Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 400: Everyone got beaten in?

It is in the chat group of 100 people created by Zhang Yi and consumes 10 reputation points per hour [Tian Xia Wushuang Raiders Group].

After the **** king descended and was pulled in, he found that there was only himself in the group, and the black-robed beast master.

Seeing Zhang Yi who turned to leave directly, the King of God descended with a dazed expression.

By his side, a few younger brothers from the family of gods leaned over.

"Captain, what is the picture book he just showed you? It feels like your expression just now is like winning a million in a lottery ticket..."

As the assassin's younger brother, God King Tiancai, the voice just fell.

The God King came still with a shocked expression on his face, and said, "The 6-Star Magic Treasure Box..."

"6 stars, magic chest?"

"Really or not! The Apocalypse announcement does not say that the value of the treasure chest is comparable to the artifact, but the synthesis rate is less than 1%? And it needs two treasure chests of the same star to be synthesized, even if it is a character explosion, before he synthesizes, Where did those two 6-star treasure chests come from? Our Extreme Ice City is currently the one-star national upgrade challenge some time ago, and ten 5-star treasure chests have been released!"

"The ghost knows." In the eyes of the **** king, a greedy color appeared: "But it is certain that it is a 6-star magic treasure chest, and the system illustration can't be faked!"

Stop talking.

Controversy arose again among the younger brothers.

"Why is this guy's fighting power so terrifying! Nearly 20,000 damage, this is caused by humans?"

"He won't, it's the concealed boss who came to the top of the list in the past two days in Extreme Ice City!"

"It's very possible, it's horrible. My legs were shaking just now. I've never been scared before facing a BOSS!"

Amidst the words, everyone else has lingering fears.

Only when the King of God came, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he said, "Don't care who he is, he just said, as long as we help him fight the unparalleled world, he will give me that treasure chest!"

"But, how could he be willing to give such a top-quality thing to others? What's more, the world is unparalleled, it's not something we can provoke..." said a little brother beside him.

The **** king came and didn't care about it: "Look at how he arranges first, and act according to the timing."

"In short, this magic box is about to be decided by labor and management!"

A strange light appeared in the eyes of the **** king descending...

After winning the family of the gods, Zhang Yi followed the law.

Enumerate the list, and continue to ask the people in the Pinnacle Hall to help find the people on the list.

And on the list, what Zhang Yi asked Pinnacle Hall to help find were all small families with hundreds of people in Extreme Bing City, and as Young Master Pinnacle said, these families were almost all bullies in Extreme Bing City!

After finding, Zhang Yi will immediately go over, use the means of dealing with the family of the gods, open the blood-locked state to abuse them, and then use the magic treasure chest in his hand to bully and lure them, and agree to help him fight the unparalleled world.

All day today, Zhang Yi didn't go to the task to practice leveling either, so he devoted himself to this task.

As a result, [Tian Xia Wushuang Raiders Group] This chat group has successively joined new members one after another.

"Ding~ Welcome player [Shadow Master] (Male, Level 52 Third Rank Assassin) to join the chat group!"

"Ding~Welcome to the player [Sengoku Qixiong] (male, level 52 magician of Rank 3) to join the chat group!"


At five o'clock in the evening, in the chat group, besides the group Zhuo Yi, 12 people had already joined the group unknowingly!

And in the follow-up, no more players continue to join.

As a result, this group of players who didn't know each other really couldn't bear it and started chatting in the group.

[Shadow Lord]: "I'll report my family, I'll come first, the team of hundred people, the captain of the Shadow Alliance!"

[Sengoku Qixiong]: "I am the Captain of the Warring States Period. The current team has 80 people~"

[Troubled Times Heroes]: "The Troubled Times Captain..."

After everyone reported their homes, the group suddenly fell into silence.

Because each of them is the captain of a team of about a hundred people.

No one continued to speak until several minutes later.

"Boss... are all beaten in?"

"I... The Hundred People Group was destroyed directly, and destroyed by one person..."

"Rely on us too, it's the leader of the group! The leader of the group came out and said, which great **** is this, your strength is too abnormal! Anyway, I am convinced!"

"Yeah, what the **** are you going to do if you defeat us without killing us, and pull us into this group?"

For a long time, the group leader, who hasn't said a word since the founding of the group, finally showed up.

"The action begins tonight, now release your mission."

"I need you to help me lure the unparalleled people in the world to the [Greed Lair] map. Be sure to bring all of your subordinates to help me kill the unparalleled in the Greedy Lair."

Zhang Yi said in the group: "I will wait for you inside in advance and cooperate with you. Who can kill Wushuang Luanwu, this box belongs to whoever, the gentleman can't chase the horse with a word [Magic·6 Star Treasure Box] (Picture Book) "

At the end of the day, Zhang Yi added: "If anyone leaks the secret, next time, there will be no such good thing as blood lock, so I can do it for myself."

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell.

The chat group suddenly exploded, and everyone used the identities and the source of the magic treasure box as the grounds to bombard and inquire about the group's opinions.

But after sending those few messages, Zhang Yi dived and stopped talking.

Since then, everyone's topic has returned to fighting against the world.

"Okay! Since the boss has already said that, we will immediately follow your instructions. We only hope that we will help you to destroy the world Wushuang. Don't go back and say the magic treasure box. Who will kill Wushuang Ranwu? who!"

"Good guys, this 6-star magic treasure chest belongs to us [Troubled Times], don't want to **** it from any of you!"

"Tsk tusk, that Wushuang Ranwu is the number one assassin in Extreme Ice City, the big guy should think about how to deal with him!"

"Small, it's not easy for us to join forces with so many, and to be one of a hundred big bosses, to deal with them is unparalleled in the world!"

"Tonight, the world is bound to die!"

It's quiet in the dead of night.

The moon is black and the wind is high...

In Jibing City, the world's unparalleled captain, Wushuang Flurry, is hugging two super girls from left and right, soaking in a private room of a high-end restaurant, and having dinner with several officials-level team members.

"Captain, I heard that today, many third-rate forces in our Extreme Ice City have all been targeted by the same person."

During the banquet, the world's unparalleled elites sitting around the table, the 53rd level magician [Wushuang Fire Method] said to Wushuang Ranwu: "It is said that the other party will kill all their Hundred Groups with the power of one person!"

"That guy, I'm afraid it is the black-robed beastmaster who has been targeting us in the past two days!"

After receiving the Wushuang Fire Method, another elite of the team, the 53rd Rank Warrior [Wushuang Bloodblade] said: "If this guy is not eradicated as soon as possible, it is estimated that it will not be long before we will find our World Warriors!"

All the people sitting around the table were worried. Only Wushuang danced unhurriedly, hugging the two beauties, and said with a smile: "I don't panic, what are you panicking."

As he said, Wushuang flirted with a soft and supple priest girl in her arms, sobbing on the white cheek, and a sharp look appeared in her eyes: "Don't worry, that guy, he will die tonight."

"Everything is under my control! Hahaha~"

"Captain, what do you mean by this?"

Only when Wushuang Huo Fa they feel puzzled.

Suddenly, a man with an archer in silver leather armor broke into the private room.

On the top of the archer man's head, a line of white ID greeted everyone's eyes:

Level 52 Three-turn Archer·The King of Gods is here!

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