Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 388: Terrain advantage: Palace of the King

The speed of the Blood Devouring God King is no better than Zhang Yi, who has 1480 agility.

However, although they are a melee boss, they are capable of making several long-range systems.

While pursuing Zhang Yi desperately, while the target was not out of the range of the long-range attack.

The Blood Devouring God King crossed the two Aurora Greatswords, "wiped" it, and released a cross sword light toward the front.


The powerful sword light came, and the dragon blood knight immediately opened the [Dragon Blood Shield] to shield himself and Zhang Yi.

The next moment, the sword light penetrated the Dragon Blood Knight and Zhang Yi.

The Dragon Blood Shield, which had a shield value of 6390 points, was directly broken, and Zhang Yi suffered an additional 3895 points of damage!

You know, this is still the damage caused when the [ruler authority] doubled in effect at night, giving Zhang Yi a 40% damage reduction!

The attack power of the Blood Devouring God King is really too high.

Even the dragon blood knight with the protection of the dragon king can't resist the damage of the blood eater, let alone Zhang Yi, who only has more than 1,300 physical defenses.

The immediate purpose is not to entangle with the Blood Devouring God King.

Zhang Yi, who was overturned to the ground, got up and continued to run forward, patrolling the buildings on the street side and left, trying to find the blood-devouring **** king's lair.


The Blood Devouring God King frantically pursued behind, and the Aurora Great Sword directly penetrated the buildings on both sides, cutting them off.

Good guys!

I'm afraid it's not forgotten that the capital of the Imperial Guard is its own territory.

This ability to dismantle the house is comparable to Erha!

Zhang Yi, who was running ahead, had to stop from time to time because of the high speed.

Because finding its lair is one thing, the premise is to stabilize the hatred of the blood-devouring **** king and lead it to it.

Just as Zhang Yi led a 5-star boss walking through the streets of the city, even the blood-devouring guards did not dare to block the way.

With a sound of "dingdong", a team message sounded.

Immediately opened the message list, only Yue Sheng was in it, and sent a location: "I seem to have found its lair, come and take a look!"

Apart from anything else, he immediately followed the position shared by Yue Sheng and rushed over.

When I arrived at the location sent by Yuesheng, I saw that at the fork of a T-shaped intersection, there was a huge golden palace that looked a little out of step with the surrounding high-rise buildings!

At first glance, it is obviously much more luxurious than the surrounding buildings.

Of course, the reason why Yue Sheng was able to determine that this was the nest where the Blood Devouring God King lived was mainly because the gate of this palace was marked with three big golden characters: The Palace of the God King!

At the same time, Yue Sheng and Shen Wudi had already used the flash to climb to the top of the hall.

As a result, while approaching the palace, Zhang Yi did not hesitate to use Flash, and instantly moved to the top of the ten-meter-high building.

Look down.

The Blood Devouring God King who stopped at the gate of the palace had nothing to do with Zhang Yi who stayed on the top of the building except yelling at that tooth dance claw.

Moreover, it does not dare to release those skills that can be used for long-range attacks, obviously for fear of destroying this magnificent palace.

After all, this is its lair. If this is taken apart, I'm afraid the Blood Devouring God King can only sleep on the street.

Seeing that the BOSS couldn't touch him, Yue Sheng and God Invincible both felt a burst of joy at the same time.

In fact, God Invincible has already started to cast spells to attack the Blood Devouring God King.

Boom boom boom!

The fireball technique, freezing technique, combined with the bombardment of the aurora technique, continued to bombard the blood-devouring king's head with three unbearable damages——




Facing this kind of injury, God Invincible wanted to cry without tears: "This guy's defense is too high!"


Zhang Yi comforted God Invincible: "Just do your best output. Let's fight for a long time, don't worry."

With that said, Zhang Yi also cast a spell quickly, hitting down with the same set of skills as God Invincible, but the damage dealt to the Blood Devouring God King made God Invincible so ashamed that he couldn't wait to dig a hole in the ground:

-13468 Crit!

-12040 Crit!


The 2500 magic resistance of the Blood Devouring King was indeed very high, causing Zhang Yi's output to be directly reduced by one third!

But relatively speaking, Zhang Yi's damage is still very high.

Avoid the Blood Devouring God King to enter the palace and then run up to the top of the building.

Under Zhang Yi's control, the dragon blood knight held the devil's shield in his hand and stationed at the entrance of the hall, staying at the gate of the hall, keeping the Blood Devouring King outside, and resolutely not letting it enter the hall!

So, without meeting Zhang Yi and their blood-devouring **** king, he vented his anger on the dragon blood knight.

"This is the realm of this king, you small humans, let this king die!"

Angrily shouted.

The Blood Devouring God King swung his double swords and attacked the Dragon Blood Knight.

Qiang Qiang!

The dragon blood knight uses the devil shield to block, opening the defensive posture all the way.

In the face of the attack power of the Blood Devourer up to 7280 points, even if it can accurately block every attack and remove the more than 4000 blood returns brought by the Demon Shield, the blood Devourer's basic attack damage can be ignored.

But with a single sword attached to the skill, it can easily knock out the dragon blood knight's five or six thousand qi and blood!

The dozens of skills of the Blood Devouring God King can be used almost seamlessly.

Under the fierce attack of the King of Blood Devouring, the dragon blood knight with 40,000 qi and blood, the blood bar on his head dropped rapidly.

And under the effect of the epic [Blood Devouring] talent, the Blood Devouring God King’s head continuously jumped up to two or three thousand points of recovery.

Yue Sheng, standing on the top of the building, cast a spell quickly, and almost all the skills in the skill list that could be used for recovery were lit up.

With a huge amount of recovery ranging from six to seven thousand to as many as tens of thousands, the dragon blood knight's blood volume can always be maintained at more than half!

Once upon a time, Zhang Yi also thought about such a scene.

After reaching level 100 and opening the second Beast position, Zhang Yi's plan is to raise a priest-type Beast.

Cooperate with Dragon Blood Knight's damage resistance and own output.

By then, Zhang Yi will be able to act on his own without any teammates.

Continue to look at the field.

Although it is a full defense, under the influence of the dragon blood body, every time the dragon blood knight is attacked, it will bounce 6390 points of damage to the blood eater king.

If the two skills of [Dragon King Guard] and [Dragon Blood Shield] are turned on, the anti-injury damage can be increased to more than 10,000 points!

As a result, the three of them worked closely with the Dragon Blood Knights to continue this BOSS battle.

What made Yue Sheng and Shen Wudi even dreaming was that they could one day use the advantage of the terrain and kill a 5-star big BOSS without any harm in the state of only three people working together!

After all, before this, in their opinion, even meeting a 5-star BOSS was a luxury.

The output of the three people is limited, and the King of Blood Devourers also has a blood-sucking talent.

Therefore, the blood consumption of the Blood Devouring God King is very slow.

Fortunately, the situation is relatively stable, and it is only a matter of time to continue to develop in this state and win the Blood Devouring God King.

And from now to the end of the [Destroying the Guards] mission, there are still more than five hours, which is enough for Zhang Yi and the others to kill the boss.

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