"Heavens, who are these people? "How can you destroy the buildings of these villagers so unscrupulously?"

young doctor seemed to have never seen such a scene before, and exclaimed loudly.

"These aren't people, but demons …"

Magic? At this point, Lu Xiaojie still could not fully understand what was going on in front of him. I told him to stay in the car and not get out, just in case.

Mayor A Ka could not watch any longer, "Stop, what are you all doing?"

There were some demon dwellers who recognized A Ka, "It's you? Why are you here? I just can't get used to it. Why do people have to live in this playworld while we are sealed up? "

"I'm here to stop you guys from coming. Since we have already concluded a peace treaty with the humans, we can't go back on our words, where should we put the face of the Demons if you do that?"

The lord of a city was absolutely right. Today, these magical beasts had given him a resounding slap in the face. If he could not settle this matter today, then his authority as the lord of a city would be swept away.

"A Ka, who are you? It's just a half-human half-devil, don't bother about us! "

"You haven't gone back for a long time, right? I'm afraid you don't know, but do you know about the changes in the Demon City? "

A Ka took down a ring from his hand. Just now, in the chaos, this ring did not seem to be conspicuous, but the moment he raised it up high, it released a multicolored light.

"It, it's the Mayor Ring? You, are you a Mayor now? "

"The previous Alliance Master died because of a frail body. I have already been in charge of the Mayor for a long time, but you all no longer paid attention to the movements in the Demon City. If you still acknowledge this ring, and even admit that I am your current master, then stop now and don't continue to err! "" No, it!

After all, they were a race that was loyal to their master. If one were to say that they were no longer obedient to their master, it would mean that they had abandoned their own race.

However, one of the brave Demons person did not seem to be afraid of the Mayor in front of him, "You are our master, so what? We can no longer recognize you as our master. "

These words were from the Demons. They had been rebellious for a long time, but they did not have the courage to say it out loud.

A Ka had actually already expected such an outcome. After all, the outer army could no longer accept orders, and the other Demon General s could no longer come back to the human world. A Ka, who was alone, could no longer hold up and serve as the face of a Mayor.

A Ka didn't seem to be very flustered. From the first time I saw her, I felt that he was a very shrewd person. Perhaps this had something to do with his half-human and half-demon physique. Most of the half-human and half-demon's intelligence was extremely high. This was one of the reasons why the devil's intelligence was so high in recent years. After all, no matter how powerful they were, they couldn't be compared to a smart brain.

"Alright, since you guys have already said that, I don't have to leave any face for you. At the beginning, I always felt that we were all clansmen. No matter what, as the leader of this clan, I should always cover up my favoritism towards you. However, the words you've just said have truly hurt me … "

What he said was extremely sincere, causing everyone present to be moved. The few traitors also quietly lowered their heads.

"Now, if I ask again, if any of you still listen to me, then step forward and come to my side. I can still accept you. As for the rest, I won't be polite!"

Right now, I am also filled with admiration for this new Mayor. He only has one person on his side, yet he is facing more than ten clan members.

All the Demons s were only one person and did not have any intelligence. The reason why he said that was because he wanted to resolve these issues peacefully without making a move at all.

Those Demons who were clearly very arrogant a moment ago, began to waver when they heard this. If they didn't have to, they wouldn't want to disobey their master.

Demons, who was the leader of the group just now, felt that something was wrong and shouted at his comrades, "Don't listen to him. She is alone right now. We can't go back to our hometown anymore! "If we can't survive in the Mortal Realm, our only goal is death!"

The two used different strategies to attack the heart and try to take the rest of the devils under their command. This war of words between them would determine the outcome of the last war.

"Traitor. He will always be a traitor. Even if he has to live on, he will always feel guilty. Do you want to live with guilt all your lives? Don't forget the oath made by our Demons, that we will only be loyal to our masters our entire lives, and that is our only hope to survive! "

After a while, the two of them had begun their battle. A few tall Demons s seemed to be shaken. Although they were still hesitating, they had already moved towards me.

"Don't go over, the past is his fault! And the freedom we desire, so that it will never be! "

My heart is in my throat now, and I don't know what the final result will be. There are a total of thirteen Demons, so long as half of them still recognize their master, then we have a guaranteed victory.

Sometimes people move with the flow, and so do demons. They choose based on the choice of most people. This was the situation now. More and more people were being pressured by their masters to come this way.

However, there were also a few people who did have their own thoughts. They felt that no matter which decision they made, they would not be able to survive. It would be better for them to fight for you.

Facing those four demons, who refused to surrender no matter what, A Ka also sighed, "You are all my clansmen, so my heart is not biased against them. I hope that you can live a better life. "But I can't tolerate betrayal …"

"Do you think that this ring is only a keepsake? The reason why I'm trying to persuade you is not because I'm afraid that you'll all ignore me, but it's because I feel that I'll give you all one last chance. If you can't grasp it, I'll give you all up completely. "

As he spoke, he raised the ring high up in the air. The light from the ring became even brighter, as if it was about to illuminate the earth under the cold night sky.

All of the Demons closed their eyes. It was as though they could not bear such a powerful light.

Only now did he realize, so that was how it was. The so called Mayor's keepsake ring was not just a decoration, it also contained the power to control one's own people.

No one seemed to know of this secret, and for a long time, the loyal Demons people did not do anything as embarrassing as abandoning their own people. This was probably the first time they had met.

Just when all the demons could not keep their eyes open due to the light, A Ka had already started to take action.

He shook off the ropes on his body, and the four Demons traitors who refused to surrender were tightly tied up.

So it turns out that his trump card was not only the ring, but also the many treasures he had. This rope was almost comparable to the might of the Inescapable Net.

Unexpectedly, the Demon General among them, who was in the lead of all the trouble, was not restricted by the ropes and quickly broke free from them.

"What are you doing?" Was he betraying me completely? I originally wanted to leave you with your life, but if you continue to be so stubborn, I'll have to clean up the mess! "

"Anyway, it's not like I'm going to end up well if you capture me like this. I understand that your methods to deal with traitors have always been very frightening. I might as well go all out today, perhaps there's still a glimmer of hope. If it really isn't anything more than death, then that's all."

"How stubborn. Shouldn't you be punished for breaking your family's village? We are of the same race, I would rather punish myself than bet on you. Don't tell me you still don't understand my painstaking efforts? "

The current Mayor was making his last effort, he hoped to settle this matter as soon as possible. Those villagers who were trapped inside would probably not be able to hold on for long.

It was likely that the last Demons had steeled her heart and did not intend to surrender. No one knew where he got the strength from as he turned around and charged towards the area that was already surrounded by the barrier.

It seemed that when humans were forced to a certain point, they would be able to unleash their limitless potential, and the Demons was no exception. The barrier that they could not destroy no matter what was now like a piece of scrap paper. He extended his fist, and with two punches, a hole appeared in it.

Actually, it was not surprising. Originally, the creation and maintenance of a barrier required magic power. Since Li He Yue had persisted for such a long time, it was likely that there was a problem with this layer of protection.

Li He Yue didn't know how things were right now. If it wasn't for the fact that he ran out of Fa Li and couldn't hold on anymore, the barrier wouldn't have been destroyed so easily. I couldn't help but worry in my heart.

However, what made me even more anxious was that this was an unforeseen event that no one expected. He didn't attack us, but instead turned around and attacked the innocent villagers. They were powerless, so if they were caught, the casualties would be even greater.

The distance between the two parties is quite far. If we were to stop them, it would be too late.

As for the barrier, there were still many experts left. They didn't know if they would be able to withstand such a situation.

Zhang Ziyuan reacted much faster than me, and when he felt that something was wrong, he immediately rushed out. Coincidentally, when the Demons was tearing the barrier apart, he caught up.

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