I seemed to be scared silly by the scene in front of me. What did that mean?

But in the next second, I understood Zhang Ziyuan's intentions. Someone was trying to harm his wife, he would definitely save them, but he didn't use such an extreme method.

He played the meddling deacon, with his chivalrous heart, but he was powerless, so that he could save me without revealing his identity.

But this way, he is going to suffer, and the fat ball hit him hard twice in succession, and I feel a pain in my heart.

This won't do. If this goes on, we will be at a disadvantage. With the two of us working together, I don't believe we won't be able to beat this useless trash.

Just as I was about to rush over, Zhang Ziyuan grabbed my hand and shook his head towards me.

But I think I've lost my mind by now. I flung Zhang Ziyuan's hand away, rushed forward and hugged onto the fat ball's waist. I didn't use any Fa Li at all. I was only holding on to it with brute force. After this incident, I felt that my strength was quite strong.

Zhang Ziyuan ran over and also threw two punches onto Fatty Qiu's face. Although he only used normal strength, he still punched the fatty until he cried out in pain.

There were many people who did not dare to help, but when they saw that the situation was getting worse, they came to stop them.

The conflict that was about to erupt was pulled apart by a few people.

As long as it was a conflict, they had to find a fair person to resolve it. And in this place, the only person qualified to resolve it was the First Lady.

He seemed to have just woken up, holding the month-old child in his arms. The baby was extremely chubby and adorable.

What's wrong with you all? We are the elegant upper class, we are the nobility, how can this kind of vulgar thing like fighting happen to us? This is such a disgrace to us nobles!

It was not clear what the First Lady's character was like. If he favours the nobility, we may suffer.

From the moment I entered the First Lady's palace, I began to act, hiding and crying as if I had been greatly wronged.

Alright, don't cry too, this girl. Tell me what it is, I will make the decision for you.

My lady! I was originally a servant here to help. I have a family and a husband here because of this person's insulted innocence.

As he spoke, his tears fell like rain. Even Zhang Ziyuan looked at me with astonished eyes, not knowing that I still had the ability to act.

Oh, is there such a thing? Then tell me, who was the insulting person?

I pointed to the side, still angrily returning the ball. At that time, I didn't know that person's name, but judging from his audacious appearance, his status shouldn't be low.

It was him. I was working fine, but it was too sudden and blocked my way. I even knocked over the dessert I was supposed to send into your room. They started to do things to me, with the intention of cheating on me...

The First Lady frowned when she heard this. Dongshan, is there such a thing?

So it turns out that this bastard was really relying on his strength to bully others in the Eastern Mountain. I won't do this. If I don't teach you a lesson today, won't I be able to vent my anger?

Aunt, this kind of small matter can make you personally step in. It's just two servants, it's nothing big. Don't worry, leave it to me!

So, this Dongshan is actually the First Lady's nephew?

Since they are related by blood, dealing with such matters naturally won't protect us.

That means, you admit, what you did to them? It was impossible to guess what the First Lady was thinking, but his tone was aggressive. It had the demeanor of a queen.

There's nothing for me to not admit. I just thought that this young lady's looks are rather decent, so I went up to tease her a little. What is it?

Then why did you fight? There were so many people around. Were they all standing around to watch the show? Didn't anyone go up to persuade him? The First Lady was clearly angry.

Originally, it wasn't that big of a deal, but in the end, this brat just went up and tried to meddle in other people's business. Who knew where he came from? I was hit twice by him! Look at my face!

Ah, this is too infuriating. Why is the villain complaining first? Could it be that there was no right or wrong here?

Dongshan, I don't care about how you usually are, but these few days, there have been a lot of guests and a lot of friends. Can't you just calm down for a while? Do you want to give me less?

Auntie, I really don't know. They're new servants, otherwise I wouldn't have been so ignorant. In the worst case scenario, that girl will stop provoking me in the future, but I will never forgive that brat for beating me up!

How can you be like this? If you didn't tease women first, why would there be people who would stand up to injustice and draw their swords to help? And you were the one who started it, look!

I pointed at Zhang Ziyuan, two wounds on my face.

Come on, I don't want this to get out of hand. After all, sometimes it goes well. Well, this girl, since you're so upset, I'll give you some compensation. Tell me what you want, and I'll do my best to fulfill it. As for the rest, since the two of you were fighting with each other and caused injuries to each other, I can't say much about it.

Aunt, is this matter really going to end like this? Dongshan was still unconvinced.

What else do you want? If you're really interested in any girl, I'll do it for you! This maid from outside, don't get involved with her, or don't blame me for being rude!

This madam really only knows how to settle matters peacefully. Only now do I understand what everyone means by 'his methods are brilliant'. He had settled the matter like this, and in the first place, both sides had comforted him. Even though he seems to favor either side, in reality, both sides have suffered a loss and no longer dare to speak anymore.

He was truly tactful. Very few women could do something like this.

What's your name, girl? Where did it come from? If you have any requests, just tell me. Even though you're here to help, you don't belong to our group. Since you've been bullied, I can't just ignore it.

I told him everything in advance. My name is Su Su, and I am the younger sister of the big boss in the city. Knowing that you're going to have a big date and lack of manpower, boss asked me to help.

The First Lady nodded. It was that brat, he was rather filial. The first time I saw her, I felt that this kind of person and my own thoughts had made him the boss of the downtown area.

Since your identity is also not ordinary, I should not be so negligent. Otherwise, I really wouldn't know how to deal with that fellow who called me here to denounce me for his crimes.

From the looks of it, the First Lady still had some reservations towards Boss Asan.

Then, can I propose any condition? At this moment, I felt that an opportunity had come. If I didn't firmly seize this opportunity, then everything that happened afterwards would be for naught.

You are also an obedient little girl. Don't worry, I will keep my word! He was holding a one-month-old baby in his arms, and it seemed as if he was asleep. He patted the baby gently as he hugged it.

Everyone here knew that the First Lady had given birth to a son, a fat white son, but no one dared to ask who the father was.

I think it's a very mysterious thing.

I heard that there's a very beautiful flower blooming here. This seven-step lotus flower never had the chance to see her true face, if I could personally see it, it is said that this is the most beautiful flower in the world.

Oh, you are interested in this lotus flower? Do you know what this lotus flower means to me?

When I made such a request, the First Lady had a strange expression on her face, and I knew he was beginning to doubt my identity. he asked, deliberately trying to trick me.

I have heard that this lotus flower is your most genuine portrayal of yourself, noble and holy. I heard that from the moment the First Lady appeared in Tianhua Palace, the lotus flower blossomed to perfection.

Now I also learned to lie, do not even need to draft, which woman does not like to hear praise words? If I say so, it will be the First Lady who will take my word for it.

Sure enough, women were all the same, and the shrewd First Lady was no exception. If he had said five points back to me, it was now down to three.

Not bad, a little girl like you knows how to talk. You have sharp teeth and sharp tongue, but I like to listen to you. However, an ordinary girl like you wouldn't be able to create any trouble. If you insist on taking a look at that seven-step lotus flower, I can satisfy you.

Victory was just around the corner, and I was about to find the whereabouts of the lotus flower. My expression was abnormally excited, and so was my heart.

Really? From the first moment I saw her, I thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Thus, he began to yearn for the legendary lotus flower. I just want to see what a lotus-like lady, a lotus-like lotus looks like …

From the look in Madame's eyes, I was sure that he believed me completely.

Then come with me!

Zhang Ziyuan had already left. Before he left, he gave me a look and told me to be careful of my safety.

I nodded my head to show that I understood. I have to find out where the item is before I can think of a way to get it.

What surprised me the most was that the legendary lotus flower was in the First Lady's bedroom.

He directly brought me to my own room, and I couldn't help but be puzzled, in this room, Li Li said that she had already cleaned it countless times, but she never found anything suspicious.

What I didn't expect was that the First Lady would go straight to a bookshelf on the wall. The bookshelves were filled with books, many of which I hadn't even heard of before, and he would pick out three of them and move them in a certain order. The bookshelf would slowly open.

It turned out to be a secret chamber! No wonder Li Li hadn't found out where the lotus flower was even after such a long time. So it was because of the First Lady's concealment.

My heart thumped in nervousness. I was originally good at designing mechanical technique s, but the ingenuity of the secret mechanism room's design far exceeded my imagination.

There were so many books on the bookshelf, who knew which ones to move? What was the best way to open the secret chamber's mechanism?

He really didn't know who was the person who designed this mechanism. Who was able to come up with such an exquisite and elegant mechanism?

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