"Ding~ Attention all players: The guardian boss in the city of the guard has been refreshed, please work with your teammates to kill [Blood Devouring Guard Leader·Blood Devouring King] to win the final blow of the Blood Devouring King, you will be able to Get the [Destroy the Praetorian Army] the ultimate and only first pass prize!"

Follow the system prompts to fall.

God Invincible, as soon as they looked at the front of the street, they cut off half of the blood of the Dragon Blood Knight with a single sword, and they were shocked.

Even Zhang Yi didn't expect it.

In the last life, I only heard that the final guardian of the team task of [Destroying the Guards] was very strong. I didn't expect this to be a Level 62 5-star BOSS!

No wonder that in the last life, counting from this time, at least one month later, until the general level of the players in the ice city reaches 70 or more, no player team has completed this task!

Let's imagine.

Even with zero loss in the first two levels, the team survived to the third level.

Relying on only 20 players with more than 50 levels to overthrow a level 62 5-star BOSS, what is the concept?

This is simply an impossible task at this stage!

What's more, now, Zhang Yi and the others only have three!

So when they saw this BOSS, both Shen Wudi and Yue Sheng were pleasantly surprised, but at the same time they felt extremely desperate.

Surprise, because it can be said with certainty that this is the largest BOSS that Extreme Ice City has brushed out so far. Prior to this, the number of 4-star BOSS appearances in the Extreme Ice City area was very few.

If anyone can kill a 5-star BOSS, whoever is the boss of Extreme Ice City!

And despair, naturally because this 5-star BOSS was actually refreshed in the mission map of the Imperial City.

Empty streets.

Wearing a golden battle armor, a red cloak on his back, a mechanical battle helmet, and two aurora swords in his hands, the three-meter-high Blood Devouring God King stands here like a statue of a god.

"This... how to fight?"

Seeing the majestic and inviolable Blood Devouring God King, God was invincible.

Even Zhang Yi hesitated.

Three people fight against a 62-level 5-star BOSS, is this possible?

But the mission has reached the final step. As long as you kill the King of Blood Devourer and take the final blow, you can get the ultimate prize: 100% treasure chest synthesis rate.

And the value of this BOSS itself is also immeasurable.

It must be able to explode other than Zhang Yi, there is currently no 5-star equipment owned by any player in Extreme Ice City.

This is a good opportunity for Zhang Yi to rise.

Perhaps, it can also become the key to defeating the unparalleled in the world.

So Zhang Yi looked around, analyzing the situation on the map, and said, "You can fight."

God is invincible and incredible.

And Yue Sheng looked at Zhang Yi firmly, and asked, "Do you have any good ideas? Just fight it hard. The three of us, plus your Warcraft, will definitely not be able to fight it."

"Yeah!" The timid and fearful God Invincible followed: "The three of us are crispy wizards. As long as it touches us, we will be immediately beaten! Let's take advantage of this now and run away! The big deal is not doing the task!"

I directly ignored God Invincible.

Zhang Yi's gaze was fixed on the side of the street, on the very well-preserved high-rise buildings.

"Of course we can't do it hard, we have to take advantage of the terrain."

Zhang Yi, who has been in the world of Apocalypse for eight years, naturally knows the most.

To deal with powerful BOSS, in addition to the most mindless human tactics, taking advantage of the map is also an excellent tactic.

And Zhang Yi knows that most of the bosses can be dealt with by the terrain, which requires the player to observe carefully to find the "bugs" available on the map.

I heard Zhang Yi say so.

Shen Wudi asked: "How do you use the terrain?"

"My blood ride can resist it, but this needs your assistance." Zhang Yi glanced at Yue Sheng.

Yue Sheng's small healing technique can casually bring tens of thousands of points of recovery to the dragon blood knight, and coupled with the protection of the devil shield, the dragon blood knight can resist the damage of the blood-devouring **** king, and it is indeed no problem.

After a pause, Zhang Yi continued: "The three of us use the building as a cover to spread the distance, as long as we are not touched by the BOSS, and then use the blood ride to stabilize its hatred."

Hearing, Shen Wudi looked at the building that was knocked down by the King of Blood Devouring not far ahead, and said in an unbelievable way: "Great God...you are kidding! It is so destructive, where we can hide. Targeted by it?"

Without explanation, Zhang Yi directly shared the data of the Blood Devouring God King discovered by the God-level exploration technique with Yue Sheng and God Invincible.

[Blood Devouring Guard Leader·Blood Devouring God King] (Physics Department·5-Star BOSS):

Level: 62

Talent: Bleeding (Epic, 50% of damage is converted into self-blood)

Physical Attack: 7280

Material defense: 2800

Magic defense: 2500

Health value: 15900000

Skills: Blood Kill, Blood Slash, Blood Devouring Furious Strike, Blood Devouring Power...

Description: The Blood Devourer is the next general of the Alien Generation Kanudu, and the leader of the [Blood Devouring Guards]. He has a very strong combat power and once led the Blood Devouring Guards to slaughter a human tribe. Level main city. Therefore, this time, it was ordered by the different king Kanudu to be stationed in the city of the fortified guards. Only after Kanudu gave an order, the blood-devouring **** king will once again command the blood-devouring imperial guards, and to the human race Extreme Ice City launches an invasion...

Remarks: The King of Blood Devouring has a strong destructive power. Players must be careful when fighting against it in the Imperial City. Don't try to use buildings to protect themselves, unless you can find the King of Blood Devouring...

See the BOSS specific data shared by Zhang Yi.

The performance of God's invincibility was exactly the same as the previous Yue Sheng.

"My mother! What level are you?"

"It's not important." Zhang Yi pointed to the data bar in front of him and analyzed: "The point is that the last note, the BOSS data, has clearly reminded us that we can use the terrain in this battle."

Yue Sheng thoughtfully said: "Consciousness means that BOSS can destroy all the buildings in the Forbidden City, except its lair!"

"Yes, as long as we find its nest, we can use the terrain to deal with it according to the method I said before."

"Separate operations. After finding the old nest, immediately send a collection in the team. Be careful to bypass the Blood-Eater Guards on the way, and don't be killed by the BOSS!"

Just do it.

Under Zhang Yi's instructions, the three people who happened to be at the intersection immediately ran away separately.

In order to protect the safety of both Shen Wudi and Yue Sheng.

Before running away, Zhang Yi threw a freeze technique to the Blood Devouring God King, attracting the hatred of the boss to himself.

Then, the front line was called back, and the dragon blood knight who had been restored to full blood by Yue Sheng's large healing technique combined with a small healing technique, took the dragon blood knight and fled.

Behind, there was a deafening roar.

The Blood Devouring God King was carrying two giant aurora swords and chasing towards Zhang Yi in a "wow!"

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