Right, actually, there was something that I was curious about. I just didn't have the nerve to ask, why did you come here?

I wonder if Li Li will be angry if I ask him so bluntly? Or maybe he had some secret she didn't want to divulge to anyone.

However, people have their own curiosity. Once they become familiar with someone, they have no choice but to talk about it.

Li Li's expression did not seem to reject them, he remained silent for a while. Actually, I was also doing intelligence work in the past, specifically, I am a spy in the Interpol, so I am not the bad guy you think I am.

I felt that since they were in this kind of situation, what he said shouldn't be a lie. I thought then that it was really surprising, for Interpol, who should be a good person on the righteous side, why was it that the Netherworld Valley was forced into a corner?

However, the world was not only in black and white, it was also not so clear. Perhaps there were some so-called gray areas and some so-called black and white.

Did you suffer any injustice?

How? He was a spy. He didn't have a proper position to begin with. Now, there were two-sided and three-sided spies everywhere. Every single spy was like a ticking time bomb. You would explode if you didn't know where. As for me, I happen to be that three sided spy.

I didn't know much about espionage. I had read a lot about it in novels and movies.

Seeing my blank expression, Li Li couldn't help but laugh. Why? Don't you understand? To put it bluntly, I was an Interpol agent myself, but in the course of a mission I fell in love with a hostile gang leader. Women are all emotional, and I believe you can understand it as well. Thus, in that situation, anyone can guess the ending.

So, you have indeed betrayed your faith and become a bad person?

Li Li laughed bitterly, what did it mean to be a good person, and bad people? Was there really a definition? Is it the bad guys who break the law?

I think it's basically like this in my view of the world. At least, the law is moral.

You're still too young. There are some things you have to go through to understand the complexity of them. That's right, I did betray her, but I stole a lot of information about that dark faction and secretly sent it back to Interpol …

Ah? What are you doing this for? Didn't you fall in love with that man? I don't understand the woman in front of me, but from his shrewd eyes and cold expression, I also felt that his previous appearance shouldn't be like this.

It was in love that I ended up like this, in the midst of your own duty. Both sides are traitors, and neither can tolerate me. That's why I came to this place.

After he said this, I seemed to understand that she was a spy of the dark faction, but she had fallen in love with her enemy. She struggled painfully under the pincer attacks from both sides, not knowing what choice she should make. Perhaps in the end, because of his weak stance, he became the enemy of both sides.

He couldn't tell if this kind of woman was smart or too stupid. He wanted to take both sides into account, but unfortunately, this wasn't an easy world to compromise on.

Looking at Li Li's lonely expression, I didn't ask again. I knew that this must have been an extremely painful experience for him, that she was able to tell me in such a slow manner must have been due to a lot of determination.

That's why, after I entered the Netherworld Valley, I met a large portion of people who weren't even able to help themselves. They were not traitors or villains, but the world could no longer contain them. They were incompatible with that world.

By this time, the First Lady had closed the balcony window.

He went in. Do you remember his face? If you were to say that you want to find that seven-step lotus flower, I believe that you can use it as a way to break through.

However, if he directly asked the First Lady where the treasure was, he probably wouldn't answer, right?

You really are a straightforward girl. You don't even know how to turn the corner. If you ask him directly, he definitely won't tell you. However, if you have any tricks up your sleeve, perhaps you can get the truth out of him …

Seeing Li Li's sinister expression, I suddenly realized something. You aren't thinking of making a move against that full moon kid, are you? I definitely won't agree to that. I have my bottom line when I do things. If you touch my bottom line, then our cooperation ends here!

Li Li suddenly laughed out loud. A girl like you is really interesting, you are truly someone our boss has his eyes on. Yes, that's what I mean. Unlike you, I'm a person who would do anything to achieve his goals. In the current situation, if you don't start with the First Lady's child, do you have a better idea?

I shook my head. For the time being, I don't have any, but I still have three days. I feel that I can find a way! If I find an unsuitable method, promise me to not touch that child!

Fine, I'll do as you say! Girl, you really don't fit in with us here. With your personality, you probably won't be able to survive here.

I slowly thought about what he had said. Maybe we were really two different people, with different ways of thinking and doing things, and now we were only working together for a while, but we couldn't be permanent friends.

In my eyes, everything I said was for protection, not for harm.

This is my final bottom line as a Spirit Master.

But he never thought that it would be so difficult to gather information in this kind of place. It was no wonder that Li Li, an international top-notch intelligence agent, couldn't gather any information regarding seven-step lotus flower s here.

Two days passed without any progress, and the others did not provide any valuable clues.

Although I told myself that there was still a day left, I panicked. However, something had happened at this moment that had almost destroyed the entire plan.

At the top of the pyramid, there was a foppish young man who spent his days drinking and spending his time together. His name was Eastmount. It was said that he was originally the eldest young master of a wealthy aristocratic family. However, when he was alive, he killed and looted, committing all sorts of crimes. In the end, he received the harshest of punishments.

He understood that for someone as vicious as him, there would naturally be nothing good to eat after death, thus his soul had fled here without him knowing.

However, even here, he still did not change his bad habits. Amongst the notorious Netherworld Valley, some people's scalps still felt numb whenever they mentioned him.

He had seen him from afar a few times, but because he felt that this person was extremely lecherous and lecherous, he had no intention of stealing any information from him.

But on this day, in a long corridor, I went with him to the opposite side.

I was carrying a plate of dessert to the First Lady's bedroom, but that guy just rushed at me and knocked over my plate and pushed me over.

Hey, how can you be like this? This is for the First Lady!

And what about the First Lady? You stinking woman, pointing fingers and pointing fingers, do you think you have any status?! Hey, are you new here? I've never seen him before, so he looks quite handsome …

Maybe the lustful eyes were staring straight at me, and I suddenly felt that something wasn't right.

I hastily stood up to pack my plate before turning around, intending to escape. I really shouldn't get too close to this kind of person, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

However, this young master felt that he had encountered something particularly interesting.

Miss, don't go! How about a drink with me!

As he spoke, he used his octopus hands to wrap his arms around my shoulders. I felt a flash of nausea and slapped her away.

I'm sorry, I really have urgent matters to attend to, please forgive me!

little girl, don't refuse a toast and drink a forfeit. It's your fortune that I like you, you never inquire about it, and if you reject me, then you won't be able to rest here in the future!

As he spoke, he came over and tried to put his arms around me. I felt sick inside, and I felt like things were going to go wrong. If I were to teach him a lesson at this very moment, my identity would be exposed. I would not only fail to find out where the item was, but I would also be imprisoned here.

I looked around, and when there was no one there, I shouted for help.

In the end, they really did call for a few players. Unexpectedly, when they saw this situation, not a single one rushed forward to help and quietly retreated.

I shouted in my heart that things were not going well. It was really a dilemma. If he didn't retaliate from beginning to end, he might have to suffer a loss today.

Coincidentally, Zhang Ziyuan was not far off, and immediately rushed over upon hearing my call.

Normally, he would have been a more rational person than I was, but today's situation was way beyond what he could bear.

This disgusting fatty seemed to have really angered him. You bastard, stop right now! You're looking to die, aren't you?

Although I was still very happy that he could come out and save me, but then I thought, if he did that, wouldn't we all be exposed?

Just when I thought Zhang Ziyuan would teach that fat ball a lesson, something unexpected happened.

What kind of servant do you think you are, to dare to meddle in this matter? Get out of the way, or else you'll be on your way!

These threats didn't cause Zhang Ziyuan to be moved at all. He stood quietly in front of me, protecting me without batting an eyelid. I didn't dare to say anything as I stood behind him. I didn't know what actions he would take next. Forget it.

In broad daylight, please have some self-respect!

That fat ball's temper did not seem to be very good, as it had messed with his good fortune, he was naturally furious. His fat body twisted, and threw a punch towards Zhang Ziyuan.

It seemed that we were going to fight. I secretly channeled my mana and prepared to help when the fight started.

But what I didn't expect was that Zhang Ziyuan didn't dodge at all and that fist directly struck his chest, knocking him back a few steps.

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