Forget it, since we are able to enter, let's not bother too much about the gains and losses. The dagger is on us, it's useless.

However, I have something to say. If it were anyone else, I would have cut the crap. However, all of you are young and full of vigor. It would be a pity if something really happened inside. Especially since there was a handsome guy who was one in a million …

That lady was too shameless, she said as she caressed Zhang Ziyuan's face with her claws.

From the looks of it, does he have his eyes on Zhang Ziyuan?

Zhang Ziyuan, however, quietly dodged the claw. Boss, we are just business relations, we have heard your advice, and are grateful. However, we have very important matters to attend to in the near future, so we cannot delay any longer. Please lead the way.

The woman's attack failed. She seemed to be depressed. She bit her lips and seemed to be unwilling. She was thinking of a plan for the next step.

Alright, then I'll let you in first. If you are alive, and are able to come out alive, I'll definitely give you a welcoming reception.

Don't worry, I won't kidnap you away. It's just that this intersection is very strange, and normal people cannot see you. If I send you in, I will only untie your restraints.

Once a person falls into absolute darkness, their heart would have no bottom, and they would not know where they would be taken. He could only feel his heart beating rapidly. He was extremely nervous.

I searched everywhere with my free hand, but couldn't find Zhang Ziyuan's hand. I was a little terrified at that moment.

Zhang Ziyuan, Big Brother Fu, where are you? Is it still near me?

Don't worry, I'm still here. Wife, don't be afraid.

Lady Su Su, I'm still here.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, he felt that there was a staircase beneath his feet, and someone was helping him down the stairs.

As I went down the stairs, I felt that I had not moved, and that my blindfold had been taken off.

The person who sent us off has already left. It seems that we have already reached the place.

The person who took off my mask, was Zhang Ziyuan.

Their men had already left, leaving the door in place without making any sound, presumably until we discovered it ourselves.

He didn't tell us anything and just told us to wait. Luckily, your brain worked really fast. If it were me, I'd probably need half a night!

Alright, my wife, I know that your IQ isn't high, so don't show it off too often …

Zhang Ziyuan suddenly started to joke with me. In this kind of situation, people who are in the mood to joke around are definitely not ordinary, and I was also infected by his emotions. The deep feeling of fear from earlier has already decreased by a lot.

After calming down, we looked around us. The place we were at before was a long passageway. We probably came down from the stairs at the front. Looking back, we saw that it was actually an iron gate.

I think they want us to open this door ourselves, I think the one behind this door is the Netherworld Valley. Fu Junqing said.

To be honest, I still felt a deep dread in my heart towards the scene behind this door. From start to finish, that late arriving Master Zhang never said a single word, as he planned to come here with us and tell us what exactly happened here so that we would be mentally prepared. It's good for him, not saying a single word at all.

I couldn't help but ask, Master Zhang, you have come here before, so you should at least tell us some things to take note of. Don't turn back and let us go in, if we run into any traps or traps on the wrong path, wouldn't that be a waste of time?

Master Zhang sighed, sigh, I already said, this place is not a place for people, and you guys just won't listen, I followed you, I'm afraid that you guys will take a detour, if you encounter danger, don't worry, you guys will follow me, I will introduce the situation inside, which you guys won't understand.

With his words, I had a better idea of what was going on. I thought he was scared by the scene from last time.

But what I find strange is that it doesn't seem to be the same place as the last time I came here...

What? Didn't you go in through this door last time?

Master Zhang shook his head, no, although he was also wearing an eye patch last time, and I couldn't see the way clearly, I clearly remembered that when I was wearing the eye patch, I was on a boat with a prize holder on it. The small boat walked for a long time before finally reaching a place.

After thinking back for a long time, I am sure that he wasn't on a boat just now. He was walking all the way. In other words, this isn't the same path as the last time.

But I think the problem isn't too big. It should be the same woman as last time, or if they changed the construction route, or if they refurbished the route. Forget it, let's open the door to see what's going on inside.

It turned out that he had never touched a door before. I wanted to go over and push it open, so I was hesitant.

Wife, let me handle this. How can I let you personally take part in such a dangerous matter?

Ever since Zhang Ziyuan knew that my memories could awaken anytime, his attitude towards me hadn't changed. On the contrary, he seemed to be even more considerate towards me.

This really moved me. What he was doing now was not to worry about losing me anytime and anywhere, but to show me his utmost care and concern within the limited amount of time we were together.

He held me close behind him and tried to push the door open with both hands, but it wouldn't budge.

Weird, why can't I move … If this deal has been completed, there should be no reason for them to make it difficult for us, to find a door that we can't open.

How about this, let me try... For some reason, a strange scene appeared in my mind. This was clearly different from what I had thought before.

How could a little girl like you open a door that a man like him couldn't open? The Master Zhang shouted.

Let me try, maybe I don't need any brute force to open this door, there might be a mechanism nearby, my research on the mechanical technique might be helpful.

Master Zhang looked at me strangely. You are proficient in mechanical technique, who did you learn it from? You aren't learning it from Old Man Yao Guang, are you?

I almost couldn't laugh when I heard this. That senior, even though the mechanical technique is very strong, he's not as old as you think.

It really was him. Aiya, don't be fooled by his outer appearance. Actually, he is very old, but he just doesn't want to be seen from the outside.

Master Zhang was truly straightforward, he could not hide any secrets and revealed everything.

Senior is a man of honor, and he has never tried to coax a little girl. From his tone, it seems that he has a deep relationship with senior?

As I spoke, I looked for the mechanism for this door. As expected, this was a time when the mechanical technique was flourishing, and many rich and powerful people, as long as they had some conditions, would look for some mechanism masters to create mechanisms for themselves.

I discovered that there were many patterns on the door. Although it was messy, there were still some patterns to be seen.

I quickly found the pattern and clicked on the button. There were many circles on the door. As expected, the Emperor was opened.

Aiya, he really is the old man's disciple. In just a few minutes' time, he opened such a complicated mechanism door. To be honest, I'm a little envious of him.

I've only just started learning the Clear Palace Technique, so it's not too complicated. Don't make a fuss about it.

Fu Junqing heard what the Master Zhang said. It seemed like there was some hidden meaning behind his words. If you're envious, then you can just accept a new disciple. You're not young anymore, and don't know when you'll be able to get away with it. If you don't have a single successor, then you'll be letting down your entire family.

I want to accept it ah, if I can't find the right one, then it's because my talent is too stupid, or I'm not interested in my art at all. Young people nowadays are all very impetuous, who would be willing to sit down quietly and make a wooden sculpture?

I find it strange that he would say that. No, it can't be, I feel that anyone who looks at that amazing consummate skill praises it endlessly. Your disciple should be easy to accept.

Don't you understand? Furthermore, the last disciple cannot tell him that I have always been hiding my skills. After all, I cannot let many people know about my skills. Otherwise, if everyone comes looking for me and wants to do some activity, the world would be in chaos.

I then understood why he had such nimble hands, but was still in such a predicament.

Fu Junqing would immediately go with the flow. Then, what do you think about this lady? In any case, he already knows a lot of your secrets, and you also told him. There's no need to be envious, just directly include them under your command.

That's right, if you put it this way, you want to come under my tutelage as well? I already have a disciple here!

Just like that, I foolishly took another master as my master, even though I am really interested in this supreme technique of clay sculpture. However, he had a feeling that he was in a hurry to acknowledge a master under these circumstances.

Only later did I understand the intention of you, Fu Junqing, making me take you as my master in such a dangerous time. Master Wang was famous for being protective of others, but when he was alone, he could not see anything, and could only feel free and at ease. Once he had a disciple, he would become the world's most protective master!

If we were to make this a deal before entering the Netherworld, then after Master Wang entered the Netherworld Valley, he would wholeheartedly help me without a shred of concealment.

The older the better, the more correct it proved to be.

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