Because people like you are born extraordinary. You guys have inherited the magic power and Spiritual Energy from your past life. Once you wake up, your memories will also wake up after a period of time. Only, at that time, this matter gave you too much of a shock, and it hastened the awakening of your memories.

That is to say, my memories are destined to awaken. It has nothing to do with Li He Yue, he just increased his speed.

That is to say, from now on, I will have more and more memories, until they fill my mind and fully awaken me?

That's right, it should be like this. At that time, what you will wake up from your search will not only be your memories, but also your many hobbies and feelings …

If that was the case, then wouldn't I no longer be myself, but have completely become my previous life, Jun Mingzhu?

If my thoughts and feelings will change, then will the people I like change as well. That's why I've been thinking about Li He Yue over and over again these past few days. Could it be that it has something to do with the awakening of my memories?

A series of questions ran through my mind, but there was no answer. The result made me deeply afraid.

Was there a way in the Big Brother Fu to prevent the awakening of this memory?

Fu Junqing was surprised. Why did he stop it? Master Jun is the most famous Spirit Master in the previous generation. The various skills he grasped are far beyond the reach of ordinary people. If your memories could fully awaken, then that would be ten times more than what you are capable of right now. Why don't you do it?

In the eyes of outsiders, this is a good thing. To be able to bear the memories of my previous life is a great blessing, but to me, if I were to forget the person I love from then on and fall in love with someone else, I would rather not wake up.

Then tell me, is there any way?

Fu Junqing shook his head, there was nothing he could do about it. He was just a doctor, not a therapist, maybe even a therapist could not solve this problem. I think there are a lot of things, just let nature take its course, don't be too demanding.

Zhang Ziyuan also lowered his head and did not speak further. Perhaps the worry in his heart was the same as mine. Although he didn't like to talk normally, he was smarter than anyone else.

Fu Junqing pinched his chin, that meant the decision you made just now was to implement it!? Now that you have made up your mind, I will help you.

So to me, what is sealed in my body is not only the powerful Spiritual Energy, but also the memories of my previous life. There really isn't anything that is perfect in this world. I tightly hold my head, trying my best to stop thinking about the past. Sometimes, I really can't control myself.

Zhang Ziyuan was silent for a moment, then raised his head and gently said to me, "Wifey, if there comes a day you no longer love me, just tell me directly …"

I didn't expect him to say this to me. I didn't even know how to answer. I will only love you alone for my entire life. In other words, when the time comes, I will definitely tell you …

I can't promise anything, because I can't control myself now.

When I didn't answer, he didn't force me anymore. He quietly embraced me and put my head against his chest. I felt the warmth of his chest.

I know, his heart is also bitter. There are many things, but he feels that this is the most perfect time, yet he has to make a mistake.

No one said anything. The whole atmosphere was terrifyingly quiet. After a long while, I finally opened my mouth and said the most important promise of my life.

Zhang Ziyuan, you will always be my husband, and I will also always be your wife. We agreed to live together, grow old together, live together with me, and never leave each other.

After saying this sentence for a long time, there wasn't any movement from behind. I wasn't someone who would make such a heavy vow. I seemed to have heaved a long sigh of relief upon hearing it.

Originally, I thought that he wouldn't answer me anymore. I only felt that one or two drops of something warm had lowered my face. Thinking it was raining, he looked up and saw that the sky was clear and cloudless.

When he turned around to look at Zhang Ziyuan, his silent tears were already flowing down his face, but he persisted and did not make a single sound.

A man does not shed tears easily. There was another sentence after that, but it was not to the point of being sorrowful …

I didn't know what the tears meant. I reached out and wiped them off his face, but they were warm. It was as if it had come from the heart and still carried the warmth of the heart. It had never changed …

The next day, I bid farewell to my parents, ready to leave again. At this time, I secretly made up my mind. Whether it was my parents, relatives, friends, or innocent people I don't know, I will protect them all. I am a Spirit Master.

Zhang Shaowu left without a sound again. He was always elusive, even if it was just him and the rest, the leaders of the gang were probably very busy.

Out of the things that should be left, the only one who could set off again, other than Zhang Ziyuan, was Fu Junqing.

In fact, in my heart, I really admire the Big Brother Fu. No matter how big the risk I take, he will closely follow me.

Netherworld Valley is a heterospatial space and not in the space where we live. My divine art is useless.

Ah? Furthermore, there are places you cannot reach, so how can you reach the Netherworld Valley?

In fact, believing in the Netherworld Valley was easier said than done. Every time there was no light from the stars or the moon, a few weird people would appear at a common noodle stall on the street.

If it was an ordinary person, they would go and do their business. After they had eaten, they would coax others to leave. However, if it was a special person, there would be some sort of code or code that matched each other. Thus, they would know that the person they were waiting for had arrived.

It even had to do with the code language. It was so mysterious. It made him look like a spy.

The price is that you have to give them a treasure that is worth a city. If they do not like this treasure, they would still try to coax you to leave. If they set their eyes on it, they would take you in a small boat and enter the Netherworld Valley.

Fu Junqing explained in detail, if not I would have thought that this was some kind of fantasy.

"You know so well, could it be that you went in there before?"

Fu Junqing shook his head. Of course I have never gone in, those who want to go to Netherworld Valley are either ghosts or people who have thoughts about Amaryllis sanguinarum Maxim Hua. However, I once had a good friend. I heard that the lotus flower was extremely beautiful when it was in full bloom, and its fragrance was extremely fragrant all over, so I looked forward to it.

What happened to your friend?

Fu Junqing laughed bitterly, of course he did not get the lotus, otherwise, we would have made this trip in vain. However, when he came out, he seemed to be afraid of everything inside the Netherworld Valley. He was extremely fearful and would not reveal even a single word. I suspect that something terrible has happened to her. In fact, someone even forced him to promise not to spread it.

That is to say, until now, we are still an unknown number of people. We only know the method to enter the Netherworld Valley.

There was one more thing that he was sure of, seven-step lotus flower s were not so easily obtainable. Actually, I suggest that we pay a visit to my friend first. If his lotus flower still harbors illusions, why not ask him to go with us?

I think it's a good idea. After all, he came by once, and a lot of things are familiar.

Fu Junqing nodded his head, that's good, now I will send you guys over, she is currently not going out of the door, and does not know what he is doing at home, you can probably find his if you go.

Although divine action isn't omnipotent, it's absolutely impossible for one to not have one. In the blink of an eye, he has already brought us to the front of a Old Mansion.

He did not know who the people living inside were, but looking at the Old Mansion, they looked extraordinary. The people living inside were definitely not ordinary people.

A Hua, are you there? I have some business with you. Fu Junqing shouted.

The biggest characteristic of Old Mansion is that other than their presence, there are no doorbell. If I want to inform the people inside that I'm here, I can only yell.

Who would have thought that there would actually be someone who came to open the door, Fu Junqing! I didn't expect that you would come. You are such a busy person, yet you actually thought of coming to see me.

The person who opened the door was a mature young man. It could be seen that he was not very old, but he had deliberately dressed up to look like he had gone through the vicissitudes of life. The clothes he was wearing were unkempt, not even his beard was shaved, and his hair was messy and scattered on his shoulders.

A Hua, I really haven't seen you in a long time, what have you been busy with at home? Fu Junqing did not want to get straight to the point, so he exchanged a few words.

As for me, I don't have any important work to do like you. I'm just busying myself. The ancestors only left this little bit of property, so I might as well starve to death. Right, who are these people? Your friend?

After a long time, he still did not know what A Hua was actually doing. He entered the house with him, and after seeing the room full of clay sculptures, he finally understood, he was actually a master of clay sculpture.

Not bad, your works are becoming more and more famous. Honestly speaking, looking at your sloppy appearance, I never would have thought that you would become a great artist one day.

Don't flatter me, it's already good enough that you can eat your fill. Look at me, this depression has no one here.

Looking at its appearance, it was indeed sloppy, probably only artists were like this, but what puzzled me was why a clay master would be so interested in seven-step lotus flower s.

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