"This way, you two wait here. I'll go and return quickly. We should be able to make it in time. Before that, do not act rashly."

"But you still have a high fever right now. I'm just rushing here and there to work for you. I'm afraid your body won't be able to take it."

"That's still better than you. With your current condition, you probably won't be able to survive in Hangzhou. Listen to me, I only have a fever, taking two cold medicine will not be a big problem. Cousin, I'll leave this matter to you two. There's no time to lose, I'll set off now! "

No wonder I had a bad premonition two days ago. It seems like catching up wasn't something between Zhang Ziyuan and I, but rather someone who was obviously secretly following behind me without any of us noticing.

I also blame myself when I think about it. These few days, I've been immersed in the relationship between my children, so I didn't care about anything else. Now that I think about it, with so many people following me, I shouldn't have been this careless.

He felt that his fever was getting worse and worse, his entire body was light and light. Not to mention the pain, he would feel dizzy after taking two steps, but he couldn't do anything about this situation. If he didn't go, he wouldn't be able to solve the problem.

I went back to the city and bought the last train back to Hangzhou. Fortunately, it wasn't too far away. The train would be here in about an hour.

On the train, I was curled up into a ball, shivering non-stop, as if I had fainted. While I was unconscious, I felt someone calling for me.

I felt that if it wasn't a passenger, then it was a flight attendant. I didn't pay much attention to it because it was too unbearable. I fell into a deep sleep …

Later on, I thought about how careless I was. People were coming and going on this train, and there were all kinds of people. I fainted just like that. What if something happened?

When I woke up, I was lying on my bed with what seemed to be a bottle in my hand. I composed myself and looked around. I still seemed to be in the courtyard.

What was going on? I remember that I was on the train. By the way, I was in a hurry to get reinforcements, so I got on the train back to Hangzhou. I can't remember what happened after that.

At this moment, a young male doctor walked in. He wore a white coat and had short hair. He wore a pair of gold-framed eyes, giving him a very gentle appearance.

"Miss, you've finally woken up. You've been in a coma for the entire night, afraid that your fever would cause any problems. Fortunately, you've retreated." You're so sick, and you need to see a doctor right away. Why are you still working so hard? "

Looking at the doctor in white clothes, my brain which had just lost its temperature couldn't calm down for a while, "Who are you? How did I get here? Where is this place? "

"This is my private clinic. You may not remember, but I was sitting next to you on the train and I thought something was wrong until I realized you had a high fever. After getting off the train, I will immediately bring you over for treatment. Otherwise, it will be troublesome if you were to look for another patient. "

I didn't expect that my luck would be so good that I could even run into a good doctor on the train. "Thank you so much, I feel much better now, saying that I've already left, I still have some urgent matters to attend to so I'll leave first.

I've been unconscious for the entire night. By the count of ten, I have already been out for more than ten hours. The longer I stay out, the more danger I face.

I really regret that I was drenched in this heavy rain. To put oneself in gonorrhea, do anything is a burden.

"No, you're not done yet! You are not allowed to go anywhere right now. If you really have something urgent, you can leave it to me. Also, where are your family members?

"No, I am the only one who can do this. You can't even help me!" "Currently, only I am able to enter that place …"

Sure enough, it didn't feel good. The moment he got down to the ground, he felt that something wasn't right.

"What kind of place do you think only you can enter? Don't force yourself! "How about this, I'll drive you there, you take your time, don't worry!"

After I heard those words, I was stunned. I didn't expect that there would be so many good people in this world.

"Ah?" Can you really send me there? "

"Of course, our clinic isn't busy today, and there aren't many patients. My private car can take you there. Just tell me the address."

Then I'll be troubling you! Now that the situation was urgent, he could only ask his big brother to help first before thanking him.

I was unsteadily got into the car by this big brother doctor and gave him the address that I wanted to go to.

"Is this where you want to go?" This was clearly a desolate mountain range with nothing to show for it. "Girl, are you mad? Check your address carefully."

I feebly got out of the car and looked at the scene in front of me. "That's right, this is the place. Sorry to trouble you!"

Normally, this barrier is invisible and ordinary people wouldn't be able to see it, but I know his location like the back of my hand.

That big brother is just an ordinary person, it seems that there are some things I can't hide from him today. When he saw me suddenly slip into a strange space, he would definitely think that I wasn't an ordinary person.

I touched the edges of the barrier and poured my mana into that invisible wall. The wall that was originally invisible slowly revealed its true form.

young doctor seemed to have been shocked. He probably never would have thought that someone had been saved on the train last time, since it was related to the supernatural incident.

I could only go back and explain, "Don't worry, I'm not a bad person. I'm doing so much to save more people. Can you wait for me here?"

The young doctor solemnly nodded his head at me, as if he trusted me a lot. "Don't worry, with your current physique, I won't let you stay here by yourself."

Being able to obtain such a promise made me extremely gratified. Finding the door made from agarwood's head, I pushed it open and walked in.

"Hey, girl, why are you here again? Didn't we already settle the previous matter? "

Ever since they were sealed, the two humans and demons had never violated each other, so when they saw me come in, the gatekeeping Demons was still shocked.

"I am looking for your new Mayor. There are some very important things I need you to tell me."

That gatekeeper was rather easy to talk to, as though he was also a aficionados of peace. Seeing that I didn't have any more enmity towards him, he turned his head to report to me.

The new Mayor was also a young man. His skin was very white and he was a hybrid, with a blue eye that had always been black.

His name was A Ka, half Spanish, with a head of black hair that flowed freely. He was a typical mixed blood beauty.

"Miss Su Su, welcome to visit us. Ever since the formation of the barrier, we have not been able to see humans again. There are only a few people that can enter and leave, I am very happy to have you pay a visit."

"Mayor, you don't visit the Three Treasures Palace for no reason. I don't know if you have counted the number of people in your city. There are at least a dozen of remnants of Demons that came looking for trouble with me. Furthermore, they followed me all the way back to my hometown. They are simple and kind farmers, so it has nothing to do with this matter. They don't even know about the existence of demons in this world.

Speaking of which, I was still quite angry about it, so my tone was a little too serious. When the Mayor heard me, his brows creased, it took a long time for him to understand what I meant.

"Are you saying that my companions from the Demons are still active in this human realm? Moreover, they are looking for trouble with you? That was really my negligence. Ever since the Great Human-Demon War, I did count them once, but there were many casualties. I didn't care about the missing people and just thought that they were already dead. "I didn't expect him to be hiding in the mortal realm …"

Hearing the Mayor's words, he did not seem to plan to stand by and do nothing. Then, things would be easy to handle.

"Since we have successfully negotiated, we do not wish for any conflict to appear between the two parties. That's why I did not attack him head on. Instead, I immediately came to ask for your help."

"Alright, I will not interfere with this matter. However, there are some things I want to explain to you. The numerous Demon General in my city are no longer able to leave this barrier. If his comrades are still willing to listen to me, then that's fine. But if they have already betrayed the Demon City and decide to do as they please, then he will no longer be a citizen of the Demon City. When the time comes, I will no longer interfere.

This Mayor called A Ka was extremely clever, he avoided responsibility immediately. That was to say, if he could persuade her to make a move, she would be happy. If she could not, he would no longer have to take responsibility for her actions.

"In this situation, you can only agree to his request." "No problem, the situation is urgent, quickly come with me!"

Right now, I am extremely anxious. I wonder what happened to the people trapped in the village? If I didn't have a fever, I wouldn't have delayed it for so long.

A Ka kept to his word and immediately packed his stuff and followed me out.

When we reached the door, I was touched that the young doctor was still waiting for us.

Seeing that I brought out a person from heterospatial space, he was not too surprised and quickly said, "Hurry up and get in the car, aren't you in a hurry? I'll send you wherever you want to go! "

Wasn't this person too calm? I was surprised for a moment. If it was a normal person in this situation, they would have already run away in fright. Not only did he wait here, he even offered to help me.

"Please take us to the train station, we are going to Tongxian County, a small village under your command."

"The place you guys are going seems very remote. If it's a train, then you'll have to go back to the car after getting off. That will take a long time. How about this, where can I take you guys?" You can save time waiting for the train and going in and out of the station. What do you think? "

Once again, I was stunned. I couldn't help but to suspect the young doctor's motive. He was obviously a stranger, someone he had just met on the train. Why was he able to save a stranger? Furthermore, this stranger didn't even know the ins and outs of the city, yet he was able to help him without reservation.

Does this man mean anything to us? If that was the case, I wouldn't be able to resist anything he did to me while I was feverish and in a coma. Many questions lingered in my mind, but I decided to trust the young doctor.

"Wouldn't that be too much trouble for you?" You have so many patients in your hands, and you've been going back and forth for so long? Will it hold up your work? "

"Don't worry. When you came back, you had already said that you wouldn't be accepting new patients."

"Alright, then I'll show you the way …"

To be honest, it would really save us a lot of time, and we'd have to wait at least two hours before we could get a train.

The young doctor drove the car all the way into the small village. This way, we would be able to get back before noon.

On the way, the young doctor told us that his name was Lu Xiaojia, and that he had been running a clinic in the outskirts of Hangzhou for many years. I don't have any other hobbies, but I like helping others for fun. It was only due to fate that we met each other on the train.

Lu Xiaojia escorted us all the way to the designated location. Sure enough, the scene before us was beyond my expectations. The entire village had been completely destroyed by the dozens of Demon General s.

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