Good guy, this 5-star equipment box is directly given to Zhang Yi, who is a professional beast master, a 5-star warrior sword!

Niu batch!

Staring at the long sword exuding bursts of golden light in his hand, Zhang Yi was a little bit eager to cry without tears.

No way, someone has already indicated that it is a random equipment box.

Put the Emperor Sword in the bag.

Look at the time, it's already half past one.

I wanted to go to the blacksmith shop owner to synthesize the treasure chest, and watch the progress of the forging of the [Glacier Set] by the way.

When Naihe came to the blacksmith's shop, he found that the shop had been closed.

NPC also needs to rest.

Seeing that there is not much fatigue left, Zhang Yi didn't plan to continue tossing.

Buy the key to open the 6-star treasure chest, and the synthesis of the 5-star treasure chest, so I will save it until tomorrow morning when I get enough sleep.

So, I came to a nearby hotel, opened a 5-star room, and lived in.

With this strong expectation, Zhang Yi slept very comfortably this night.

When I woke up, it was already nine o'clock the next morning!

That team task last night consumed Zhang Yi's energy.

Fortunately, after a night's rest, I have now adjusted back.

After getting up, Zhang Yi's first thing was to go to the forge and find the NPC boss [Ge You].

Cang Dang!

Cang Dang!

Ge You, who was forging a giant sword, looked up and saw Zhang Yi approaching, and asked, "Young man, are you here to get the Glacier suit?"

"Don't worry about this, I have other things to ask you first."

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell.

Ge You was a little strange and asked, "Oh? What is it that makes you actually not interested in the Glacier suit?"

Apart from anything else, he took out the two 5-star treasure chests that had been stored for a long time from his bag, put them in front of Ge You, and said, "I want you to help me synthesize these two treasure chests."

Hearing, Ge You touched his beard and said meaningfully: "That's it, the synthesis of treasure chests, this is indeed a more exciting thing than the Glacier Suit."

After a pause, Ge You continued: "But young man, I am not attacking you. Before you, many people have come to me for treasure chest synthesis, but without exception, they all failed. It was not me. Insufficient ability, but treasure chest synthesis, troubled by gods and demons, so you have to be mentally prepared in advance."

Zhang Yi naturally knows the rules of treasure chest synthesis.

In the world of apocalypse, two treasure chests of the same star can be combined, and the success rate is only 1%.

If the synthesis is successful, the player will be able to randomly obtain a [God] or [Magic] treasure chest.

As for the value of this **** and devil treasure chest, let's see where the god-level talent that Yiqi Juechen gets upgraded to ten times against injuries comes from.

His god-level talent comes from this treasure chest of gods and demons!

Not only the success rate is low, but once the synthesis fails, one of the treasure chests will be directly lost.

At the same time, in order to prevent players from "swiping" the treasure chest, each time the synthesis fails, it will enter a 1-day cooldown.

Under this cheating setting, it reflects the rarity of the treasure chest of Gods and Demons, and at the same time makes countless players discouraged from the treasure chest synthesis function.

Relying on the epic [Lucky Scroll] on his body.

Zhang Yi nodded without hesitation: "Please also ask the master to help me synthesize it."

Seeing that Zhang Yi said this, Ge You didn't say anything further: "The value of the 5-star treasure chest is not low. To synthesize it, you have to pay a lot of price."

"The cost is not a problem."

The treasure chest of Gods and Demons is unusual. To synthesize it, it consumes not physical power, but mana.

So, he took out 500 gold coins.

When Ge You used a special crystal magic tool to start casting spells, pour mana into the two 5-star treasure chests, and start synthesis.

Zhang Yi immediately crushed the [Lucky Scroll] in his hand.

"Ding~You used [Lucky Scroll] to get the favor of Goddess of Luck: the chance of successful treasure chest synthesis is increased by 100%!"

The next moment, the scroll in Zhang Yi's hand turned into a silver light, flowing into the two treasure chests.

Then, I saw the Treasure Chest exuding bursts of white and golden aura.

The prompt of the system followed: "Ding~ The synthesis is successful, congratulations on obtaining [God·5-Star Treasure Box] x1!"

Looking at the front, the two have been merged into one, and the exterior exudes a golden sacred atmosphere, which looks like an extraordinary retro-style treasure chest.

Knowing that this synthesis must be successful, Zhang Yi is still extremely excited!

Because the previous life has survived in the world of Apocalypse for eight years, not to mention the synthesis by himself, Zhang Yi has never seen the treasure chest of the gods and demons!

The difference between God’s Treasure Box and Magic Treasure Box is.

When the God Treasure Box is opened, the player will definitely get the [Divine Power] points related to the star level of the Treasure Box.

The magic chest can get [magic].

[Divine Power] and [Magic Power] can be understood as the extra box-opening benefits of the God and Demon Treasure Box, and it does not affect other treasures opened in the Treasure Box.

Don't underestimate these two forces.

Divine power and magic power can play a big role in the player's daily life.

For example, in battle, you can use magic to weaken the enemy's attributes. Receiving the task can reduce the difficulty of the task while the reward remains the same. The effects brought about are all related to weakening.

Divine power can be used to increase the success rate by 100% when strengthening equipment, or to increase its own attributes in daily battles. The effects brought about are all related to gain.

Even, there is a very small probability of triggering some mysterious events.

For example, the advanced appraisal is triggered when the equipment is appraised, the divine power is consumed when you die, and you are resurrected in situ...

More than that, the uses of divine power and magic power are very extensive, and the system will prompt when divine power and magic power can be used.

Because it can only be obtained by opening the God and Demon treasure chest and using the God and Demon scroll, both the divine power and the magic power are super precious in both the previous life and this life.

Looking at the golden treasure chest that was successfully synthesized in front of him, even Ge You felt incredible: "Actually...successful?!"

And Zhang Yi squatted down in front of this [God 5-Star Treasure Box] that took a lot of effort, and opened it with great expectations.

With a "gala" sound, the treasure chest opened.

Suddenly, a dazzling golden light burst out from the box.

At the same time, a system prompt came from ears:

"Ding~Congratulations on opening the [God·5 Star Treasure Box], obtaining [Divine Power] x5, and obtaining [God·Lucky Scroll] (God·Epic Magic Scroll) x1!"

God's magic scroll!

When he took out a golden scroll from the treasure chest, Zhang Yi's heart was suddenly extremely excited.

【God·Lucky Scroll】(God·Epic Magic Scroll):

Description: After use, a super lucky event can happen randomly.

Note: After using this scroll, the player gains 4 points of supernatural power.

Good guys!

It is equivalent to using an ordinary epic [lucky scroll] in exchange for a god-level epic [lucky scroll]!

In the world of apocalypse.

There are three types of magic scrolls: ordinary, god, and magic.

In the same quality state, the value of God's Scroll and Demon Scroll is much higher than that of ordinary scrolls.

As a result, the scroll was crushed without hesitation.

"Ding~ You used [God·Lucky Scroll], and a random super lucky event has been triggered!"

"Ding~Congratulations on the quality of your monster [Dragon Blood Knight] upgraded from epic to legendary!"

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