Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 374: Legendary Healing Talent

Follow Yue Sheng and the others out of the city.

The dozen or so players in World Unparalleled immediately hid the ID above their heads, mixed in with passers-by, and continued to follow Yue Sheng and the others far away.

en route.

Ace Kuangzhan said to Wushuang War God with some anxiety: "Vice team, they are also a big family in Extreme Ice City, and that Yue Sheng is the No. 5 God in Extreme Ice City! We really want to provoke him. Are they..."

"Are you persuaded?"

Wushuang War God glanced at the trump card and said: "What about No. 5? We are unparalleled in the world, we need to put their Yueli in our eyes?"

"As far as I know, the purpose of their trip is to go to a lord monster!" Wushuang War God continued: "Let's follow and **** that lord monster! Everything that is valuable must belong to our world. Unparalleled!"

Ace Kuangzhan also had nothing to say: "Understand the deputy team."

With that, under the guidance of Wushuang War God, they continued to follow Yueli.

And Zhang Yi has been following the world unparalleled all the time.

It staged a good scene in which the praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole.

After more than ten minutes, he came to a 55-level cemetery.

Unconsciously, Yue Sheng and the others walked straight into the cemetery.

Unparalleled players quietly followed.

In the cemetery, 54-55 level skeletons bloomed everywhere.

In addition to priest Yue Sheng and archer Yue Ya'er, the other two men and one woman in the queue were warriors, knights and magicians.

The average level of the five has reached 52. In addition to the strong lineup, and the powerful treatment of Yuesheng, the number one breast in the ice city, the more two or three levels, there is no pressure to deal with the skeletons in the cemetery.

So soon, the five people have gone deep into the center of the cemetery.

Countless small graves surround a huge tomb.

While approaching the huge tomb, archer Yue Ya'er held a crystal bow and stared straight ahead, reminding his teammates: "That guy is right there, everyone, be careful!"

The voice just fell.

There was a loud "bang", and a huge skeleton warrior sprang out from the largest tomb——

Level 55 Skeleton General (Physics Department·Lord Monster)!

This is exactly the purpose of Yue Ya'er and their trip.

As a result, the five teamed up to fight against the lord.

The 55-level lord monster is difficult to deal with compared to a group of 52-level players.

But if Yuesheng sits down, it's another matter.

The first milk in Extreme Ice City is not a vain name.

On the field, the Warrior Knight [Miss Moon] and [Moon God] held the General Skeleton at close range.

Archer Yue Ya'er and Magician Yue Xi are responsible for long-distance output with all their strength in the back formation.

Under the combination of these four people, they can well consume General Skeleton.

General Skeleton’s damage was very high, and Lunar Midnight and Moon God could barely resist its attack.

However, only one treatment from Yue Sheng can instantly recover the two injured in the front line.

As a result, no matter how the General Skeleton displays the power of God, Lunar Midnight and Moon God, the blood volume of the two will always remain above 70%!

The reason for being able to have such a strong healing ability, besides his own data and high skill quality, the most important point comes from Yue Sheng's talent.

As far as Zhang Yi knows, Yue Sheng’s talent seems to be a legendary talent that increases healing by 100%!

This talent directly doubles Yue Sheng's healing ability!

It was precisely because of this talent that Yue Sheng chose the profession of pastor when she turned one round.

Otherwise, according to Yue Sheng's own words in the previous life, she originally planned to follow the mage route of violent export.

Except Yuesheng.

The others in the queue are also good.

Especially the second-in-command of [Yue Li] Archer Yue Ya'er, her output with Yue Xi is very powerful.

It is not in vain that Moon God and Yue Zhongmian fought desperately in front to resist the damage of General Skeleton.

Within a few minutes, General Skeleton's vitality had fallen to 20%.

Upon seeing this.

I had already come to fight General Skeleton before, but Yueya'er, who was defeated, couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Sister Sheng, your treatment is too strong! Even if I passed this task!"

Yue Sheng smiled lightly: "Hurry up, I still have a task that I haven't finished after I finish it. You can help me with the task later."

Yue Ya'er threw an arrow to attack General Skeleton, while taking the time to make an OK gesture: "Okay!"

In the voice, a few people have not noticed, a danger is quietly approaching...

While continuing to fight General Skeleton.

Just when General Skeleton's HP was only 10% left.

From behind, there was a scream.

He turned around and looked around quickly, only to see a beam of white light lit up.

Magician Yue Xi was suddenly killed by a flurry of arrows flying from behind!


He exploded the staff in his hand, and in a blink of an eye, Yue Xi disappeared before everyone's eyes.

This scene stunned Yue Sheng and the others.

At the same time, in front of the cemetery, a group of more than a dozen players suddenly came towards this side with swords and arms!

Among them, because of the malicious attack on Yuexi, the three archers with gray and red names, the IDs that were originally hidden above their heads, were forced to show up.

It made Yuesheng recognize their identity at a glance through the opponent's player ID: the world is unparalleled!

"second to none?"

In the world of apocalypse, robbing monsters in the wild is commonplace.

Knowing that the opponent is coming for this lord monster, what makes Yue Ya'er very surprised is the identity of the opponent's player.

"We seem to have never provoked them before, they dare to provoke us Yueli!"

While talking.

The fourteen players who are unparalleled in the world have already approached.

The leader, the 52-level Fire Armored Knight Warriors God of War, holding his spear, pointed at the skeleton general in front of the blood, and shouted: "This strange, it belongs to me. If you don't want to die, get out!"

Yue Ya'er was furious: "Dare to kill my sister Xi'er, you are over!"

"Do you know who we are? We are Yueli people!"

"Yueli?" Wushuang God of War smiled faintly: "Is there my reputation as unparalleled in the world? When our captain creates a team, we will continue to expand and become the overlord of Extreme Ice City."

"Not only your Yueli, all families in Extreme Ice City will be eliminated by our world's unparalleled!"

I looked up and down in the **** leather suit of the archer, and gave the girl's graceful figure prominent Yueya'er. The Wushuang God of War showed a hint of wretchedness, and he laughed: "The little sister looks good, I like it! If you know it, do it. My wife, let us unparalleled in the world swallow your Yueli, and we will have your place in the ice city in the future!"

"Bah! Toad wants to eat swan meat!"

Feeling disgusted, Yue Ya'er stared at Wushuang War God angrily: "Smelly shameless!"

"You ungrateful animal."

The smile in Wushuang War God's eyes disappeared and was replaced by a murderous intent: "In that case, don't blame me for destroying the flowers."

"Brothers, go, kill these stinky ladies and take that lord blame!"

Following the order from the God of Warriors, more than a dozen players from the back of the world were attacking Yue Sheng and the others!

On the other side, Moon Midnight and Moon God are still fighting General Skeleton.

Yue Sheng and Yue Ya'er were left in the back, unable to fight the unparalleled people in the world.

Even if Yue Sheng had enough milk, there was nowhere to apply her these treatments.

So soon, he was defeated.

Lunar Midnight and Moon God are entangled by General Skeleton and cannot escape.

Yue Sheng and Yue Ya'er were also defeated by unparalleled players in the world.

Seeing that there is no hope.

Just when the world's unparalleled players are preparing to carry out the finishing touches, taking down the few people from Yueli.

Suddenly a chill came in all directions.

Only a few players who are unparalleled in the world, when they raised their heads subconsciously, they saw an ice-blue enchantment tearing through the sky and transforming into the air!

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