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Chapter 988: Invasion of the Dark Skeleton King [1]

The first group to reach the seventh floor of Skeleton City was the dragon clan.

When Zhang Yi and Xing Tian led a group of Dragon players to the seventh floor, they found that the huge city was no longer in sight of a player. They only saw a huge skeleton man-Dark Skeleton King: Hull, down the street, Coming to this side!



Every step of the Skeleton King was accompanied by a wave of shaking, and approaching here with an overwhelming momentum!

\"Good guy, is this the momentum of the 32-star boss!\"

While feeling an unprecedented powerful deterrence, the scavengers were surprised: "Where are the night marches? How come people who haven't seen them have escaped?!"

Just as the scavenger's voice just fell.

Zhang Yi looked at the various drops scattered on the ground not far behind the Dark Skeleton King, and said:

"If nothing happens, they shouldn't have ran away."

"It's dead."

By his side, everyone in the Dragon Race was unbelievable: "Isn't the system announcement just released? How long has the boss been refreshed, so many people on the night march are destroyed, is this Skeleton King so fierce?!"

"What about the ghost king and the candle dragon? They won't be killed by the boss, right?"

Zhang Yi didn't even think about this problem, but stared at the Dark Skeleton King with a torch, falling into a trace of tension and anxiety.

Because he knew: Streaming City is about to usher in a huge disaster!

Just when Zhang Yi was thinking like this.

Another city-wide announcement fell from the sky:

"Ding~Attention all Streamer City players: The Dark Skeleton King Hull is about to lead the Skeleton Legion to invade Streamer City, please stop it!"

"Ding~All Streamer City players, please pay attention..."

This is another city-wide announcement three times in a row!

at the same time.

In the ground behind Hull, countless skeleton warriors and skeleton archers armed with swords or bows and arrows appeared!

They are the Skeleton Legion that was summoned by Hull and used to follow Hull to capture Skull Island!

"This guy still wants to invade Streamer City?"

Hearing the prompt from the system, King Glory shook the longbow in his hand: "Don't ask Brother Cheng Tong if you agree, brother I won't agree!"

With that said, as an elite of the Dragon Clan, King Glory shouted: "Brothers, don't let this big guy go to the sixth floor, just obliterate it on the seventh floor!"

The voice just fell.

A large group of dragon players behind him charged towards the Dark Skeleton King!

At the same time, behind Hull, thousands of skeletons passed by Hull and killed them.

Soon, the dragon players began to fight with the Skeleton Legion!

These skeletons are the same level as Hull, reaching the highest level of the Skull Island map: level 160!

Moreover, they are enveloped by the dark halo of the Dark Skeleton King, and their strength and data have reached the level of a 170-level monster!

Their strength is still very powerful.

Even the players of the Dragon Race can hardly fight against them.

After all, even the top players of Streaming City have an average level of 154-155, which is 15 levels behind the actual data level of these skeletons!

can be seen:

Warrior knight players engage in close confrontations with skeleton warriors.

The archers from both sides were in the back, and all arrows were fired.

Countless sharp arrows fell in the crowd.

One after another skeleton warrior was shot and killed by a rain of arrows.

However, the losses on the Dragon Clan's side were even more severe, and the white light continued.

At the same time, the Dark Skeleton King Hull also began to assist the Skeleton Army to fight.

As it approached the city gate, it raised the dark scepter to cast spells.

Boom boom boom!

Countless lightning fell from the air and bombarded the crowd.

One by one, a huge amount of forty to fifty million damages were swept away in the crowd.

In an instant, dozens of dragon players were directly bombarded and killed!

Immediately afterwards, the Dark Skeleton King switched his physical form again, shooting with a bow and arrow.

Its attacks are all launched into the sky.

Every sharp arrow shot into the air will turn into a rain of arrows and fall.

In a burst of screams, countless dragon players were killed, and the white light kept lighting up!

The damage of the 160-level 32-star BOSS is too high, so high that players at this stage can't resist it!

Thousands of dragon players who were the first to enter the seventh floor of Skeleton City were wiped out in an instant!

Just when the dragons were somewhat unable to withstand the invasion of the Dark Skeleton King.

There was a stir from behind.

I saw it: Countless players passed through the gates and crazily poured into the seventh floor!

They all came under the call of the system.

This is a battle to defend the streamer city.

Never let this big guy enter Streamer City!

"Brothers and sisters, stop this big guy and cut off his path!"

In the crowd, I don't know who is yelling.

Countless players, like a colony of ants, crazily approached the Skeleton King.

Those skeleton warriors who fought for the Skeleton King were quickly swallowed by the crowd.

But the Skeleton Legion under the Dark Skeleton King would be defeated so easily.

Under Hull's call, more and more skeleton warriors sprang from the ground.

An unprecedented large-scale team battle is unfolding in the city of Skeleton King!

Countless sharp arrows and magic **** leaped in the air, and then fell into the crowd.

Knife, light and sword, mixed with all kinds of magical brilliance, mixed with shouts, roars, and howls, exploded on the court.

The players have a clear division of labor.

Some people go to fight the Skeleton Legion.

Some people come to organize the BOSS to move forward.

At this moment, no matter what family or force they are from, all players work together to fight the enemy together!

Thousands of high-level knight players from several high-end families in Streaming City quickly lined up and formed a strong team 50 meters away from Hull to stop Hull from advancing.

At the same time, countless magicians and archer players in the rear waited for Hull to step into the attack range and all arrows were sent!

Boom boom boom boom!

Whoosh whoosh...

Countless sharp arrows bombarded the huge body of the Dark Skeleton King.

But it only hits hundreds of thousands of points on its head, which is basically insignificant damage!

As the Dark Skeleton King of the 32-star BOSS, anyone with a defensive power of over 95% of the audience will not be able to cause damage to it!

And its lethality is too strong.

Wave the scepter of darkness.


From the underground of the knights blocking it in front, an aurora shot out, instantly knocking down thousands of knight players in the range.

The high-level knight group formed by thousands of high-end families in Streaming City was wiped out by the Dark Skeleton King in the blink of an eye!

Their defense was simply unbearable in front of the Dark Skeleton King.

This scene stunned countless players around.

Because they didn’t understand until this moment:

This BOSS is not something that any player can fight against at this stage.

After all, according to the design of Apocalypse: This ultimate boss shouldn't have appeared at this time.

Because of the early intrusion of the Candle Dragon and the Ghost King, they took the Ghost God Sword, causing the Dark Skeleton King to be refreshed at least one month in advance!

The current Dark Skeleton King is invincible!

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