Full moon night.

The entire Apocalypse world, thousands of main cities, are shrouded in bright moonlight.

Unknowingly, it was already ten o'clock in the middle of the night.

At this moment, there are basically no players wandering in the wild.

But in the major cities, there are crowds and excitement.


Extreme ice city.

In the streets and lanes, countless players come and go.

Players who know each other are discussing some experiences in the wild during the day, or about where to do the task leveling tomorrow.

In addition, there are some players who are discussing the team.

Among the crowd, there was a lot of discussion:

"[Tian Xia Wushuang] is about to be established, as long as their captain gathers 10,000 prestige points!"

"Yeah, I'm so envious, I really want to join their team, but unfortunately my strength, I guess they don't like it~"

"It is said that Wushuang Ranwu's team building order was snatched from someone else's hand! It was killed and exploded!"

"Really! Wushuang Ranwu actually does such a thing?!"

The voices of the players' discussions happened to be in the ears of the pinnacle Huang Shao who was mixed in the crowd.

At the thought of the uncle's team building order being robbed, and that they were all annihilated by the world's unparalleled people, the peak emperor became furious.

"Dog thief, get struck by lightning sooner or later!"

There was a verbal abuse, and at this time, with a "dingdong", the peak emperor received a message from a friend.

Open the message list and find that it is a brother in the team, the message sent by [Legend of Pinnacle]:

"Young Master Huang, they discovered that some of them who are unparalleled in the world have left the city. They seem to have gone on a mission. There are only five people, including their deputy captain, the Warrior God of War!"

Seeing this news, the peak emperor suddenly felt excited: "Good opportunity!"

"It's time for revenge. You stare at them. I immediately summoned my brothers in the team. I won't explode all of their underpants tonight. I will write the words upside down!"

With that said, the peak emperor immediately opened the team group and summoned the players in the peak hall...

Moonlit night.

One after another, players will come back from the wild in groups of three or five.

But players who are out of town at this time are rare.

At the east gate of Extreme Ice City, there was a group of five players who stepped out of the main city and rushed towards the wild.

The five players are a warrior, a knight, a priest, a mage and an archer.

Standard open black team.

All five people have reached level 50 and above, and they have completed three ranks.

Furthermore, the IDs on their heads are all prefixed with the words "Wushuang" or "Ace".

Surprisingly, it is the unparalleled player in the world, and the strongest ace player!

While following the map guidance, rushing to the wild on the way.

The leader of five people, the level is up to 52, as the deputy captain of [World Warriors], in the extreme ice city with millions of players, he is also the 255th fire armored knight man [Wushuang God of War], and Several teammates around turned on the chat mode.

"Brothers, when the captain officially creates the team, and I become our unparalleled deputy team, in the future, I will take you to fly!"

As the myth of Wushuang Warfare just fell.

I just joined the ace wars of the big family of World Warriors for a short time, so I quickly took the opportunity to flatter: "Deputy team cowhide! I will follow the deputy team in the future!"

Wushuang War God laughed: "Speaking of which, the pastor chick Yarou we killed before is still pretty. If you have a chance to get her, it will be cool!"

"Deputy team, you will be the second best in the world from now on. When that time comes, the little girl will not follow your buttocks!"

The flattering of a few younger brothers, the Wushuang God of War that is called a spring breeze.

Only when a few people are chatting.

Not long after leaving the city, I vaguely felt a wave of restlessness coming from behind.

Among the five people, the archer's ace magic arrow just turned around, and several sharp arrows were seen flying from the rear!

Swipe it!

In an unsuspecting state, five consecutive sharp arrows fell on the Ace Magic Arrow, causing two to three thousand points of damage, mixed with several critical strikes, and instantly emptied with less than 15,000 total vitality and blood. The 51-level three-revolution archer, the blood bar at the top of the ace **** arrow!

His mouth opened wide before he could say anything.

In a blink of an eye, the ace arrow fell to the ground, turning into a beam of white light and flew away.

Until then, Wushuang War God and the others didn't react.

They turned around, and saw a large group of players, aggressively rushing from the darkness behind!

"There is an enemy attack!"

The voice just fell.

That large group of players has quickly approached, surrounding the Warriors and the Warriors!

Looking around, the group of people around are the players of the Pinnacle Hall!

The leader, the 50th Rank 3 Warrior Pinnacle Emperor, drew his long sword in a "wow", pointed at the Wushuang God of War and coldly shouted: "The world is unparalleled, and the ace dog thieves, get ready to die!"

Never thought that after seeing the identity of the attacker, the Wushuang God of War did not panic.

"Oh, it's you little brother!"

Wushuang War God glanced at Pinnacle Emperor Shao up and down, and smiled: "Why, with that uncle last night, it was not cool enough to be killed by us to burst the team building order, and came to die again?"

"Are you funny?"

Young Master Pinnacle was full of confidence this time, and said to the Wushuang God of War: "You only have five people. Where do you have the courage to make noise in front of me?"

After a pause, Young Master Peak Huang deliberately added: "Oh, I was wrong, sorry, you only have four, and we have just killed one."

"You have great abilities, can you still be able to beat the more than 30 brothers in my pinnacle hall?"

Stop talking.

Wushuang God of War has not yet spoken.

The trump card on the side panicked immediately: "Deputy team, what should we do, there are so many of them, just these few people..."

"What is it?"

Wushuang God of War disapproved, looked at the trump card, and suddenly smiled evilly: "Do you think, why should I call you a few at night, and sway out of the most crowded East City Gate, and do the task with me?"

The trump card froze for a while, and subconsciously said: "Vice team, you wouldn't be... deliberately?!"

Wushuang God of War smiled faintly, then clapped his hands.


Just when the peak emperor and the others thought that they had eaten their rivals like Ding Wushuang God of War and Ace tonight, they felt refreshed.

Suddenly, there were shouts and killings.

In all directions, countless players rushed out from the darkness, and in an instant, they completed a wave of anti-encirclement of the players in the pinnacle hall!

When I looked around, I saw only the sudden group of players around, the IDs above their heads, all beginning with the word "Wushuang".

The smile on his face instantly stiffened, and the peak emperor only felt his heart sink, and only one thought emerged in his mind:

"It's over, we are calculated..."

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