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Chapter 987: Super BOSS, natural disasters come!

The time is fixed at ten o'clock in the morning.

However, at this moment, the entire sky fell into a gloomy darkness, becoming like evening.

The wind and clouds changed suddenly, the lightning flashed and thunder, the huge Skeleton King became bigger and bigger, countless lightning spawned, as if it was about to swallow the sky and the earth!

At this time, the sixth floor of Skeleton City.

With the announcement of the system citywide announcement, it is stated that [Dark Skeleton King: Hull] will be refreshed, and as the BOSS is refreshed, all the gates between the seven floors of Skeleton City will be opened.

Zhang Yi, who already had the qualifications to enter the seventh floor, also immediately led the dragon army, pouring into the seventh floor!

And within seven floors.

The candle dragons, ghost kings and night marching players who were at war were all shocked.

The fighting stopped temporarily.

Everyone stared at the dark castle not far in front with panic eyes.

A powerful dark force bloomed from the castle.

The purpose of the ghost king and the candle dragon has been achieved.

Before the Dark Skeleton King came out, they immediately evacuated.


A dark barrier opened from a clearing not far behind Ghost King Buye.

The ghost king and the candle dragon ran towards the enchantment at the same time.

Upon seeing this, the Nightcrawler immediately ordered to stop: "Yinuo Qingcheng is about to come, hold them, don't let them run!"

"Be careful of its sword!"

The voice just fell.

A large group of night marching players rushed towards the enchantment.

at this time.

The ghost king swung the ghost sword.


A black sword light crushed the front.

Overturn a large area of ​​night marching players approaching the enchantment to the ground!

One after another, more than ten million damages jumped from the heads of those night marching players who were under attack.

Compared to before he got the ghost sword, the damage of the ghost king Buye has not changed!

The Nightcrawler apparently also discovered this problem: "It hasn't completely integrated with that sword yet, so it can't exert the power of that sword for the time being!"

"Brothers have a good chance, take advantage of this to kill the ghost king!"

Around, more night marching players flocked.

And at this moment.

The ground trembled.


A strong black light wave was released from the dark castle.

In an instant, hundreds of night marching players within 100 meters of the castle were all overthrown to the ground!

A huge amount of damage of more than 50 million hits the audience!

next moment.

Countless white lights soared into the sky!

Using the dragon blood skill [Dragon Emperor Possession] to enter the unselectable state, the candle dragon that escaped the catastrophe, along with the ghost king Buye, who fought hard against the next attack, got into the enchantment while being chaotic!

Immediately afterwards, the barrier disappeared.

The night marching player has not had time to pursue it.

at this time.


A huge red light beam shot out from the top of the dark castle, shooting straight into the air, as if it had pierced a big hole in the sky.

Then, red light appeared in the castle.

Boom! Boom!

A giant skeleton man with a body height of more than ten meters, wearing a golden crown, black armor, holding a dark scepter in his hand, and a golden bow on his back, stepped out of the dark castle!

Every step taken, the entire Skull Island trembles, it can be described as earth-shattering!

In all directions, a crowd of night marching players raised their heads at a 45-degree angle to see the blood red ID on the head of the skeleton giant——

[Dark Skeleton King: Hull] (160 dual system, 32-star BOSS)!

There was a sound of inhaling cold breath, scattered from the field.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

32-star BOSS! ! !

The rank of this Dark Skeleton King has surpassed all players' knowledge of BOSS!

Among those present, there are currently only night marchers.

Moreover, after the battle consumption just now, at this moment, there are only six or seven hundred players left on the night march.

Although the seven-story city gate has been opened with the refresh of the Dark Skeleton King.

But the players are almost all rushing to the seventh floor to see the BOSS on the way.

Although the current situation is very critical.

Among the remaining players in the night march, seeing such a powerful super BOSS, there are still some who can't bear the blood and excitement in their hearts and start the live broadcast.

Once this live broadcast room named [Apocalypse's strongest BOSS Dark Skeleton King live broadcast] was opened, within ten seconds, it directly rose to the top of the live broadcast room popularity list.

Countless spectators who have not yet reached the city of Skull King rushed in frantically.

The 32-star BOSS shocked everyone!

The live broadcast room has exploded.

Countless players have crazily flocked to Skull Island.

Because even if it is killed by the BOSS, it will be 10% experience, and there is a penalty of -1 for the chance of resurrection.

However, I am afraid that the biggest BOSS in the history of Apocalypse can be seen with my own eyes, and it is also worthy of death!

And within the seven floors of Skeleton King City.

After the Dark Skeleton King Hull came out of the dark castle, he raised his head to the sky and let out a deafening roar.


The surrounding night marching players covered their ears.

"You didn't annihilate you fifteen years ago. You lingering human beings dare to step into the territory of my Dark Skeleton King to die!"

"The king will fulfill you!"

The body of the Dark Skeleton King exudes a powerful dark aura!

The next moment, raise the staff high, use the magic stance, and start casting the spell.

As a dual-line BOSS, the Dark Skeleton King is able to master both magical and physical attacks at the same time.

The 32-star BOSS is definitely not something hundreds of players can handle in the Night March area.

To stay is to die.

While the Dark Skeleton King is still casting spells.

The nightcrawler hurriedly shouted to the surrounding night marching players: "Retreat! Everyone retreat!"

However, it was too late.

The Dark Skeleton King has finished casting the spell.

"Great dark power! Please fight for this king!"

There was a roar.


From the top of the dark scepter held by Hull, a beam of cold light blasted straight into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky.

Boom boom boom boom!

Countless bolts of lightning smashed down, chaotic bombardment among the night marching crowds around Hull.

Countless night marching players were brutally attacked by the lightning storm summoned by the Skeleton King, and the huge amount of damage from more than 5,000 players swept the crowd, killing them instantly!

at the same time.

The Skeleton King put away his staff and took off the golden bow on his back.

Switch from magic form to physical form.

Switch from a mage to an archer.


Draw a bow and shoot a golden arrow to the sky.

The sharp arrow lifted into the sky, opening a huge circular barrier.

The next moment, a dense and rapid rain of arrows fell from the barrier.

Instantly covered all the night marching players in the Skeleton King's body, 30 to 40 million continuous damage, exploded in the crowd.

The screams kept coming and going, and the white light continued.

In an instant.

The whole army was wiped out during the night march, and more than six hundred people were all killed in an instant, and none of them survived!

The whole city fell into silence.

Only the countless equipment, potions, money and other drops on the ground are left.

Eliminate the night march effortlessly.

The Dark Skeleton King is holding a gold bow.

Boom boom~ boom boom~

Step by step towards the sixth floor of Skeleton King City.

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