Seeing the two 5-star equipment Zhang Yi handed to him.

Yue Sheng was dumbfounded.

After a long time, I took a step back: "No, I don't want..."

Because in Yue Sheng's view, without Zhang Yi, she would not even be able to complete this task. She was able to kill the Blood Devouring God King, mainly relying on Zhang Yi and his blood rider.

Yue Sheng was already satisfied with winning the first pass of the mission [Destroying the Guards] and the participation prize of the Blood Devouring God King. From the very beginning, she had no intention of competing with Zhang Yi for the spoils.

At this time, Zhang Yi had already put the ring and bow and arrow in Yue Sheng's hands.

"You can use the ring yourself, and you can give the bow to Mei Ya'er."

"Ya'er...Sister." Yue Sheng was stunned for a moment before realizing it. What Zhang Yi said was his good girlfriend, the archer Yue Ya'er!

For a while.

Yue Sheng, who came back to his senses, tried to return these two pieces of equipment: "You have taken me through the mission, and I am already grateful. How embarrassed to divide the spoils, and also two 5-star equipment..."

At this time, Zhang Yi took out the two orange skill books that BOSS had exploded from his bag, the Epic Magic Scroll and the Rare Magical Beast Contract Book, and placed them in front of Yue Sheng.

"Otherwise, there are still these. You can choose two more from them, and you've agreed that the spoils will be five to five points."

Upon seeing this, Yue Sheng was even more surprised.

And Zhang Yi, based on what she knew about Sister Sheng in the previous life, had long known that it was impossible to ask for these things based on her character.

So he said: "These things are relatively useless to you, so you can accept those two pieces of equipment, and I won't give you the rest."

Yue Sheng pursed her lips lightly and nodded: "Then, I will accept these two equipment, and you will keep the rest for yourself."

Zhang Yi smiled: "That's right!"

"Thank you..." Yue Sheng watched Zhang Yi quietly, with a strange look in her eyes.

Zhang Yi grinned: "Sister Sheng, you don't have to be polite with me."

Yue Sheng is really unimaginable.

This is only because of the strangers met by the team task, why do you be so good to yourself!

After all, if he was someone else, whether or not Yue Sheng sacrificed himself to protect him, it would be impossible for him to be like Zhang Yi and even deliberately ran to the Resurrection Spring to send equipment to Yue Sheng.

Before thinking of this, the masked black beast master once said to himself that when the team mission is over, he will tell himself his identity.

So Yue Sheng asked tentatively: "Who are you... on earth?"

Without waiting for Zhang Yi to answer, Yue Sheng said quickly: "It doesn't matter what you don't want to say, I just ask casually."

"I seem to have said before, I will tell you when the task is completed."

As soon as the voice fell, at the same time Zhang Yi took off his face, Yue Sheng received a friend message: "Ding~ Player [Yinuo Qingcheng] requested to add you as a friend through someone nearby!"

When she heard the ID "Yinuo Qingcheng", Yue Sheng was stunned at first, as if she hadn't remembered where she had seen this familiar ID.

After a while, it occurred to me that a few days ago, the person who triggered the full-server announcement and received the Legendary Dragon Clan hidden mission was called Yinuo Qingcheng!

Thinking of this, Yue Sheng couldn't help but open a pair of clear eyes, looking at Zhang Yi with a look of astonishment.

"Sister Sheng, it's getting late, take a break early, see you next time."

Without waiting for Yue Sheng to recover, Zhang Yi, who spent 100 gold coins in the resurrection spring to resurrect the dragon blood knight, had put on the mask again and turned away.

And Yue Sheng stood still, and she was shocked to see Zhang Yi's back gradually leaving.

After a while.

A system reminder sounded in Yue Sheng's ears——

"Ding~You have received a gift from the player [Yinuo Qingcheng]: [Team Building Order] x1!"

Opening the backpack, when she really saw a golden token that had appeared in her bag through the system transmission, Yue Sheng felt shocked again.

Looking around, Zhang Yi has long since disappeared.

Immediately opened the friend list and opened the dialog with Zhang Yi. The message has not yet been sent, but the other party actively sent a message over: "Sister Sheng, use this team building order to create [Yue Li] and create [Yue Li] Chengji Ice City No. 1 team, come on, I believe you!"

Yue Sheng hesitated.

Delete the edited message "Why did you give me such a valuable thing" in the dialog box, and then reply to Zhang Yi: "Okay, I will definitely not disappoint your expectations!"

This side.

Zhang Yi, who was rushing to the [Second Military Camp], looked at the news sent by Yue Sheng and smiled with relief.

"Don't worry, Sister Sheng, in this life, with me, I will never let you and Yueli's brothers and sisters be bullied by anyone again."

Turn off chat.

Zhang Yi soon came to the second barracks.

It's quiet in the dead of night.

Only the barracks are in full swing.

In order to better protect the safety of Extreme Ice City, the soldiers in the barracks are training hard day and night.

Go around these soldiers, find Captain Luchi, and trigger a dialogue.

"Captain Luchi, I have eliminated the blood-devouring guards."

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell.

Lu Qi, who was instructing soldiers to train, immediately focused his attention on Zhang Yi.

"Warrior, you...really wiped out the Guards?!"

Lu Qi's eyes were full of incredibleness: "I never thought that Extreme Ice City could have someone as strong as you. I am really honored to be a member of Extreme Ice City!"

After a pause, Lu Qi continued: "Without that blood-devouring guard, the threat of Extreme Ice City will be much reduced!"

"You guarded the safety of Extreme Ice City, warrior, please accept your due reward!"

Just wait for Lu Qi to finish the line.

In Zhang Yi's ear, a pleasant reminder sounded——

"Ding~Congratulations on completing the team task [Destroying the Guards]. According to your contribution in this task, you will receive 148% of the task reward: experience value +444w, gold coin +444, human reputation +840! The reward interface selects the reward! The reward interface exists for one hour. If you do not select the reward within one hour, you will be deemed to have given up the reward!"

Follow the system prompts to drop down.


With a beam of golden light shining above his head, Zhang Yi, whose experience value has reached three times the upper limit, forcibly rose to level 56!

Then, open the reward interface of the team task, and I saw that most of the 20 prizes displayed in the interface have been taken away.

According to the ranking of contribution, among them, the most valuable and the only 5-star quality [50 5-star random equipment box], has been locked by the system, except for Zhang Yi, who has the highest contribution rate, others cannot claim it unless Zhang Yi abstains. .

In this task, Zhang Yi's personal contribution has at least exceeded 50%.

No one is more qualified to win the best award than Zhang Yi.

In addition, it can be seen from this interface that there are still several people in the queue who have clearly presented the status of submitting tasks, but have not yet selected the reward.

Obviously they were waiting for Zhang Yi to abstain, or to choose other prizes, and then they could start with the 5-star equipment box.

However, for Zhang Yi, they were thinking of eating farts.

Therefore, I did not hesitate to choose the equipment box.

Then, turn it on.

"Ding~Congratulations on getting the equipment [Emperor Sword] x1!"

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