The First Affiliated Hospital of Modu, the Fifth Laboratory of Oncology.

Zhang Hao turned on the computer, boarded the dark web again, and submitted the task.

But he was in no hurry to take on the third task.

He wanted to inject life energy into his sister Zhang Ya’s body first

Sister Zhang Ya now lives in a luxurious ward with dedicated nurses.

Zhang Hao shook his sister’s hand and said, “Zhang Ya, how do you feel today?” ”

“The right upper abdomen is still faintly painful, but it is much better than before.”

After Zhang Ya fell asleep, Zhang Hao began to inject life energy into Zhang Ya’s body.

A wisp of life energy invisible to the naked eye injected into Zhang Ya’s body along Zhang Hao’s fingers

Zhang Ya, who occasionally tightened his eyebrows in his sleep, stretched out his brows at the moment when life energy was injected

The clenched fist slowly loosened.

However, Zhang Ke found that his sister’s state suddenly trembled after injecting a paragraph.

Check it out

Decisively stop continuing to inject life energy

My sister’s physical condition, it’s like being uncompensated.

Ginseng is good, but can not be eaten indefinitely, the degree of human blood vessels in a certain period of time is limited, the dose is too large but harmful.

The heart and blood vessels cannot stand it and may burst open.

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Ke injected the remaining life energy into the water cup that Zhang Ya drank, and although the life energy in the blood overflowed, it could absorb a part of it within the digestive system.


If taken orally, the efficiency of being able to absorb into the body is much lower, and the life energy will slowly dissipate over time in the cup.


As Zhang Hao finished all this, the system also had a new prompt message.

[Ding-dong, you have a new prompt.] 】

[Host: Zhang Hao].

[Strength: 70 kg].

At this moment, Zhang Hao found that every time he killed an evil person, when the other party’s life energy traveled around in his body, he could also increase his strength by 10 kilograms.

[Paper Man: Strength 30 kg].

[Ability: Walk, run or fly at 20 km/h


【Special Ability: Gain waterproof ability, can walk in water without falling apart].

It was a small windfall

Zhang Hao looked at the paper man’s new ability

A little eager to verify it

Take out a piece of paper and scissors

After skillfully cutting out a paper man

When he drew the meridian diagram for the paper man again, the system prompted him to draw an extra water drop sign at the heart of the paper man.

Zhang Hao began to paint the paper man with colors.

In less than half an hour, a vivid paper man was made.

After lighting the blood eye on the paper man, after a spell was read, the paper man became a little elf completely.

Zhang Hao first tested the strength of the paper man.

“Little Black, push that computer desk and see.”

The little black paper man floated directly to the foot of the computer desk like a breeze.

Only to see Xiao Hei stretch out his two small hands and start pushing the computer desk in front of him.

The table that the paper man could only take a detour before was pushed forward by him for nearly a meter.


The paper man did evolve.

He came to the corridor outside the ward, opened the computer to enter a string of codes, logged in, and the first pop-up box in his eyes: “Li Zhendong has confirmed his death, and your 1 million commission will be paid immediately….”


The other side,

After Zhang Hao submitted the task, Yali received an anonymous text message on her mobile phone

The content of the text message is empty.

But Hu Yali’s body trembled, she knew what it meant, and she had already seen the overwhelming news on her mobile phone in the past few days

“Sure enough, it was him!”

She finally avenged her family.


She held the phone for a while and then just laughed wildly, laughing and laughing as she cried.

In the past few days, she has also seen the information broadcast in the news, and she really did not expect that Li Zhendong, the devil, not only killed his mother, but also killed so many innocent people.

Then she opened the dark web to leave a message for the killer ghost face: “Thank you for avenging me, and thank you for avenging so many innocent people, you are the light of the city of the magic capital.” ”

Hu Yali was happy, bought a large bag of melon seeds and peanuts and sugar, came to the street, and grabbed a handful of them when she saw people.

Some people refuse, but most will take it with a smile.

Hu Yali then came to her family’s grave with a tribute and a large bag of coins.

Hu Yali, who was kneeling on the ground, was already in tears and could not cry.

“Mom, the daughter is not filial, today to avenge you snow hate, kill your people, before death, all over the body, is a living scared to death ,….


Hu Yali, who had been crying and complaining for a long time in front of the grave, the depression in her heart slowly dissipated.

After the strength of the heart fell,

She remembered Li Zhendong’s death, which was unusual.

In the news of the Public Security Bureau, the second highest case is the Lee Chun-dong case

The preliminary determination is accidental death.

This made Hu Yali secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

Although she didn’t know who Ghost Face was, that didn’t stop her from remembering the name with a little scary tinges.

Hu Yali took out the mobile phone that was commonly used to log in to the dark web and took one last look.

Her later life will return to the normal state of life

She threw her phone into the river next to her.

After eliminating the last shred of evidence, Hu Yali returned to her small rented room.

She wants to get a good night’s sleep and welcome her new life.

“Ding-dong, ding-dong!”

The doorbell rings.


“Public Security Department!” These three words made Hu Yali’s figure soften suddenly, and he supported the door frame.

She asked tremblingly, “What….. Thing? ”

“The Modu Public Security Bureau, there is an unnatural death case that needs your assistance in investigation, please come with us.”


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