When I arrived at the Black Blood Castle, it was already 6:20 in the evening.

Twenty minutes have passed since the opening time of the Black Blood Castle map.

The team that is carrying out the task of [destroying the Guards] is naturally not the only team of God Invincible.

Therefore, you can see that at this moment, there are already a lot of player teams, in the first level of the Black Blood Castle, performing the first phase of the task.

Inhabiting the map of the Black Blood Castle is a level 58 【Alienized Gorefiend】!

As everyone approached the Black Blood Castle.

A system prompt, followed by passing down——

"Ding~The first level has been opened: Black Blood Castle! (Description: Alienated Blood Demons originally belonged to the Demon Race, and they have long occupied the Black Blood Castle in the territories of the Human Race. Because of their powerful strength, the human soldiers in Extreme Ice City cannot be expelled. they.

"In order to be able to break through the human extreme ice city in one fell swoop in the near future, the alien race [Blood Devouring Guards] and the demon [Blood Demon Legion] reached an agreement to join forces and will launch a general attack on the extreme ice city at any time!"

"Please join forces to kill 200 [Alienized Gorefiends] to complete the first level!"

Hear the prompt of the system.

In the queue, as the Chosen and the first time to perform this task, the Magician God Invincible smiled slightly: "Just kill 200 monsters? This first phase of the task is too simple! "

The voice just fell.

The 52-level pastor youth [Black Angel] next to him quickly said: "Don't underestimate the blood demons. They are very powerful. I have been defeated by them twice in a row. Fortunately, I escaped smoothly the first two times! "

While talking.

Only a few screams came from the front.

Inside the Black Blood Castle, three white lights lit up one after another, and three more players were killed in the crowd that was forming a team to hunt down the alienated Gorefiend.

"Look, it's hard to fight,"

Upon seeing this, the hyperspace warrior laughed: "That's too bad for them!"

"Of the 20 of us this time, 19 of them are all masters on the Extreme Ice City Sky List, and the top ten top gods and powerful masters in the battle list led the team with Yue Sheng, only a 58-level Gorefiend! "

"Brothers, don't be afraid, pass the first level in one go!"

As he said, everyone was violent.

Three knights and four warriors pressed forward, four archers, three magicians, three priests, two assassins, and a beastmaster, following them.

After completing the formation, the group stepped into the Black Blood Castle.

Inside the castle.

Countless players who were hunting the alienated Gorefiend in all directions, one after another tragically died under the killing of the Gorefiend, and the casualties were very heavy.

It's no wonder that so far in this mission, there hasn't been a team in Extreme Ice City that can reach the third level.

And this time, God Invincible and they are ready to win.

After entering the castle, without a word, attack the alienated blood demons that can be seen everywhere inside!

Because the level of the Alienated Gorefiend is too high, and except for Zhang Yi, who is at level 55, the rest of the team is only at level 53. Therefore, they cannot use the exploration technique to find out the specific data of the blood demon.

Facing the blood demon God Invincible for the first time, without hesitation, he waved his wand and bombarded a blood demon with a fireball, and caused a 3678 point damage to the blood demon's attention.

It is worthy of being the 122nd senior mage on the Extreme Ice City Mage List.

God's invincible damage is already quite outstanding for a wizard of the same level.

Under attack, the red four-legged behemoth alienated Gorefiend roared and charged towards everyone here.

Immediately, several magicians and archers in the queue launched fire-focused shooting at the same time. Several sharp arrows and magicians fell on the Gorefiend and maimed it instantly!

Subsequently, the two assassins ranked 154th and 340th respectively in the ice city assassin list, [Phantom] and [Shadow Dancer] sisters launched a flash attack and quickly approached the blood demon with remnant blood.

With the assassin's super explosive power, the two teamed up to kill the Gorefiend in an instant!

Stepping on the corpse of the Gorefiend that was killed without much effort, Phantom turned his head and looked at the black angel behind, haha ​​smiled and said, "But so, it's not as powerful as you said!"

Unexpectedly, just after the voice fell, in all directions, without attracting hatred, a large group of alienated blood demons suddenly surrounded!


Upon seeing this, the assassin's sister shadow dancer said in surprise: "How could this be!"

At this time, the black angel in the back formation wondered: "You are all doing this task for the first time? Don't you know the characteristics of these blood demons?"

"As long as you kill one of the blood demons, within a certain range, other blood demons will be attracted. If you accidentally touch the dead blood demons in the process, it will expand to attract other blood demons. The scope of their hatred, this is their strength!"

"Wipe! You didn't say it earlier!"

"What can I say, shouldn't we not do this task?" The black angel shrugged.

At this time, among the crowd, the strength should be regarded as the 53-level archer powerhouse and supreme, second only to Yue Sheng, and said: "They are group actions, so are we, what are we afraid of."


In the voice.

Everyone worked together and attacked the blood demons who were approaching.

The 9th strongest supreme in the extreme ice city archer list, in conjunction with the magician **** invincible with the buff of the chosen one, simultaneously launches the extreme ice arrow rain and the icy snow to cover the audience, instantly engulfing the blood that is approaching. magic.

On the field, the rest also took advantage of the situation and began to counterattack.

Sure enough, he still underestimated the combat effectiveness of the 58-level alienated blood demons.

As said by the black angel who has been defeated in the first level twice in a row, the single combat power of the blood demons is not very strong, but their strength lies in the team's cooperation with the conscious thieves.

Reluctantly killed the first batch of alienated blood demons.

Their bodies soon attracted the hatred of a group of blood demons.

Before everyone had time to recover, they were forced to start a second battle.

Under the onslaught of the alienated Gorefiend who has the rare talent [Blood Sacrifice] (when there is a companion’s corpse within a radius of 50 meters, the attack power is increased by 3%, up to 10 layers). The teams of well-known master players on the list also began to suffer casualties.

In the process of fighting the second batch of Gorefiends, accompanied by a scream, before the treatment of Last Yuesheng, the 52nd-level fighter [Vanguard] was hung up under the siege of the three Gorefiends.

Because when the second batch of blood demons appeared, around, the first batch of dead blood demons had their [Blood Sacrifice] talent superimposed to the highest level 10!

The subsequent battle is not optimistic.

After killing several batches of Gorefiends in a row, the number of casualties in the team has reached 5!

The God Invincible, who had previously claimed that he didn't need to put these blood demons in his eyes, also withered instantly.

But at this time, I looked back and found that the black robe imperial beast master in the team actually stayed in a safe place comfortably, eating melon seeds!

"Damn! You bastard, I didn't expect him to help, but eating melons and watching a show would be too much!"

"It's the first time labor and management have seen such a brazen bastard!"

An angry and ashamed, God Invincible, preparing to copy his staff to teach Zhang Yi, was stopped by Yue Sheng.

"The task is still the main task at the moment, leave him alone."

God Invincible gritted his teeth, listened to Yue Sheng's words, and continued to plunge into the battle with the Gorefiend.

Until the battle lasted for almost half an hour, the gods were invincible and they reluctantly killed a hundred gorefiends, and the task progress was halfway through.

At this time, the number of casualties in the team has reached 9 people!

No one thought that with their powerful team that gathered the top players in the Extreme Ice City, they could not deal with these alienated blood demons at all!

Just when the rest of the people are about to be unable to support it and plan to give up.

After the battle, Zhang Yi, who had been nibbling on melon seeds for half an hour, saw that his teammate was half dead, so he stood up and clapped his hands.


With a whisper to himself, Zhang Yi took out the storm wand and approached the gods invincible who were under siege by the blood demons.

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