you and I will sever the friendship, so please do it yourself!"

I was preparing to reply to the message, but discovered that Feng Qingyang deleted himself after sending this message.

Immediately afterwards, the original girl was about to contact the friend Yiqi Juechen she had added for commission tasks, but she did not expect Yiqi Juechen to delete her too!

The original girl who suddenly felt very wronged and helpless, squatting under the city gate, couldn't help crying.

Until, suddenly there was a gentle voice in the ear.

"Little sister, are you interested in joining my team?"

The original girl raised her head with tears, and she saw a girl with a high ponytail above her head [Level 51 Three-turn Archer·Hall of Fame, Cher], standing quietly in front of her, watching her with a smile on her face. .

Abandoned by a friend, and rejected by Yiqi Juechen, the original girl who has no hope for the future cried and nodded: "Okay!"

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