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Chapter 378: Retake the team building order

Following Wushuang Jian Ji was directly killed within 1 second.

The audience suddenly fell into a deathly silence.

All World Warriors players were shocked by two huge amounts of damage close to 20,000 points that had just jumped from the top of Wushuang Jianji's head.

"This...what the **** is this?!"

Only when the unparalleled players on the day were shocked.

Effortlessly, Zhang Yi, who claimed to be the 98th best player in the ice city warrior list, Wushuang Jianji, relied on all the pk mode to kill and did not become a red name, but was forced to display the ID, standing calmly and facing the place. The world's unparalleled player hooked his hook: "Let's go together, otherwise, it's boring."


The world's unparalleled players have you looking at me and I looking at you, looking at each other.

How could it stand such a provocation.

Regardless of how high the damage the other party had just shown, as one of his own generals, Wushuang Jianji, was killed, the deputy captain Wushuang War God was furious: "Brothers, kill me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the world's unparalleled group of hundred people, one after another, was struggling to attack Zhang Yi at the same time!

In all directions, many passerby players retreated one after another, for fear that the battle that was about to explode would accidentally involve themselves in it.

Continue to look at the field.

Facing the oncoming one hundred unparalleled players in the world, Zhang Yi did not rush, the storm wand in his hand once again burst into a burst of silver brilliance.

In his eyes, murderous aura overflowed.

It was them who killed the uncle in the previous life.

It was them that allowed Zhang Yi from his previous life to live a life that is worse than death in Extreme Ice City for several months.

It was them who destroyed the Pinnacle Hall the night before, and killed the uncle and Han Yarou, and also snatched the team building order from the uncle.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi was murderous and wild.

Lift the staff and start casting the spell.

The passerby players who were watching all thought that Zhang Yi was dead.

After all, no matter how strong a person is, it is impossible to beat a group of people.

Just when those passers-by players talked about this idea, even when they laughed at Zhang Yi for seeking his own death.

Zhang Yi only saw a flash of spell cast, avoiding the long-range shooting of the world's unparalleled mage shooter players.

The average player's ultimatum casting time is relatively long.

Using his own speed advantage, before the master archer players cast their big moves, Zhang Yi first shot a streamer, selected a person in the center of the crowd as the target, and released it.


The silver streamer shot down from the air and directly shot down the 51-level Rank 3 assassin Wushuang killer in the crowd.

While exploding a huge amount of critical damage as high as 22452 points above his head, a strong silver streamer was rolled out towards the surroundings, instantly engulfing a large area of ​​unparalleled players around the Wushuang Killer.

A series of super-high damages of about 10,000 points are connected into one piece.

Immediately afterwards, under the successive erosion of the undead storm and the earth fire, a few seconds later, in a large area in front of him, dozens of white lights lit up at the same time.

On the field, the world's unparalleled Hundred-Man Group had not yet come close to Zhang Yi, and was killed in half!

Those who were scared to the rest stopped one after another, and, along with the countless onlookers around, fell into a stunned silence.

Among them, the most shocked person is the Warriors of War.

I saw the few familiar skills just now, and the damage that was so high as to burst.

Wushuang War God suddenly felt a shock, and his face was full of astonishment: "It's just... it's him!"

Pointing to Zhang Yi, Wushuang God of War, as if he had seen a ghost, said to Wushuang Flurry next to him: "Captain, this is the guy! The guy who killed me and the brothers in the team twice in a row last night and today is this guy! "

Wushuang Flurry, who was shocked by the powerful strength displayed by this inconspicuous black-robed beastmaster, heard the words of the Wushuang War God and only then recovered from the endless consternation.

"Whether he was or not before, now, he is dead!"

Staring at Zhang Yi with hatred, a black dagger appeared in Wushuang Ranwu's hands at some unknown time.

"What I said, as long as he dares to appear in front of me, I will definitely let him pay for it!"


Just when Wushuang Ranwu copied the dagger and was about to approach Zhang Yi.

Suddenly a little brother exclaimed in his ear: "Captain! Be careful behind him, that guy still has his teammates!"

Wushuang Flurry Dance suddenly became an exciting spirit.

Turning his head quickly, I didn't know when, a knight in a black armor suit with a spear and shield in his hand appeared behind him, dozens of meters away!

"That guy is the Beastmaster, this is the monster he summoned!" Wushuang War God was the first to react.

Wushuang Ranwu changed direction and locked the target on the dragon blood knight.

I only saw it.

Under the blessing of a dark suit, it seems like a knight with dragon blood flowing on his body, and his body is full of a strong breath that is not inferior to Zhang Yi!

Wushuang War God reminded: "Captain, this guy doesn't seem to be weaker than its owner, I'm afraid it's hard to deal with!"

"Let's go up together and take it down!"

"To deal with a beast, you must also be so exciting, do you want the people around you to eat melons to see our unparalleled jokes?"

Wushuang Ranwu stared at the Dragonblood Knight, and said disdainfully: "What's more, it's still a harmless knight-type monster."

"Kill this dog first, then kill the owner!"

After speaking, Wushuang Flurry held a dagger and flew towards the Dragon Blood Knight.

Look at the Dragon Blood Knight.

The shield of the devil in the left hand, and the dark spear in the right hand, stood in place like a virgin.

Only when Wushuang Ranwu quickly approached with the super-fast speed of a level 53 three-revolution assassin.

Turn on [Dragon Emperor Body] and [Dragon Blood Shield] at the same time.

There was a crisp sound of "Qiang".

Use the demon shield to block the impact of Wushuang Flurry.

After changing hands, a "puchi" shot [Blood Kill] pierced Wushuang Flurry's chest.

-10224! Anti-injury!


The two waves that jumped from Wushuang Ranwu's head added up to a huge amount of damage of nearly 30,000 points, and directly emptied the health bar.

His eyes widened, and he stared at the dragon blood knight incredulously.

Before he could react, Wushuang Ranwu knelt to the ground with a "puff".

Under the attention of a group of unparalleled players in the back, and countless passersby players around, it turned into a beam of white light and disappeared.


Accompanied by Wushuang's flurry of death, a golden token fell from the place where it was refreshed.

Team building order!

Wushuang War God shouted in amazement: "Get back the team building order! The team building order must not be lost!"

The voice just fell.

Not waiting for unparalleled players to start their actions.

Under the control of Zhang Yi's mind in the front, the Dragon Blood Knight had already picked up the team building order.


Station with a spear.

The powerful aura blooming from the dragon blood knight frightened a group of unparalleled players in the world.

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