Depend on!

Just know how it is so easy to get a 6-star magic treasure chest.

In addition, according to the system's prompts, if this magic treasure chest is not opened within a day to kill the evil spirits in it, after this time, it will revert to an ordinary 6-star treasure chest.

It is equivalent to that Zhang Yi's 5 points of supernatural power were wasted.

Waste is impossible to waste, this treasure chest, Zhang Yi is bound to win.

But this evil spirit of hell, Zhang Yi alone should not be able to deal with it.

It seems that we have to find foreign aid.

Quietly staring at the treasure chest, he pondered.

As if a flash of inspiration suddenly came up, the corner of Zhang Yi's mouth rose inexplicably.

Then, first put the treasure chest into the space backpack.

Now, we can start to prepare for the last thing.

Dealing with the unparalleled world is still a big project, after all, their number is already moving towards four thousand.

Zhang Yi is now alone in the Extreme Ice City. With the dozens of people in the Pinnacle Hall, fighting against the unparalleled world is tantamount to hitting a rock with a pebble.

Yue Li, this life is not so familiar yet.

In fact, Zhang Yi had already thought of the way to deal with the world's unparalleled.

This time, Zhang Yi came to Extreme Ice City with the determination to win.

So, I opened my friends list and sent a message to Dianfenghuang Shao:

"Brother, do me a favor. After it's done, this belongs to you [Emperor Sword] (Picture Book


Young Master Pinnacle answered the message almost in seconds: "Brother, don't make me happy, my little heart can't stand the toss..."

Zhang Yi replied: "As long as you do what you say, you only need to do me a favor, and this sword will be given to you."

The pinnacle emperor on the other end, looking at the dialog box, Zhang Yi's attached 50-level 5-star warrior weapon, [Emperor Sword]'s illustrated book, was already drooling and his heart beating faster.

So, he immediately asked: "Big brother, why are you busy? Just confess, you can go up and down the fire!"

"I'll give you a list in a moment. You and the people under your hand, according to the ID listed on the list, help me find someone."

The peak emperor did not ask much, and immediately agreed: "Okay, no problem!"

After a while, Young Master Peak sent a message cautiously: "Then...Is this sword really given to me..."


This is a 5-star weapon!

Young Master Pinnacle felt incredible.

And Zhang Yi had already made plans to give the Emperor Sword to Pinnacle Emperor Young Master, even if he didn't need his help.

Because of the uncle, there is already a 5-star [Doomsday Aurora Sword] exploded by [Doomsday Corpse King].

After searching for a few team IDs in his mind, Zhang Yi sent them to the peak emperor.

"Shadow Alliance, Warring States, the family of God Kings. First help me find these three, and I will tell you the rest. Be sure to start with their captains. After finding their positions, you will immediately inform me."

Seeing the team IDs sent by Zhang Yi, the peak emperor suddenly felt a chill in his back.

"Brother, these few you mentioned seem to be the well-known bullies in our Extreme Ice City..."

Zhang Yi didn't explain too much, and then said: "In a word, can you help me with this favor?"


"Okay." Zhang Yi said, "You don't need to do anything, just tell me the location after you find it."

Turn off chat.

Under Zhang Yi’s instruction, in the wild, with his uncle Han Yarou and the others, the peak emperor who was leveling with monsters on a level 53 jungle map randomly found a reason, bid farewell to the uncles and them, and returned to the city to gather the peak. All the members of the hall, and then a few people as a group, scattered around, and according to Zhang Yi's words, looked for the traces of the players of those teams outside the city.

In fact, Zhang Yi knew the point that these teams were all extremely ice city bullies than Peak Emperor Shao said.

Because in his last life, Zhang Yi, who was wandering around, was bullied by these bullies during most of the half-year time spent in the Ice City.

Therefore, Zhang Yi has deeply imprinted the names of these teams in his heart, and he also knows their character.

In addition to letting the people from the Pinnacle Hall help find them, Zhang Yi had another more important purpose besides avenging his last life.

I looked at the Doomsday Aurora Sword in the bag, the Eye of Hell and the team building order, these three things were prepared for the uncle and Han Yarou.

Zhang Yi sank his heart and resisted the urge to give these to the uncle and the others now.

Because Tian Xia Wushuang is still there, letting the uncle create a team at this time is undoubtedly a provocation to Tian Xia Wushuang in the current situation where there is only [Yue Li], a team that was officially established last night.

Therefore, Zhang Yi intends to hand over the team building order to the uncle after eradicating the unparalleled world.

It is certainly not an easy task to ask the people of the Pinnacle Hall to help find someone.

Zhang Yi once again felt the benefits of having scavengers by his side.

During this process, Zhang Yi didn't wait. In the wild area outside the city, he randomly found a wild area with more than 60 levels to clean up monsters.

Although Zhang Yi's current level is already very high, he must also bring a beast while upgrading himself. In this dual-training state, he can also become the first person in the extreme ice city level.

But for Zhang Yi, it was not enough.

Because the [God Hat] and [Guardian Pants] that the Blood Devouring God King burst out, both require level 60 or higher to be equipped.

With the strength of Zhang Yi and the dragon blood knight, dealing with level 60 monsters is like cutting vegetables.

In the wild, harvest experience points crazily.

The peak emperor's efficiency is really low.

Ever since he entrusted this task to him, it wasn't until more than two hours later that Zhang Yi, who was cleaning monsters, received a message from the peak emperor.

"Great God, my brother found a family, I will send you the location [The Land of Thorns] (location

"Okay, I'll go over immediately."

After returning the message.

Quickly opened the map, locked the level 54 wild map [The Land of Thorns] located in the south of the ice city, and rushed over.

It was almost twelve o'clock at noon.

Outside Extreme Ice City, on the map of various wild areas, countless players took dry food such as biscuits and bread, and after casually solved the lunch, they continued to breed and level up.

And in the south of the city, there is a 56-level deserted city called [The Land of Thorns], with countless thorns and Tengnan all over the streets and alleys. There are also many players between 50-51 who are teaming up here. Level 56 [tree demon].

For ordinary players, spawning monsters above level 3 is a big challenge.

At this stage, level 50-51, only reached the level of a third-tier player in Extreme Ice City.

Just when most players were brushing ordinary Dryads in groups of three to five.

I saw that in a corner of the city, there were three men and two women, a group of five young players, forming a team to besiege a 54-level elite dryad!

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