Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 399: World Warriors Raiders Group

"Captain, this guy looks like a bad person!"

Under the reminder of a little brother around.

The King of God came across a long distance, took a look at the black-robed beastmaster, and said indifferently: "It's because the one who came is not good, I can see it."

"This kid, I'm afraid I want a hero to save the United States!"

"A person dared to come and die, and he was still a beast master, hahaha!"

The opponent was alone, had no teammates, and the identity of the beast master, so that none of the players in the family of the gods would put it in their eyes.

They also didn't know that the other party had come prepared.

Because of the surroundings, there are also a lot of individual players who join in the fun.

Although they couldn't understand the behavior of people from the family of gods and kings who just murdered and sold them, no one among those casual players dared to be nosy.

At the same time, among the passers-by players who joined the excitement in the rear, there were also two players from the Pinnacle Hall.

Looking at Zhang Yi, who was close to the players of the King's Family, the two players in the Peak Palace each looked worried, because it was they who found the person from the King's Family and then notified Zhang Yi.

It's just that they didn't expect that Zhang Yi rushed over by himself! And looking at this posture, he was definitely not here to chat with the family of the gods.

This time, it is the Hundred-member Group of the God King Family. Can Zhang Yi be their opponent?

Look on the field.

Approached without a word.

I saw that Zhang Yi, who had hidden his ID and was wearing a mask, suddenly stopped when he was about to step into the attack range of the King's Family players.

Looking across the group of players from the family of gods in front of him, Zhang Yi asked, "Where is the king of gods coming?"

I heard what Zhang Yi said.

Some people in the family of God Kings were surprised.

"Oh, you still know the name of our captain. It seems that this guy came here prepared!"

In the voice.

The king of gods descended from the crowd.

Located in the front line with his hands around his chest, he stared at Zhang Yi disdainfully, and said, "Why, what's the matter with me?"

Seeing this familiar face, Zhang Yi was full of murderous aura.

Regarding the previous life, the picture of being bullied and ravaged by this person in Extreme Ice City could not help but come to mind.

After a pause, Zhang Yi said lightly: "Kill you."

Startled for a moment.

The King of God came and laughed: "Kill me? I think you are thinking of eating it! You can kill me with a trash beastmaster? I'm the team of the King of Gods..."

The words are not over yet.

There was a "boom".

Zhang Yi, who entered the range directly with [Flashing], turned on the full pk mode, swung the staff at super fast hand speed, and a fireball bombarded the unreacted king of the gods.

In front, among the gazes of a large group of players from the family of the gods, the king of gods came to the top of their heads and jumped up with a burst of high damage——

-19582 Crit!

As a 52-level three-revolution archer, only 16,000 gods descended with total vitality and blood, and the full blood bar above his head was directly hit by this fireball with only 1 point of blood left!

The audience fell into a deathly silence.

For a long time, I don't know who I heard shouted: "Brothers, kill this guy and explode his equipment!"

Although the injury of the other party is so high that people doubt life.

But because it is alone and the damage is high, it must be from the equipment.

This guy is definitely a top **** outfit!

The most important thing is that he opened all pk, as long as he kills him, he will definitely be able to explode all the equipment on his body!

So, under this call.

Players from the family of the kings of the gods all forgot the nearly 20,000 points of damage that Zhang Yi had just hit, holding on to the idea of ​​blazing gods, copying the guys, and galloping towards Zhang Yi.

On the other hand, Zhang Yi stood in place calmly.

When the blood lock mode is on, lift up the wand, making the storm wand overflowing with light.

Just wait for a large number of players from the family of gods to take the lead.

Cast spells quickly.

Storm of Undead!

The fire starts a prairie fire!

Streamer off!

Three group skills bloomed around dozens of warrior knights and assassin players from the family of the gods.

Bringing a huge amount of damage as low as 3,000 and as high as 20,000 points above their heads.

In an instant, the players who were attacked by Zhang Yi had only 1 point left in their health bars.

Only at this time did the players of the God King Family realize that the black robe imperial beast master in front of them was a normal player.

He is clearly a plug-in!

"Damn! What the **** is this hurt!"

"This guy... who is it?!"

"What does he mean by turning on the lock blood mode?"

When everyone was in controversy, Zhang Yi was only seen holding the storm wand and continued to approach here.

Suddenly, the players of the family of God Kings were so scared that they couldn't stop backing up, one by one, you look at me and I look at you, looking at each other.

Before that, they had never experienced that more than a hundred people were deterred by a single person!

Even the coming of the God King was a look of horror.

"You...who are you? I haven't provoke you, am I?"

Unprecedented fear, so that the king of God came and couldn't help but regress.

And Zhang Yi said, "Give you a chance to choose."


"Please do me a favor."

Hearing, the king came to hesitate and asked tentatively: "What do you want me to do?"

"I need your family of gods and kings to help me fight the unparalleled world."

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell.

The face of the **** king suddenly changed when he arrived.

The world is unparalleled, that is the top three in Extreme Bingcheng, a top team with more than three thousand players!

How could he be able to provoke a family of gods and kings with hundreds of people!

However, before the horrified God King came and said anything, Zhang Yi went on to say: "Either help me, or you are going to disappear from Extreme Ice City."

The King of God came and swallowed deeply, without making a decision, and then heard Zhang Yi say: "Of course, I won't let you help in vain."

"If you are willing to help me fight against the world, after it's done, this will be yours."

With that said, Zhang Yi could only create a picture book, and then through the system, sharing this picture book with the **** King descended through the system.

When I saw the [Magic 6-Star Treasure Box] illustrated book shared by the other party, the king who had never seen a 5-star Treasure Chest descended, and he was immediately stunned.

"6 stars...Magic Treasure Box!"

After staying for a long time, the **** king came and asked in disbelief: "Is this true?"


After hesitating, the King of God came and gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I promise you!"

"What's the specific action?"

"Listen to my arrangements."

As soon as the voice fell, the King of God came here, and immediately received a prompt——

"Ding~The player [Hidden] invites you to join the group chat [Tian Xia Wushuang Raiders Group]..."

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