When Hu Yali sat in the interrogation room, she found a female agent with good facial features but a haggard face sitting opposite her

Although he was very tired, Sima Yu was still capable and competent.


“Hu Yali!”



After the routine culture, Sima Yu asked, “I heard that your mother’s name is Zhang Jiaxin, and she was also a deceased person killed by Li Zhendong before she died, right?” ”

Hu Yali looked up, looked at the other person, and nodded.

“Do you know that Li Zhendong is dead?”

“I knew it yesterday.”

“I heard that you bought a big bag of melon seeds and sugar yesterday and distributed it all over the streets.”

Hu Yali excitedly patted the table and said: “That evil man killed so many people, after he died, countless people in the demon capital set off fireworks, drank wine to celebrate, I was in a good mood, send some sugar, send some peanuts and melon seeds, what’s wrong!” Is it against the law? ”

“It is not illegal to distribute melon seeds, but we have surveillance video showing that when Li Zhendong was acquitted, you threatened to kill him.”

“Yes, I said I was going to kill him, he killed my mother, did I threaten to kill him against the law?”

“It’s not against the law, but it proves that you have a motive to kill.”

Sima Yu’s eyes flashed, and his eyes stared directly at Hu Yali and said:

“A week ago, you sold your house and sold it for 1 million, and within 24 hours of Li Zhendong’s death, your account happened to be one million less.”

“You have both a motive for killing and a sum of money to buy a murderer, and we have reason to suspect that you are related to the murder of Li Zhendong!”

Hu Yali was shocked in her heart, and her fingers unconsciously moved back.

But then he angrily pointed at Sima Yu and said:

“Evidence, if there is no evidence, you are slander.”

The change in the expression on Hu Yali’s face, although fleeting, was still caught by Sima Yu.

Sima Yu then said, “We also found out today that the one million in your account was transferred to an overseas account, what is this money for?” ”


Hu Yali’s face changed again and again

Finally, he pulled a lie and said: “My own money, buy something, don’t break the law, is your Public Security Bureau too lenient?” ”

“What did you buy?”

“I was going to buy some expensive cosmetics, but I found out that I was cheated, and I couldn’t do it…”

What Hu Yali didn’t know was that the chair she was sitting in also had the function of a lie detector.

And the lie detector showed at this moment that Hu Yali was lying.

“Miss Hu Yali, you may not know how advanced modern torture tools are, and he can test whether every word you say is true or false.”

“Although these are not yet evidence in court, they can tell us that you lied and that you can’t get rid of it.”

Hu Yali was eventually detained

And Sima Yu’s judgment is,

Hu Yali and Li Zhendong are related, but her mentality, her physique and strength are not enough to kill Li Zhendong.

Most critically, Hu Yali has ample alibi to prove that she is not the murderer.

For the investigation of Li Zhendong’s home scene, it also fell into the same blind spot as Chen Kuishan’s case

Whether it is the traces of the scene or the surveillance video, there is no trace of the existence of any assailant.

Especially in Li Zhendong’s home, there are bloody footprints everywhere, and things in the house have been knocked upside down

If someone goes in and commits a crime, they will definitely leave a footprint.

However, Sima Yu and the agents of the serious crime team carefully examined each footprint and found that they were the bloody footprints of Li Zhendong himself.


Sima Yu recalled the details of his interrogation of Xu Li several times

She believed that Xu Li must have known some important information

Xu Li may have been threatened, so she did not dare to say it.

What left Sima Yu speechless was that Xu Li, as a victim, not only could not force the other party, but also had to take care of the other party’s emotions.

What is Xu Li afraid of?

This was the thing Sima Yu wanted to know the most

Every time she asked about the key place, Xu Li’s fear was particularly obvious

Not to mention Sima Yu, even an ordinary agent of the Public Security Bureau could see what Xu Li was hiding.

“Jade Great Detective, is it useful for us to follow each other like this?”

“Xiao Wang, this Xu Li is the only survivor of Li Zhendong’s case, she must know something!”

Sima Yu observed that Xu Li was in the process of picking up her children to go to school, which was normal

It is also normal in ordinary life

Through the visit and understanding of Xu Li’s home, Sima Yu found that when she returned home, Xu Li would know about children, writing and painting.

But through these few days of tracking and observation,

Sima Yu found that since Xu Li returned home, the door of their study had been locked

Xu Li never taught her children to write or draw again.

Mother and son, when they get home, make a little game, tell a little story, and then they will coax the child to sleep.

And often the lights don’t go out all night.

This evening, Sima Yu observed that when the child took out a portrait of his mother in his schoolbag

Xu Li was so frightened that she retreated one after another, not daring to pick up the drawing paper in the child’s hand, or even dare to look at it.

This discovery made Sima Yu frown darkly.

Could it be that the terrible thing Xu Li saw in Li Zhendong was also a drawing paper?

Then Sima Yu observed that it was a comic book, a piece of scraps of paper, and Xu Li had a look of fear after seeing it.

She even saw that her child wanted to buy a comic book, and just after turning a page, Xu Li pulled the child away in fear.

When an old newspaper from the cleaner’s elder sister on the road fell in front of Xu Li, Xu Li’s panicked expression frightened everyone around.

This kind of abnormal discovery made Sima Yu, who had been tracking all the way, feel very inexplicable.

At this moment, she couldn’t see what Xu Li was afraid of.

What made Sima Yu feel most disturbed was that

After a few days of stalking, she had determined that Xu Li must have seen something very frightening

As long as she can say what she saw, then Li Zhendong’s case may be solved.

It’s like being covered with a layer of fog in front of your eyes, obviously you can see the truth as long as you breathe

But the woman who blew that breath could not open her mouth because of fear.

Then Sima Yu thought of Xiaohong mentioned by Xu Li’s children last time.

Who is that little red?

Maybe try to get the information you want from the mouth of a small child.

After Sima Yu returned to the Public Security Bureau, he rearranged his tracking records for the past two days.

One of the most important ones is the list of items that make Xu Li feel frightened:

Comic books, drawing paper, scraps, newspapers, exam papers,….

So many things are items that can cause Xu Li’s look to change drastically and her body tremble in the past few days.

Sima Yu fell into deep thinking.

What exactly did Xu Li see?


A big chapter to send!

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