Sima Yu looked at the woman who was overly frightened

I was very puzzled

What the hell is this woman afraid of?

Before coming, Sima Yu had consulted a doctor, and Xu Li did not have any mental illness

That is what is at the scene of this moment that triggers the fear in the depths of the woman’s mind

Sima Yu looked around, it was some very ordinary things, for the safety of women, there was not even a fruit knife on the scene.

It can’t be this piece of paper or ballpoint pen in your hand that makes women feel afraid.

Sima Yu knew that eating could alleviate the fear of the body

So she plucked another banana and handed it to the woman, like to ease her mood.

This time the woman did not refuse, and Sima Yu wanted to ask something more

Xu Li suddenly said: “I want to be discharged, my child is still at home, I want to be discharged.” ”

Sima Yu thought for a while, asked the doctor, and then signed and agreed.

Sima Yu found a detail, and after completing the discharge procedures, when Xu Li left, she still did not dare to go near the paper and pencil.

Like dodging Sima Yu, he took a circle before he walked to the door.


After Xu Li returned home, the first thing she did was to rush into the house to see her three-year-old child.

See the child playing carefree in bed

She picked up her child fiercely, kissed and kissed it, and then looked left and right.

Until I saw that the child was full of body and body, healthy and healthy, I was gently relieved.

Immediately after the woman found the home clean and tidy, bright, the house was spotless

There were also warm bottles on the table, leftover pastries, fried omelets

Apparently someone was at home taking care of the children for themselves.

“Second aunt, are you the child you came to my house to help take care of these days?”

“No, what’s wrong, what happened to the child?”

“It’s okay, just ask.”

After Xu Li asked a circle of her relatives and friends, she found that no one had come.

When she came to the child’s house full of doubts

Suddenly, someone on the wall put a few words with confetti, “Congratulations on making the right choice!] 】

“Ah!” with a bang.

Xu Li turned back and clutched her child deadly

Step by step, step by step, step by step, until you are far away from that line of words

She only looked around nervously

Xu Li thought again of the strange paper man in the basement

At this moment, she already knew that Li Zhendong was dead, and there was a good chance that he was killed by the paper man.

“Mom, I want to play with Xiaohong, will you help me find Xiaohong?”

“Who is Xiaohong?”

“Xiao Hong is good, he can not only fry eggs, but also make the pencil fly, but it is very powerful!”

“Is Xiaohong a neighbor’s child?”

“No, Xiaohong is very small and thin, just like her mother’s paper.”

“Blind said, how can people be so thin…”

Xu Li, who was just about to reprimand the child, narrowed her eyes suddenly.

She thought again of the paper man in the basement

“Mom, is it good for you to help me find Xiaohong, he tells good stories.”

Xu Li, who was holding the child, sat down on the sofa

It was sunny outside, but she felt a chill through her bones.

At this moment, the doorbell rang, and Xu Li trembled a little, slowing down

The woman wiped her tears and came to the door

See through the cat’s eye,

It was a female detective of the Public Security Department who was questioned in the hospital in the morning, Sima Yu.

Xu Li was just about to open the door when she remembered that line

He hurried back to the room and wiped the confetti off the wall.

Then he fixed his mind and wiped his face with his hand before walking to the door.

Sima Yu looked at the nervous Xu Li, although he was slightly confused, but now it was not good to ask immediately.

The two men first exchanged a few words of greeting

Then we talked about the situation of Xu Li’s son

“This little guy is very sensible at first sight, tell your sister, what’s your name?”

“I’m Xu Hu, the tiger of the big tiger.”

Sima Yu and Xu Li nagged for a while

Trying to pull into a relationship with a woman,

Then continue to ask some relevant details about Li Zhendong’s case, the woman is the only person Li Zhendong has seen him before he died

And Sima Yu also concluded that women must know something

But women are clearly not willing to cooperate.

Because of the Li Zhendong case, the Public Security Bureau has been involved in the frenzy of public opinion of the people

The director demanded that Sima Yu find out the cause of Li Zhendong’s death as soon as possible and give an account to the people and citizens.

Sima Yu looked at Xu Li, whose face was still relatively calm at the moment

Try to turn the conversation to Li Zhendong’s case.

“Miss Xu Li, at the time of the crime, did you hear any voices, did you hear the voice of the second person?”

“It was about nine o’clock in the night, and I vaguely heard Li Zhendong’s scream coming from the direction of the bathroom, then the sound of a person falling, and I also heard the sound of glass falling down,…..”

“What you said is consistent with the clues we got at the scene of the investigation, are there any other voices, such as the voice of a second person besides Li Zhendong?”


Sima Yu saw that when Xu Li recalled, his two hands were tightly clasped together, which was obviously nervous.

“During the day, when you saw Li Zhendong, was there anything unusual about him?”

“I don’t know, don’t ask me, I don’t know anything.”

As soon as Xu Li thought about what happened when she saw Li Zhendong, she felt that the hair on her body was going to stand up

His whole body was cold, and his fingers couldn’t help but shiver.

Sima Yu was more and more sure that when the woman saw Li Zhendong, something extremely frightening must have happened

Otherwise women wouldn’t be scared like that.

Sima Yu held Xu Li’s trembling hand and held it vigorously to eliminate her nervousness and fear.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, the woman calmed down.

“Don’t be afraid, our Public Security Department will protect you, and since you don’t want to say it, we won’t force you.”

“Would I like to visit your house?”

“Uh, okay.”

The moment Xu Li entered the door, she felt that the room was too clean

Someone has cleaned it, and there is still a faint smell of oil smoke in the house after cooking, and someone must have opened the fire.

But through the chat, Xu Li already knew

No one comes to take care of the woman’s children these days.

Who are the women who take care of the children and clean the room and cook?

Sima Yu’s intuition told her that that person might be the key clue to solving the case.

Who would it be?

After visiting three rooms

Every room was clean

There is only a pair of scraps on the floor of the children’s room, which is the only special place.

Is this what women get before they open the door for themselves and after returning to the house?

I saw the woman standing nervously in front of a pair of confetti papers.

Sima Yu seemed to have some understanding.

Then Sima Yu and the woman came to the living room again and began to make small talk

Take advantage of the woman’s kung fu to go to the toilet

Sima Yu picked up the scraps of paper on the ground.

I found that it was just ordinary paper scraps, there was no text on it, and I didn’t see any clues after looking at it for half a day.

Sima Yu took out a magnifying glass, and on the couch, on the pillow, picked up some hairs ready to take them back to test the DNA

See if you can find the person who helped Sima Yu take care of the child.

Just after Sima Yu left Xu Li’s house, a small red paper man on the window jumped down and quietly left Xu Li’s house.

Xu Li’s son was lined up by the window, watching the paper man disappear from a distance.

Sima Yu also came to the window and asked the child, “What are you looking at?” ”

“Little Red!” The child pointed to the street outside the window and said.

Little Red?

Sima Yu furrowed his brows, but the street was empty!


ps: A big chapter, don’t urge, first of all, to ensure the quality of the plot is not?

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