This was a type of feeling that was protected by the palm of someone's hand. It was difficult to describe with words. He moved more and more slowly, as if it were a tender torture, which I enjoyed but could not extricate myself from.

"Wife, you're really getting more and more beautiful …"

"Don't you feel guilty saying that? "I feel like I'm getting darker and darker from running all over the place. I had an ordinary face to begin with and now, my face is covered by white. Now, there isn't a single white face left."

As I said those words, I was indeed a little disheartened. Just a moment ago, after looking in the mirror, I saw that as I grew older, my face seemed to have aged quite a bit.

But Zhang Ziyuan was different. He was now the leader, and he was immortal. He would not leave any imprint on his face because of the changes in the passing of time.

If this goes on for ten or twenty years, the gap between us will grow bigger and bigger. When I become a old granny who droops to old age, he will still be a young Zhang Ziyuan.

Even though it was a little too early to worry about them, the fear in my heart enveloped me and made me absent-minded.

"What's wrong? Aren't you happy that I praised you? "I've never lied to you. In my eyes, you are the most beautiful woman in the world."

"Then what if I'm old? What if he gets ugly? " I can't hide anything from myself. I was thinking about it just now, and now I can't help but blurt it out.

Zhang Ziyuan was startled at first, but then he seemed to understand my thoughts.

"I understand. You think that you will slowly age while I don't. This way, the gap between us will get bigger and bigger?"

I nodded slightly. "When you forced me to marry you, I was only a child a few years old. But now, 20 years have passed and I've become older than you …"

Zhang Ziyuan laughed until my hair stood on end. I don't know why, but he seemed to be in a very good mood today.

"I knew that you would be worried about this. Don't worry, I'm not immortal. While I'm cultivating, I will slowly get closer to the habits of humans. I will even sleep slowly like you. This is my own choice, I wish to live and die with you … "

What? I opened my eyes wide and looked at him in disbelief. He has already reached the highest level in the cultivation of ghosts. He would actually give up the dream of an immortal and a normal person for me?

"Why are you doing this?" It is already a blessing from my previous life for us to be husband and wife in this life. Why must you insist on living and dying together? "

"You don't understand? "What I am determined to do is not to live and die with you, but in a world where there is no you, I have no taste in life at all …"

Of all the love words in this world, the most beautiful would probably be this, but I knew very well that if these words came out of Zhang Ziyuan's mouth, it would no longer be considered sweet words. It was a promise from him, a promise that weighed a thousand kilograms.

I believe he meant it.

After saying that, his deep eyes fixed at me, as if he couldn't bear to look at me anymore. I embarrassedly turned my body to the side. "These clothes have already been stripped off. Now they have been changed to clear water. What's the use of just looking at them!"

I gently bit my lips with my teeth. After saying those words with a red face, I wished that I could bury my entire body under the blanket and never dare to look at him again.

Zhang Ziyuan immediately understood the meaning behind my words as if he had received encouragement, and pressed down once again.

It was a good night, a night of spring rain, and the leaves outside were wet. I was completely immersed in a warm embrace, unable to extricate myself.

The next day, I got up, and my eyes darkened. I went out to eat breakfast, but my mother caught me red-handed.

"Why didn't you sleep well yesterday? Didn't you say that a fever isn't a headache? "

I don't know how to explain this to her, but can it be that she directly told him that we had a wedding night?

"Oh, my house was full of cockroaches yesterday, so I didn't sleep when I played cockroaches …"

This time, Zhang Ziyuan, who was standing beside me, burst out laughing again.

Right now, my ability to lie to my mom is getting greater and greater. Originally, I would blink a few times, but now, I don't even need to draw up a rough draft. I can directly say whatever I want.

Zhang Ziyuan, this person is also getting more and more joyous, originally he always had a straight face, never having the slightest expression, but now, when I say a few words, she was laughing, laughing until his hair stood on end.

"Ah, that shouldn't be the case. Why would there be cockroaches in the newly built house? "No, I'm going to the city to buy some insecticides today. I'll spray them back and forth!"

After Mom left, Zhang Ziyuan whispered to me, "Is it really appropriate for you to keep on fooling around with him?"

"Can you pay attention to the use of words? What does it mean to be fooled!" If I don't talk about cockroaches, then did she say she had sex with you yesterday? "Then do I still have the face to see her today?"

On my mother's side, it was finally over. She didn't continue asking me what had happened.

After breakfast, I went next door to see Li He Yue who had awoken.

Ever since he woke up, there weren't many problems with his body, but I felt that his mental state was a little strange. I don't know what sort of stimulation he received so he wouldn't be able to explain himself even after asking Big Brother Fu.

"President Li, how do you feel? "Thank you so much, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. This is my neighborhood, and even my relatives and friends. I will not thank you so much. If you need anything in the future, just say so!"

Judging from his mental state, he was indeed in a bad mood. He didn't know what to say, so he decided to go for a break.

When Li He Yue saw me, she had an expression on her face. Did she have to be so distant from me?


In fact, until that day, when he told me the truth, I never knew how to face him.

I always felt that I owed him, but I didn't have any idea how to repay what I owed him.

"If you're still not feeling well, then rest a bit more. This is my second cousin's home. My second cousin and his wife are well, so you can stay here and rest in peace …"

Seeing how I was ignoring him, the light in Li He Yue's eyes suddenly went out. "I'm fine now. Ghost Society still has some matters to take care of. I need to go back immediately."

Although he said that he had some important matters to attend to, his expression was clearly written on his face, "My heart is dead right now, I must find a place to hide and heal my wounds."

Initially, I had intended to let him recuperate here due to his poor health. However, after thinking about it, perhaps the matter between us, after settling down in time, will instead be resolved better. It would be good for both of us if we don't meet again for the time being.

After that, I nodded and followed his words. "Since you have something urgent, I won't keep you any longer. How about this, I'll send someone to escort you back so that you won't be in any danger along the way." He estimated that the environment would be better after he recuperated.

I'm afraid Li He Yue didn't expect that I didn't even say a word to persuade her to stay. Although he was determined to leave, the disappointment on his face couldn't be concealed.

"Alright, there is one more thing that I wanted to tell you, but too many things have happened in the past few days, I haven't had the time, about Li Sheng …"

"Li Sheng, did you really get something out of his mouth?"

Li He Yue nodded, "After all, he is one of us. Even if we want to get something from his mouth, we still can't blow it away. Actually, I came here this time with one of my main purpose, which is to tell you these news. "

"Did he find out about the whereabouts of the Ghost King? Or is it some Ghosts's weakness? "

Although the Ghost King was no longer in control of the Fengdu Ghost City, he was still a huge threat. With his current injuries, he would probably be in hiding to recuperate. If he were to recover in the future, he would probably become a difficult character to deal with.

If we can take advantage of his injuries to find his resting place, we still have a glimmer of hope that we can deal with him.

"That's right, it is the hiding place of Ghost King, but I suggest you, even if you know about this, do not carelessly touch it, after all a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, even if Ghost King is heavily injured, all of you are still not his opponents, what need is there to seek death?"

As expected, Li He Yue did not exaggerate, she had seen the power of the Ghost King before. Even though he was heavily injured, we were no match for him. If not for his previous relapse, we would have been completely annihilated.

"Even though he said that, we are, after all, the leaders of the Spirit Master. If we do not deal with him, and if we were to come back in the future, the ones who will suffer will still be those innocent people."

Li He Yue shook her head and sighed, "I am just advising you, if you insist on going, I won't be able to stop you, so I will definitely tell you the location. But please forgive me, I can't be with you anymore. "

Looking at his eyes, it was as though they had turned into a pool of stagnant water. Could it be that my refusal to be with him had given him such a huge blow?

Then he pressed a piece of paper into my hand. "The address is on it, and since it's confidential, I won't tell you about it directly. Burn the note as soon as you see the address, remember."

That's right, this was the Ghost Society's secret to begin with. With such a strict organization like his, it was probably forbidden for him to spread the secret without permission.

He actually travelled thousands of miles to come precisely to tell me this news, but never would I have thought that I would marry Zhang Ziyuan without notifying him in the slightest.

In the face of danger, he still chose to step forward and spare no effort to protect my family and friends.

Li He Yue was indeed a rare true man.

I reached for the slip of paper, unfolded it, read it, waved my hand, and threw it into the nearby stove.

Thank you, Lee and Yue...

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