"Fatty, stop it, restrict its position!"

"Xiao Fei, aim at its hand to attack, don't let it launch a vine attack!"

I saw that among the five players who were fighting against the elite Dryads, a 51-level young warrior player with an ID called [Qingming Shanghetu] commanded the Cavaliers teammate [Pang Brother] and the archer teammate [Yunfei].

At the same time, under the treatment of a red priest girl [He Tu] in the back formation, after he recovered his state, he also charged forward with a long sword and continued to participate in the battle.

In addition, there is a magician girl in the back formation, who is also fully cooperating with her teammates, attacking the tree demon.

The level of 54 elite dryads is good, but after all, it is only an elite monster that is one level higher than ordinary monsters. Therefore, under the siege of the five players on Qingming Shanghetu, the blood has gradually fallen below 30%. It won't take long to get up before they will be killed.

Seeing this elite monster who was about to win in front of them, all of them were very excited.

For low-level players like them, there is not much pursuit. In the world of Apocalypse, as long as you can survive, occasionally kill an elite monster and explode one or two pieces of medium equipment in hand, you will be satisfied.

The lord and the boss couldn't even think about it.

In the queue, the archer Yun Fei was already joking. After killing this elite monster, after a burst of bursts, he returned to the city to celebrate in the evening.

And just now.

From the rear, a large group of players suddenly rushed out, and they approached this side. Some of the archers and magician players, involuntarily, directly attacked the Qingming Shanghetu and them!

Whoosh whoosh!

Several sharp arrows flew at the same time, focused on fire, and shot them all on Yun Fei, a level 50 three-rotation archer.

With seven or eight points of damage of two to three thousand points, directly kill the unsuspecting Yun Fei!


The white light lit up, as teammate Yun Fei was suddenly attacked and killed.

At this time, the other people who had just reacted felt strange for a while, they turned their heads one after another, and saw a group of players headed by the word "God King" on their heads, with swords drawn and aggressively charged!

The family of gods and kings.

With a scale of nearly a hundred people, among the thousands of teams and families in Extreme Ice City, it can only be regarded as a third-rate force.

Bullying and fearing hardships, doing everything evil, is a nightmare in the hearts of countless uninfluenced casual players in Extreme Ice City.

It seems that before this, he has already been attacked by players from the family of the gods.

Seeing this group of players, Qingming Shanghetu them, immediately reacted.

"God King Family! Damn! It's them again!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was no time to respond, dozens of archers and magician players from the family of gods and kings. Kill the elite dryads with residual blood!

"Really! Grab us to blame!"

Seeing that the elite dryad who had been maimed by himself was robbed, the fat knight [Fatty Brother] yelled angrily.

As soon as the voice fell, the leader of the family of God Kings, the 52-level three-turned archer man [God King Coming] gave a cold voice: "What about robbing you? Labor and capital not only want to rob you, but also kill you!"

After that, with a few archer teammates around him, a round of rapid shooting will raise the shield, and the fat brother who can't resist the damage under the treatment of the priest Hetu will kill him in a flash!

In a blink of an eye, only Hetu on the Qingming Festival was left. Hetu and the magician sister "Susu" were surrounded by a group of hundred people from the family of the gods!

Surrounded by the Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan, he gritted his teeth and said: "We have killed us once two days ago. We haven't asked you to settle this account. Come again this time, don't deceive people too much!"

"Just your rubbish, the meaning of being alive, isn't it just for being slaughtered?"

The boss of the **** king family, the **** king came, cast his eyes on the two girls, Hetu and Susu, with a wretched smile: "If you had agreed to my request two days ago, now, you are also my **** king family. People,"

If you just simply join the family of the gods and go to the river during the Qingming Festival, you will definitely be able to ask for it.

But when he was targeted two days ago, the King of God came to ask Hetu and Susu to sleep with him for one night!

These two girls, one is the girlfriend of Qingming Shanghetu, and the other is his sister. Naturally, it is impossible for him to agree to the request of the King of God to come.

So in the end, the five of them were destroyed.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or deliberate, people from the family of gods and kings unexpectedly came again today!

After being rejected last time, the King of God came and did not have much patience.

This time, I reached out and pointed at the two tender and tender girls, Hetu and Susu, and shouted: "Labor and management can see you. It is your blessing. Don't be shameless. Give you another chance, or today. If you serve me comfortably in the evening, I will agree to let you join my family of God Kings, or, after today, I will see you once and kill you once!"

The two girls were terrified.

The warrior on Qingming Shanghetu, holding a long sword, guarding Hetu and Susu, staring like a torch on the God King coming: "Do you think we are rare to join you? Stop dreaming, I'm here, don't even think about it. Bullying my sister and my wife!"

"So they are your sister, and your wife? No wonder you protect them like this."

"It's a pity, a waste that you can't protect yourself, what can you use to protect your beloved?"

"So what? Even if you die, I won't let you bully them!"

With that, Qingming Shanghetu held a long sword, shouted, and rushed towards the king of God.

Looking at the fast approaching Qingming Shanghe Tu with cold eyes, the **** king descended with a cold snort: "I can't help myself,"

The voice just fell.


Two sharp arrows struck out, coordinating with the fire-focused attacks of a few teammates around him, before Qingming Shanghetu approached, he directly killed him in seconds!

"elder brother!"

In the painful cry of the two girls behind him, Qingming Shanghetu fell to his knees and flew away in a blink of an eye.

And when the **** king came, he smiled wretchedly, and walked towards the two girls, Hetu and Susu.

"Don't be afraid, little sister, don't worry, even if the king of heaven comes today, I won't be able to save you two!"

The King of God came and laughed, took off the ring, lifted the longbow, and at the same time asked several priests around him to prepare to heal Hetu and the others, planning to use slaughter methods to force them to succumb to their time.

Behind him, there was an exclamation suddenly.

"Captain! Someone is coming!"

Hearing, look back.

Through the crevices of the crowd, one could only see a beast master man in a black robe behind the street, holding a silver light staff, walking towards this side unhurriedly.

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