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Chapter 379: Because of you, the one who moved me

As the ninth top **** in the extreme ice city battle list and the first in the assassin list.

The scene where Wushuang Ranwu was directly shot and killed by the knight-type monster under Zhang Yi's hand shocked everyone in the audience.

at the same time.

There was a scream from the front.

Wushuang War God turned his head and was surprised to see another dozen white lights lit up. The black robe Yu Beast Master, stepping on the white light, approached here like a **** of death!

On the way, none of those who tried to stop Zhang Yi could survive for 1 second in Zhang Yi's hands.

Even a rough-skinned knight could not resist Zhang Yi's two injuries.

"This...what the **** is this guy!"

Wushuang War God stared at Zhang Yi incredibly, his eyes were full of panic, and his legs couldn't stop trembling.

Seeing that no one could stop Zhang Yi.

The amazing strength displayed by the opponent made the Wushuang God of War, who had no chance of resurrection, dare not contend with it.

Hastily turned around, pulling out his legs and preparing to escape.

At this moment, Zhang Yi impressively used the [Flash] that had completed 13 seconds of cooling and moved directly to the front of the Wushuang God of War.

A "boom" fireball technique blasted the Wushuang God of War to the ground.

Standing in front of the Wushuang God of War, Zhang Yi aimed at the Wushuang God of War with his energetic storm wand, and said coldly: "Do you know why I have targeted you three times in a row?"

Wushuang War God swallowed deeply, with a panic expression on his face: "Why... why?"

"Because of you, the one who moved me."

"Your people..." Wushuang War God asked: "Who...who?"

Zhang Yi stared at the Wushuang God of War with cold eyes, and said each sentence: "The soldier who was intercepted by you and your captain the night before, and the priest girl. And, the pinnacle hall."

Zhang Yi's words made Wushuang God of War suddenly remember the words that the captain of the Peak Hall, the peak emperor young master, threatened them when he targeted the uncle and Yarou the night before:

"Do you know who Xiao Yarou's boyfriend is? Her boyfriend is Yinuo Qingcheng! You dare to move Xiao Yarou a bit, when Yinuo Qingcheng comes, your whole world is unparalleled, and you are all going to disappear from the extreme ice city! "

I didn't take this sentence to heart before.

Looking back now, Wushuang War God suddenly understood, looked at Zhang Yi with wide eyes, and said, "You are a promise..."


Before the Wushuang God of War could finish speaking, Zhang Yi's unceremonious freezing technique used a huge amount of 17242 points of critical damage to kill the remnant Wushuang God of War!

As the captain and deputy captain of the world unparalleled were successively killed, and the Hundred Man Group was half killed in a blink of an eye.

The rest of the people, no matter how dare to confront this beastmaster with explosive combat power, fled in all directions.

But Zhang Yi, who had achieved his goal and regained the team building order, did not pursue the victory.

Take back the Dragon Blood Knight, put the team building order into the backpack, and then turn around and leave.

There were countless passersby players left in all directions, dumbfounded.

"My mother, this person, how can he be so powerful, the beastmaster's injury actually exploded so much..."

"One person singles out the World Unparalleled Hundreds Group! God!"

"Besides, even Warcraft is so perverted, it shot Wushuang Flurry...that's the top ten **** of our Extreme Ice City Sky Ranking!"

"Who the **** is this guy, isn't he the player with hidden ID that dominates our Extreme Ice City!"

"Eight Achievement is him..."

at the same time.

Extreme ice city, the spring of resurrection.

Wushuang Flurry, who had just been resurrected, had a pale face.

I heard what Wushuang God of War said before, but I still didn't believe it.

It wasn't until I saw it with my own eyes that Wushuang Flurry was an eye-opener: It turns out that the world of Apocalypse really has a top **** with one enemy and one hundred!

Looking around, I found that the Wushuang God of War did not appear in the Resurrection Spring.

Only then realized that Wushuang War God had no chance of resurrection, Wushuang Flurry could not help but furious.

Opened the team group and sent a message in the group: "Everyone found me a black-robed beastmaster with a knight-type demon, and immediately told me that I would break him into pieces!"


It was already five thirty in the evening.

On the North City Square of Extreme Ice City, a line of more than a dozen top players who can be ranked in the city gathered here.

And these players are gods invincible, and the strong are supreme to them.

Up to now, the action has not been launched because the team has not yet completed the number of people, and there is still one person who has not arrived, and the task cannot be carried out, so they are all waiting for this last person.

It is agreed that the gathering time is five thirty.

Seeing that it is now five and forty, the 52-level silver-robed mage man [God is Invincible], a little impatiently said: "Why, that waste is still not coming, let us dove?"

The voice just fell.

Sitting on the ground, wearing a seemingly valuable blue armor, ranked No. 198 in the extreme ice city warrior list, the uncle of the 52nd rank three fighter [Super Space Warrior], said: "You have already released that kind of Anyway, he dare to come?"

"Let him release the pigeons, anyway, there are rules in the system. At six o'clock, if he doesn't arrive after the Black Blood Castle map is opened, he will be forcibly kicked out of the team!"

Just as a group of people said so.

In front of him, a man wearing a black robe was walking towards the square.

"That **** is here!"

Apart from anything else, Shen Wudi directly picked up the staff and walked towards Zhang Yi who was oncoming.

"Do you dare to come?"

"Yeah." Zhang Yi directly ignored God Invincible, and said to the rest of him behind him: "I'm sorry, I just delayed a little something. Let everyone wait a long time, let's go."

"Do you think this will work?"

God Invincible glanced up and down at the characteristicless Zhang Yi, and his eyes were full of disdain: "Sure enough, it's a waste, and you are qualified to follow us on the task?"

"Except for you in our team, all of us are among the best players in Extreme Ice City. What are you, don't you know anything about yourself?"

Zhang Yi did not speak. Under the black mask, a pair of murderous eyes suddenly appeared, which made God Wudi suddenly feel inexplicably panic.

Frozen, God Invincible raised the staff: "I said before, don't let me see you, or you will be dead!"

After speaking, just when Shen Wudi was about to launch an attack on Zhang Yi, a priest woman dressed in Tsing Yi suddenly walked over and stopped Shen Wudi.

"It's all teammates, don't do this, let's focus on the task."

This long hair is not very beautiful, but it is Yue Sheng who looks at the level 53 three-turn priest woman who feels very clean and comfortable.


Shen Wudi looked at Yue Sheng, the fierce color on his face disappeared immediately, he laughed: "Great God Yue Sheng is right, I don't have to care about this waste, it seems I am too stingy!"

"Brothers, let's go and do the task!"

"[Exterminate the Guards] The first pass for this team mission must be ours!"

There was a shout.

A group of twenty people left the city.

According to the map guide, rush to 【Black Blood Castle】.

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