I nodded furiously. Well, Mom, your eyes are like torches and your eyes are like gold. Nothing can escape your eyes!

I decided to change my strategy. First, I would stabilize my mother.

Then tell me immediately, what exactly is the child? Where do you live? Who are their parents?

Looking at my mother looking at me with a face full of gossip, I groaned in my heart. Oh my god, you are really mocking me for speaking nonsense.

I told him with a serious expression, 'Then I'll tell you the truth. Actually, my husband is not Chinese!

If I say this, I won't be able to get my own other lies out of my mouth! Without a beginning, without an end, just casually say it out and then how do you want to make it up?

His mother was also shocked. Could it be? From the looks of it, he clearly spoke Chinese, and he spoke Chinese quite fluently.

Ah, yes, it's like that. In fact, he has Chinese blood in him. He's a half-breed. Well, yes, that's it, and then what? His family was in a very mysterious island country! Although this island nation was very rich, no one in this world knew of their existence!

In fact, I can't really believe what I just said. It is simply a fantasy, but my explanation would make my mother believe it more than those weird things.

Yeah, at least you didn't lie to me. I've never heard of such a miraculous thing. How did you get so lucky? He made a rich and handsome man?

Mom's expression was also very serious, and I thought she was beginning to believe me.

Ah, it's like this. His country is rich, and my husband is a prince of that country. But where there is power, there is strife! After Zhang Ziyuan's father died, in order to stop it, a few of his uncles tried to take over the throne, so he thought of a way to destroy it.

I decided that if I don't become a Spirit Master anymore, I will change my line of work to write novels. To write such a dog-shit story, I will definitely praise it and cheer it on!

When I heard my mother's words, I was stunned for a moment. At the beginning, I was skeptical, but gradually, I started to believe it.

That is to say, those big guys who came to make trouble were the political enemies of that island country?

That's right, that's right, that was the reason they came here, to kill Zhang Ziyuan! For example, the reinforcements that I brought over, you saw him solve all the problems the moment he arrived, and even said that he wanted Zhang Ziyuan to go back and take over the throne!

Mom suddenly understood. Aiya, if that's the case, my daughter, don't you want to be an imperial concubine? Then you really are a phoenix from a branch, and Mom is really too happy. I thought you were a crow, but who would've thought that one day you would actually find a prince!

I secretly gave Mom a Like. This imagination is really rich!

Yes, yes, if Zhang Ziyuan can go back, then I will be the queen of a nation!

This Spring and Autumn Dream seemed to be real!

Those so-called friends who followed you here, they must be the prince's guards. If it weren't for them, I estimate that the entire village would have suffered. And the one who can carry you and fly around, that speed is really fast. Oh right, my girl, when did you become an expert?

Ah? That's right, when did I become an expert? Oh no, this question was not made up...

Can you talk about this tomorrow? Mom, I'm really sleepy right now. I want to go to sleep. I haven't slept well for such a long time. I feel a little dizzy. I haven't recovered from the cold yet …

This trick worked well. Mom saw that I didn't feel well, so she didn't pursue the matter, but I felt sure that with his brain, he would be able to figure it out.

I also know that it must be very dangerous for you to be with such a prince. It is also normal for you to learn some self-defense skills, but I didn't expect you to be so dignified.

Sure enough, I didn't need to go through so much trouble, he could even arrange it himself …

Then, mother, since things have already come to this, do you agree with us being together or not?

His mother sighed. Which mother didn't want her daughter to marry a good family? Actually, I don't wish for you to be rich or rich, as long as you are happy. I feel that this man treats you well, I feel that this is enough …

Mom's words were very kind. He was really thinking for me. Then mom, can you help me keep this a secret? We can't reveal his identity yet. One day, when we really take back the power and become the imperial concubine, I'll definitely take you in and raise you up for the rest of the year!

Mom quickly nodded. Although I'm a rural woman, I know my limits. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone!

At that time, everyone in the village knew that this calamity had to do with me, and it wouldn't be easy to be a person then. I didn't expect that mom would still be reasonable.

Then you should hurry up and rest. This house has just been built and you can finally have a good night's sleep!

Just as my mother walked out, Zhang Ziyuan finally came in. I have already been outside for half a day and you guys have been chatting for a long time, what did you all say?

For the sake of whispered conversation, these topics cannot be told to you.

I know even if you didn't say it, you must be talking about me. Tell me, how did you arrange it for me? Don't tell me he's talking about me, the CEO or something?

Even though Zhang Ziyuan didn't hear us clearly from the outside, he could probably guess what was going on.

Stop being so smug, who said that you were a CEO? I didn't put you on such a high pedestal, I am only talking about you, you are a prince of a certain country …

Then I told him everything I had lied to my mother about, and couldn't stop laughing when I heard it.

It's so late, don't laugh, it's bad if you disturb the neighbors!

No, hahahaha, hahaha! You are too interesting, my wife, I didn't expect your imagination to be so rich, hahahaha!

Wasn't I still trying to make this lie go round? What do you want me to tell him? She definitely wouldn't believe me if I were to say it to be too small. If I were to tell him the truth, it will definitely make her worried. If we were to leave in the future, it would be hard for them to eat and sleep. I'm already so old, I really don't want them to worry. I can only say this.

Ah, acting like a prince? I have never held such a high position, how can this prince behave like this?

Zhang Ziyuan looked at me in confusion.

Weren't you a member of a big family? It was some kind of gongzi, actually it was almost the same, but the prince's way of doing things was a bit higher than those of other gongzi, so it was alright to just look at him!

Zhang Ziyuan laughed involuntarily, what kind of prince would emerge from this country? Hey, if one day you were to tell your mother that I have already taken over the power of my own country and become king, would you really send your mother to some island to retire?

Since it is such a long time ago, don't think about it anymore. I think that now is the time to pass the test and don't let her worry about it.

There was a very reasonable famous saying, "When a person makes up his first lie, he will use 10 thousand of them to make a circle. Only then will the first lie not be seen through."

I feel that the current situation is as though I have fallen into a trap. If one day my mother were to find out something about me, I'm afraid that I won't be able to hide this matter anymore.

But am I lying in good faith? He didn't think about lying to me in the first place, he just wanted to hide it for now. If in the future, everything that Mom did know, I don't think he would blame me.

Yes, you are a good mother! Oh right, everything has come to an end. Let's talk about what we should do now, right?

What should I say? Wasn't it time to undress and go to bed?

Zhang Ziyuan's smile became weirder and weirder, giving me a bad feeling. Originally, we were going to have a wedding, although there were some problems, but it's only a three-way job. You sent me an official wife, so what should be the steps after the wedding?

At this point, no matter how foolish I was, I could tell what he meant. Are you saying that we're going to the bridal chamber?

As I spoke, my voice became smaller and smaller, and my face started to turn a strange red. I shouldn't admit that I was just shy.

In fact, the two of us hadn't been together once or twice, and he'd already finished me off before we'd known each other for long.

Even though I just got married, I'm already an old couple. Why am I so shy? Just being like a big girl made him seem a bit pretentious.

Um, are your wounds all healed? If not, it's not suitable for strenuous exercise.

Zhang Ziyuan was amused by me once again. You said that bridal ceremony is a strenuous exercise, then I have to see how well the two of them can do!

This person didn't reveal his true nature as a hoodlum. He thought that he had already become better!

Since there's no longer time to think about it, Zhang Ziyuan already slowly leaned over and gently kissed my lips.

That gentle movement was like a pool of water, causing me to sink into the depths of the lake. I was unable to extricate myself, and the stiff body from before had now been stretched out.

At first, I was still very nervous, but after his careful actions, I was especially touched. I felt that at this moment, yes, he truly treated me as a treasure.

What was very different from the first time was that he now truly regarded me as his wife.

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