Alright, I will choose to take care of this matter. Don't worry, just adjust your condition and it will be fine.

Everything was ready, all that was left was Dong Feng, this Dong Feng was a priceless treasure.

Fu Junqing said that normal treasures would not enter the eyes of the boss, if he could make this deal, then it would have to be something from the heavens or the earth.

Other than the Kong Ming treasure sword, the only other treasures that we can take out are fire phoenix s. However, these two items were left behind by the Master Jun, and can't be given to anyone else.

After thinking about it, Zhang Ziyuan suddenly remembered something and conjured a short knife from his hands.

I know the short knife here. Back in the desert, among the Gaochang's labyrinth, there was once another palace filled with treasures. At that time, I felt that if I entered the treasure mountain and returned empty-handed, wouldn't I be at a disadvantage? Where would everyone meet? I still remember, that was the dagger Zhang Ziyuan was holding.

You mean you want to use this dagger? But none of us know where it came from. If it doesn't meet the standard and it doesn't count as a rare treasure, wouldn't we be able to enter?

Although I don't know where this dagger came from, but looking at the decorations on its body, as well as the cutting gold and jade cutting the steel like mud, I determined that it wasn't an ordinary treasure. That's why I decided to take him.

I nodded my head. Looks like we can only try our luck this time and bring this short knife along. Let's try it out.

Now that the tickets were settled, he had to wait for the right moment.

That night, the stars and moon really did have no light. It seemed like Zhu Yun had blocked their path, so they had no idea if it would rain in the latter half of the night.

Fu Junqing brought us to a place, and from the looks of it, it seemed to be a ghost market.

Late at night, everyone was still doing business, but they refused to light the lamps. The lights were out, so how were they supposed to pick things to buy?

He went straight to a noodle stall. There was not a single person eating noodles, but there were still a few waiters who were busy doing something. I know that these waiters were doing business with the Netherworld Valley.

Fu Junqing brought us to sit at a table made of eight fairies, and called the servants over.

I followed him in silence, knowing that he was now beginning to whisper. I didn't dare to speak carelessly for fear of affecting the code.

The shop assistant's eyes lit up. Knowing that the business had arrived, he excitedly walked over and enthusiastically replied, "Three bowls of plain noodles, right?" What bowl? What do you want? What dishes are there?

I was curious. Why buy noodles? What bay? Could this be part of the code language?

If you want a thick porcelain bowl, you need to give the dead people some soul-sending noodles. If you want two or three pieces of meat, you will have to pay for it.

Calculating the time, this atmosphere was extremely strange, the words that Fu Junqing said caused my hair to stand on end, and even sent chills down my spine. Although I knew that it was only an insinuation, coupled with the pitch black atmosphere, it was still extremely terrifying.

What's wrong with me? He hasn't gone to the Netherworld Valley yet? He was the one who backed off first, so he hurriedly braced himself and coughed lightly.

The surroundings were eerily quiet, and I could clearly hear the sound of my cough. A few strange vendors by the side turned their faces to look at me, causing goosebumps to rise all over my body once again.

There was a long wait. No one said anything. They just sat there quietly. They didn't even get a cup of tea.

While we were waiting, another person came from the distance, walked straight to the noodle stall, and sat down at our table.

Boss, I want a bowl of plain noodles too.

That day, he was still unwilling to reveal anything and even advised us not to go to the Master Zhang s of the Netherworld Valley. I didn't know why he actually followed us here today.

I looked at him in surprise, for neither of us could speak, and although he understood my surprise, he smiled and shook his head, indicating that he would explain it to me later.

If you came early, you might as well come at the right time. When Master Zhang just arrived, the waiter came out again.

We all knew that this business deal had been completed. The originally arrogant waiters immediately treated us as guests and respectfully welcomed us.

It was really hard to imagine why this group of people would open the heterospatial space's Netherworld Valley to survive.

Was it really a small dark room? I felt darkness in front of me, grabbing onto Zhang Ziyuan's hand tightly, I didn't know what those people were up to.

I don't know, but after walking for a while, the lights suddenly lit up, making my eyes dizzy.

When my eyes adjusted to the light, I looked up and around me, at a place that was very different from the whole atmosphere of the Ghost Market.

The decorations here were magnificent, like a luxurious palace. The people who lived here were all the upper class of society.

The furnishings in the surrounding area were all high-end goods. There were even some priceless antiques.

Now I understand that the master of this place really likes to collect ancient treasures, so to be able to enter the underworld is not something that can be done with money, but rather, it is something that he has to give his all to.

It didn't take long before I saw this master of mine. Although no one introduced him, I could tell from the first glance everyone knew that there was no one here with a higher status than her. His aura was exceptionally strong.

This is an extremely beautiful woman, with an outstanding appearance and temperament, and a graceful figure. I can't even compare to one ten thousandth of his figure.

I never thought that the one who manages this dimensional passage would be a super beauty.

Hello, my guests, I have always been very hospitable. Please take a seat and let us have a chat.

This woman had wavy hair and green eyes. The clothes she wore were very different from those of ordinary people. I guessed that she was not from the Midlands.

The woman was sitting on the throne, holding a cute Persian cat in her hands.

My name is Azshari, Persian, or rather, a Persian merchant. Don't look at me with such a shocked expression, I will feel embarrassed. Since it is just doing business, then I will just take what I need. You all know my rules, so hand over the treasure you brought!

Indeed, those who like rare treasures will always be women. If we knew that the owner of this house wasn't a man, we wouldn't have taken that dagger. But now, it's too late to regret it.

Zhang Ziyuan took out a dagger and handed it over.

I know this situation, if we don't say something, it would be very awkward. Sorry, time is short, we might actually take out this thing, but we don't know that the owner here is a woman. Please be magnanimous and let us pass.

It's always right to say some good words, but that woman, touching the blade in her hand, doesn't seem to have heard my words at all.

Oh, where did you get this dagger? The woman was playing with the dagger, but her eyes were fixed on Zhang Zian. It seemed that what interested her the most was not the treasure in her hand, but the person in front of her.

I don't know what Zhang Ziyuan was thinking in his heart, but when I saw that woman's eyes, I felt uncomfortable all over. It seemed to be a kind of wild wolf that had been starving for a long time, looking at the little sheep's eyes.

Although I am not comfortable with it, I decided to not show it on the surface and explained respectfully. We found this short knife in the Gaochang's labyrinth.

Aiya, I actually have never spoken to this little brother of mine again. Why are the women beside me so noisy whenever you don't open your mouth?

As she spoke, the woman swayed her waist. What he called Persian dress was very exposed, from top to bottom, it was exposed in many places. Although it revealed her excellent figure, it seemed to me that she was truly shameless.

What he said infuriated me even more. Boss, since you're an open businessman and a customer, do you still care about talking to anyone else? If you think I'm being noisy, why did you let me in?

It was then that the Persian woman noticed my presence, turned to me, and smiled. Oh, what a sharp-tongued little girl, what is it? Are you two lovers? Don't mind me, sister is like this, uninhibited, but seriously, this boyfriend of yours really has quite the taste.

Zhang Ziyuan turned around and gave me a warm smile, telling me to be at ease. He wouldn't have any interest in other women.

Say it first. Whether the treasure I gave you will work or not. If so, quickly send us there.

Little girl, there are many things in this world that can be changed without personal strength. To tell you the truth, the treasure you brought was the king of Persia, one of a million rare treasures. Back then, the Persian Kingdom had fought with Gao Chang, but because they weren't familiar with the terrain and weren't used to the desert, they came back defeated. This dagger, which symbolized the authority of the king, was left behind in Gao Chang Kingdom. If it were anyone else, they would not have noticed it. Coincidentally, you met a Persian merchant who knew what was good for himself.

I couldn't help but be shocked. When Zhang Ziyuan first went to get it, I didn't think that this item was worth much, it was just a normal dagger.

However, he never expected that this seemingly ordinary dagger would actually belong to the Persian Kingdom, the king of the Persian Kingdom. I suddenly felt a little regretful. Giving these things to her wouldn't be worth it.

In my eyes, no, not only is it a rare treasure, but it is a national treasure that has been lost for hundreds of years in our country. Thank you so much.

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