In the team channel, there was a wild laugh from God Invincible.

[God invincible]: "Haha, I am the Chosen One! 30% full attribute bonus, brothers, I am invincible, you are free!"

[Super Space Fighter]: "The first level will not open until 6 o’clock in the evening. I looked at the map. [Black Blood Castle] is about half an hour away from Extreme Ice City. Let’s gather in the city around 5:30 in the evening. Come on!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone shouted in the team channel: "No problem!"

The time is now twelve o'clock at noon.

I thought I could use the afternoon to finish the task of the team, and then in the evening, Zhang Yi had other things.

Unexpectedly, the map limitation of [Black Blood Castle] forced the mission start time to be postponed to six o'clock in the evening.

Looking at it this way, the plan would have to change a bit.

The plan originally set for the evening had to be postponed to come in the afternoon.

And Zhang Yiyuan's plan was to take back from him the team building order that belonged to the uncle in response to a wave of Wushuang flurry at night.

Because I learned from the pinnacle emperor: Wushuang Luanwu is currently in the prestige storage stage because of insufficient prestige, and it will take at least two or three days before he can use the team building order on him.

So Zhang Yi was not in a hurry.

Plan ahead.

What Zhang Yi needs is Wushuang Ranwu's position.

So, when I opened my friends list and habitually clicked on [Scavenger], and prepared to send a message to help him search for the location of Wushuang Ranwu, I realized that I was no longer in Moonlight City.

It was only now that Zhang Yi realized the importance of scavengers.

In Moonlight City, Scavengers is simply a satellite positioning.

If this is in Moonlight City, it would be easy to find Wushuang Ranwu.

It's a little difficult now.

While thinking about where to find Wushuang Ranwu.

Zhang Yi came to a restaurant in the city.

This time, I just ordered a fried rice for 10 gold coins and prepared a simple meal.

Inside the restaurant.

While eating, Zhang Yi looked at the chat channel in the main city of Extreme Ice City, trying to find the information he wanted to know from the chat information.

However, after turning over it for a long time, no one in the world was bubbling inside.

It seems that something has to be done to find Wushuang Ranwu.

Turning off the chat interface, Zhang Yi ate the fried rice with peace of mind.

At this moment, a gentle, familiar voice suddenly came from my ear—

"Boss, check out!"

Hearing this voice, Zhang Yi couldn't help but feel shocked.

Turning around, I saw two girls sitting at a dining table next door.

A priest girl dressed in a cyan robe, looking twenty-three or four-year-old.

The other is an archer girl with short hair.

Zhang Yi's attention was focused on the Tsing Yi priest girl who hid the ID above her head.

Although she hides the ID.

And looking at it from Zhang Yi's angle, only the other side's face can be seen.

This profile alone made Zhang Yi feel shocked again.

Because of this face, for Zhang Yi, it is too familiar!

This girl is Yuesheng...

In addition, Zhang Yi also recognized the short-haired archer girl sitting opposite Yue Sheng.

Her ID is [Yue Ya'er], she is the deputy captain of [Yue Li], and she is also a good sister of Yue Sheng's siblings.

Because she was a few months younger than Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi in her previous life used to call her Ya'ermei.

Only when the NPC owner of the restaurant came to collect the bill, Yue Sheng and Yue Ya'er did not leave in a hurry, but sat there, seeming to be discussing something.

Zhang Yi lowered his head to eat while turning on the eavesdropping mode...

"Sister Sheng, are you going to do that team task in a while?"

This is Yue Ya'er's voice.

Under Yue Ya'er's inquiry.

Yue Sheng said, "No, there are restrictions on that mission. It won't start until six o'clock in the evening."

Hearing, Yue Ya'er smiled: "Okay, that Sister Sheng, you come to help me with a mission this afternoon, it's almost the last point. You need to kill a high-level lord monster, because the mission is limited to five people. , I need your powerful treatment from Sister Sheng, come and help me!"

"No problem." Yue Sheng smiled: "How do you plan to thank you?"

"Emm... I will treat you to a big meal in the evening before you go on a team mission."

"Okay, deal."

Yue Ya'er curled her lips: "Sister Sheng, you know you are cheating me!"

"Who made you my good sister! Don't cheat you."

Yue Sheng giggled.

Then the two got up and left the restaurant.

It happened that Zhang Yi finished the fried rice and went out.

Outside the restaurant, Yue Sheng and Yue Ya'er, two of them [Yue Li], the other two men and one woman, completed the rendezvous, and then a group of five people, it should be rushed to the Yue Ya'er mission site.

Seeing Yue Sheng and Yue Ya'er walking down the street from their backs, Zhang Yi couldn't help feeling relieved in his heart.

"It's great to see how you feel again."

In this life, Zhang Yi didn't intend to disturb them prematurely, after all, Zhang Yi knew them, and they still don't know Zhang Yi in this life.

Eyes pulled away from Yue Sheng and the others.

When he is preparing to find ways to continue searching for Wushuang Ranwu's whereabouts.

Zhang Yi just turned around and suddenly saw a group of players coming oncoming from behind the street.

And the unified ID prefix on the heads of those players made Zhang Yi stunned... Wushuang!

I was worrying about where to find the unparalleled people in the world. Unexpectedly, they would come here by themselves!

Wearing a "shroud", Zhang Yi, who really made passers-by not want to take another look, silently retreated to the side of the road to make way for the unparalleled players who swaggered toward the center of the road.

Not only Zhang Yi, but many passerby players have to give in three points when they see the unparalleled person in the world.

Because they are the top three teams in Extreme Ice City, most people don't dare to provoke them.

It is estimated that there are more than a dozen of the oncoming world unparalleled players.

The leader is the fire-armored knight man who was killed by Zhang Yi last night.

Through this morning's time, Wushuang God of War has actually risen back to level 52!

And behind the Wushuang God of War, the dozens of world Wushuang players who followed were all of the 51-52 level three strengths. Among them, they also included the 49-level Ace Fight!

The trump card madly wars that dog leg, since joining the world, he will only follow the Warriors God of War all day long.

On the side of the road, many passerby players cast fearful glances at the Wushuang God of War.

Wushuang War God and the others hurried past Zhang Yi.

Although a group of people didn't say a word, Zhang Yi could vaguely feel that they were heading at the person in front of [Yue Li]!

Sure enough, when they were about to catch up with Yue Sheng and the others, the unparalleled player deliberately slowed down and kept a sufficient distance to avoid being spotted.

See this scene.

Zhang Yi immediately followed the unparalleled people in the world.

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