Hearing me call his name again, his expression suddenly brightens, and it's not as cloudy as before.

"No matter what, we are best friends. Don't worry, I won't pester you anymore, but I can't control my heart at times, so if necessary, we shouldn't meet again."

I was relieved to hear that from his mouth, because he had let it go. However, in my heart, there is indeed some unhappiness. After all, it is a love affair from my previous life. If I were to end it like this, no matter how hard I try, I will feel helpless.

"In a while, I will get Yue Feng to send you back. He is very fast, and without your bumpy journey, his injuries will worsen."

"Thank you. Even though you and Ming Zhu have different personalities, they are both kind and good girls. It's very rare for a person like you to exist in a society like this."

This was the biggest compliment to me. I gratefully looked back at him and said, "Then we will part ways here."

Li He Yue left. Originally, he thought that Zhang Ziyuan would feel better, but he never thought that he would feel uncomfortable.

"The matter between you two hasn't been resolved yet, so why did you leave just like that?"

"The two of us have already understood each other. What else is there to solve? Can you not be so petty?"

"You really misunderstood me. I am not mocking you when I say this, I am sincere. I feel that, rather than leaving behind eternal regret, it would be better to explain this matter clearly. "

I shook my head. I don't think it's necessary anymore. How can I explain the feelings of my previous life?

I had a nice chat with him, but for a second I felt strange inside my head. It had happened once before, on the eve of our wedding, when Li and Yue had told me about it.

This feeling was very strange. It was as if he had thought of something that he had forgotten for a very long time. In this chaotic state of mind, a figure that looked exactly like Li Jun and Yue Yue appeared in front of him.

Do I know him? Why was he so familiar with it? Looking at his smiling face, his heart felt warm again.

I hugged my own head. No matter how Zhang Ziyuan called out to me, I had already turned a deaf ear to him. Scenes of what happened before my eyes continuously surfaced one after another.

I don't know how much time passed before I finally regained consciousness. What happened to me?

Looking at Zhang Ziyuan opposite me, my face is filled with concern. Looks like I don't know what kind of sickness I had this time.

"Your appearance just now was very scary, as if your consciousness wasn't yours. Although you weren't unconscious, your eyes were empty. You never had this kind of situation before, could it be because your fever wasn't treated well enough to burn your brain?"

I shook my head. I don't think so.

"Then what is the situation? When I called you just now, you didn't seem to hear me. I was very worried and was about to go find someone, but then you woke up. "

I intentionally pretended that nothing had happened and said casually, "No need, I think I just have been too tired during this period of time and will only rest for two more days. Oh right, before Li Jun and Yue Yue left, someone wrote a small note on it saying the whereabouts of Ghost King."

Don't know why? The moment I mentioned this name, the scene in front of me replayed itself. Li Jun and Yue Yue were a person that I couldn't get rid of. I thought to myself, 'Could it be that the memories of my previous life have returned?'

"Oh, he actually gave you such an important piece of information? What's written on the note? "

"There are five words written on it, Constellation Sea Poison Pool …"

My geography wasn't that good, but when I saw those five words, although I deeply engraved them in my mind, I didn't know what kind of place it was.

Zhang Ziyuan frowned, "With Ghost King there, this matter will not be easy to handle."

"Why do you know him?"

He nodded, "I've never been there, but I've heard of this place before. I heard that he is far away in the Western Regions, and because he is rich in poisons, it is easy for them to poison people to death."

"Producing poisonous substances, isn't that the same as the seedling border?"

"More or less, but there are still big differences between the two places. Although the seedling border is overflowing with poisons and there is even a Gu King, it can still be considered as a beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. Thus, there are still a lot of local residents there. However, the Constellation Sea was different. The climate of the Western Regions was originally not that good, and that area was even more careful. Because the Constellation Sea itself is poisonous, and as time goes by, the sea water rises, and even the air is poisonous. "

This sounded like an extremely dangerous place, "How can Ghost King get there?"

"Although there are few signs of life, there is still a gigantic poison king that lives there."

After hearing the two words "poison king", my mind suddenly recalled that acute earthworm who was chasing after us, and my body couldn't help but shiver.

"Why does this sound so sinister?"

"Not only is it sinister, it is also a very large poisonous insect. Furthermore, it is a insect with a human face. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it is the king of all poisons."

There are too many monsters in this world. There are all kinds of poisonous creatures that are hard to deal with.

"So that means that the reason the Ghost King was able to hide there and recuperate is definitely related to the King of Poison, or perhaps the two of them have already teamed up?"

Not to mention the Ghost King, even the King of Ten Thousand Poisons is not someone that can be dealt with. The climate of the Constellation Sea is not something that ordinary people can pass through, so I advise you to give up on this idea. "Su Yun said.

This Ghost King still had some brains, he knew that someone would take advantage of his injuries to make a move on him.

But when faced with such a confidential clue and we don't take the initiative to attack, don't tell me that we're at a disadvantage …?

But after activating the acute earthworm again, I started to hesitate. What kind of difficult monsters have I dealt with, but this poisonous thing is the only thing I don't dare to touch.

"If you're really afraid of being poisoned, then I have a way." It was unknown when Fu Junqing walked in, but he probably heard our conversation.

"You have a way? "Speak!"

"Since there are poisonous substances in this world, they can be used as backup to cure poisons. All living things in this world are related to each other. One thing equals another."

"According to you, do you know where the antidote is now?" I asked.

Actually, I've heard quite a lot, according to the legends in the martial arts world, there are many things that can cure a hundred poisons. However, I have never tried to find out which clues were true and which were false.

Fu Junqing nodded, "I know of a type of thing called a Amaryllis sanguinarum Maxim. Its fragrance is very unique and I can smell its fragrance even from five kilometers away. If he could use it to make a scented bag, he could use it to avoid all kinds of poisons. Even if it's the King of Poison, he has to give way for a bit. "

"In this world, there really is such a magical thing. Then, where does this lotus flower grow at? "Is it good?"

"I know where this lotus flower is, but I want to ask you first. You have decided to eliminate Ghost King first?"

I smacked my lips, "I feel that there are some things that must be done. It's too much to say that a gentleman can do something but not do it. I just faintly feel that not only him, but also someone who will be a huge threat in the future."

Fu Junqing nodded, "If you are determined, I will spare no effort to help you. Although the name seven-step lotus flower sounds nice and feels very holy, the place she opened is beyond ordinary, in Netherworld Valley … "

I was also surprised when he said this was the location, I have heard of this Netherworld Valley before. It was said that that place was even more terrifying than the underworld's underworld.

Some people who had committed heinous crimes in this world were extremely afraid of going to hell after death and thus escaped Ox-Head and Horse-Face's pursuit. And this Netherworld Valley, was specially designed to contain these evil spirits.

"Strange, why would the seven-step lotus flower you mentioned open in that kind of place?"

Fu Junqing shook his head, "I don't know about that, but there are many legends about this seven-step lotus flower. I don't know if any of them are real or fake, but the only thing I'm sure of is that the scented packets it makes can cure a hundred poisons if they are placed on your body. Moreover, this is the only seven-step lotus flower in the world. If you want to take it, you can only go to Netherworld Valley. "

Constellation Sea, Netherworld Valley? If I were to say that he was a difficult opponent, I wouldn't hesitate in the slightest. However, the fearsomeness and eeriness of the surroundings caused me to halt in my tracks.

At this moment, a chaotic scene appeared in my mind. I felt that I was abnormal like this. The situation happened more and more frequently, and sometimes I was unable to control myself.

This time, in my mind, I could hear a few words coming to mind. It was so sweet, I felt like I was being hypnotized, and it was only a few seconds before I woke up.

"I've decided. I want to go to Netherworld Valley and get the seven-step lotus flower."

Why did he make such a decision in the end? For myself, I don't understand.

"Miss Su, what's wrong?" There was something wrong with me for a split-second, and you told me the answer right after that, didn't you? Who controlled your consciousness? "

Fu Junqing observed more carefully than anyone else, although my mind was in a mess, in just a short moment, he already noticed that something was amiss.

"To be honest, this kind of situation has happened several times. Recently, I feel like there are always some fragments in my mind. Moreover, these fragments can actually affect my emotions, senses, and even judgement. There hasn't been such a situation before."

Fu Junqing looked at me for a long while, as if he had understood something, "After Li He Yue told you about your past life, you started experiencing situations like this right?"

"That's right, it's exactly like this. It's because the things he told me at that time caused my mind to be in a mess. That's why he made the decision to run away from the marriage."

"If I'm not wrong, your memories from your previous life should be waking up soon …"

What? This is yet another explosive piece of news for me. Indeed, the reason why my consciousness is temporarily out of control is because I recalled something from the past.

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