What? Was he dumbfounded? I didn't expect that there would be such a hidden mystery in my room, but there was no other way around it. There were many people staring at the lotus, and if I didn't keep it properly, I wouldn't be able to keep my position as the First Lady.

I only felt that it was extremely interesting, I didn't expect that after moving a few books, there would be another world behind the bookshelves.

Very few people know about Zhen Mi, only a few of my trusted aides know about the existence of this secret chamber. You're really lucky, I felt that we were fated to meet each other as soon as I saw you, the way you talk I love to listen to you, so today I will let you experience the greatest secret of Tianhua Palace.

I felt really honored. It seems that I had gotten lucky from this disaster. Initially, I thought that with such a mishap, if I didn't manage to handle it properly, we would all be exposed. Unexpectedly, it was precisely because of Dongshan's harassment of me that I was recognized and noticed by the First Lady.

The items in the secret chamber were quite colorful. There were all kinds of rare treasures here, and even in the outside world, there were not many that could be found.

Looking left and right, there was no trace of the seven-step lotus flower. She had hidden herself so deeply that nothing could be seen in the secret room. This woman's shrewdness was truly extraordinary.

I have to put on a show. I can't seem too anxious about the current situation, it would be easier for me to be found out. He could see even the slightest trace of a woman as shrewd as him.

How about it? How are my things?

The First Lady was, from the bottom of her heart, vain. She loved to show off, including her looks, her wealth, and everything else.

I naturally wanted to go along with her words, I have never seen so many treasures in my life, madam, you are simply my idol. I originally only knew that women are subordinate to men, but now that I see you, such a noble and noble lady, this is my role model.

Now that I'm home, the First Lady smiled proudly.

That's right, women had to rely on themselves, what was the point of living off men? Right, didn't you want to see that peerless lotus flower? He's actually in this room, but I don't think you'll ever know where he is even if you beat him to death.

This woman really knew how to keep people in suspense. Could it be? He still doubted his own choice. Ever since I entered, I said that I had looked over everything. There weren't any lotuses at all.

I can't compare the Madam's ability to collect things. I really can't guess where he is, so don't play with me.

I couldn't help but reveal an impatient look. After all, tomorrow is the day when the grand show will happen. If I don't get my things before then, then I won't have another chance after that.

Today, I want to confirm where the lotus flower really is.

Do you see the bonsai over there?

Actually, I had already noticed the bonsai since I came here. The flowerpot was meticulously carved and extremely beautiful, but there was only a withered floral branch on the entire bonsai.

I thought it was some kind of rare breed, but it died from feeding.

Could it be that the withered floral branch was actually the seven-step lotus flower? From the looks of it, the lotus had already withered. Could it be that the rumors in the outside world were not true and the lotus no longer existed?

Yes, ma'am, but it seems to me to have withered.

That lotus flower had a spiritual nature. It knew how precious it was, and many people wanted it for themselves. So, that was one of the methods she used to protect herself. She was good at disguising herself.

As he spoke, he used a small knife to cut open his finger and dripped his blood on the already withered floral branch.

Then, a miraculous scene appeared. The withered floral branch gradually bloomed, as if it had a fresh life of its own. I could not help but exclaim, "The wonder of the Creator, how many spiritual flowers exist in this world."

The flower gradually bloomed, with seven petals. Its entire body was snow-white, and its yellow stamens flickered with a white light. Those who were determined to dodge could not open their eyes.

How magical! Could this be the legendary seven-step lotus flower?

This sentence was heartfelt admiration, those who have never seen it will never understand its magic. Thinking about using the petals of this flower to make a scented sachet, my heart still doesn't feel good.

That's right, you didn't expect it, right? Even if there was someone who could accidentally barge into my place and break their brains, they would never have thought that this withered floral branch was actually the one they were looking for.

Then, I have a question. Then, why did you use your blood to irrigate it? Would it awaken in full bloom? What if it was someone else's effort?

I have to clear up this question. If someone else's blood is useless, then it would be useless to bring the bonsai back. It would be a complete waste.

Actually, I had also accidentally acquired this seven-step lotus flower. At that time, he was just like before, a withered floral branch. He silently collapsed in a corner.

It was because it was truly too inconspicuous. It did not attract anyone's attention, and they naturally would not have thought that it was such a miraculous flower.

But at that time, a strange feeling emerged in my heart. Perhaps, there is some fate between me and this flower. I have always believed that this withered floral branch would definitely revive and blossom into a beautiful flower. So, I used the flowerpot to transplant it back. For a long time, no matter how much I poured water on him, he didn't react at all, until one day, unwittingly, I cut open my own finger, and fresh blood flowed onto the floral branch. Suddenly, I saw the most magnificent sight in the world …

This entire story sounded like a legend, and the lady in front of him had once truly loved this flower. He was like this lotus flower's natural master.

Gradually, I felt a sense of guilt. I felt like a despicable thief.

That is to say, he has feelings arising from your care for him over the years, so he only recognizes you as his blood and sweat?

I don't think I have tried anyone else. However, I believe that such a spiritual flower would not be easily taken away by others.

The First Lady caressed the petals with her hands. The lotus flower might have sensed something and slowly withered, turning back into a withered floral branch.

It was truly magical, as if this lotus flower only recognized one master in its entire life. After knowing the whole truth, I felt extremely depressed, not to mention that even if I stole this lotus flower, I wouldn't be able to make it bloom.

I felt sorry for him to be separated from his master. Moreover, this was clearly a flower with life and spirituality. If its petals were turned into a scented sachet, wouldn't that be killing him?

Back in my room, I was still considering this question. Perhaps, it was time for us to change our plans?

However, things had already gotten to this point. It was impossible for him to back down now …

Then I heard someone knock on my door, and it occurred to me that we had agreed to meet at this time to discuss the countermeasures.

How is it? I heard that there was an accident this afternoon, but it was a blessing in disguise. So, you asked Madam for a favor: as long as you look at that precious lotus flower, you should be able to locate it. Li Li was very anxious.

I nodded my head. I had indeed seen it. I knew where he was currently, and I also understood the reason why so many people were begging him but not able to.

What? Is that place difficult to break through? Fu Junqing asked.

I shook my head. Actually, it was still very easy to obtain a lotus flower. However, it was truly very difficult to obtain a lotus flower in full bloom …

Facing the curious gazes of a few people, I told them everything that I had seen and heard in the secret chamber.

This way, Zhang Ziyuan also frowned, what should we do? Even if we get what we want, we will only be a withered twig and a broken leaf, there is no use in it at all?

From different angles, the things that we think about are different. Li Li and us think differently.

What's there to worry about? As long as you steal something, the entire upper class will lose the blessing of God. At that time, everyone here will become prisoners. What was a mere First Lady? I gave it to you? Use as much of his blood as you want!

But I don't know why, but when I heard Li Li's words, I felt like my heart was in a panic.

A child that had just reached the full moon was about to lose his mother and home. From then on, he would be displaced and his fate would no longer be under his control.

As for a spiritual lotus flower, its fate is even more tragic. Not only does it have to be separated from its owner, but it is also made into a scented sachet by us.

In fact, the whole thing had been completed in one go. There were no surprises. But why is it that when I think about it, I can't bear it?

Li Li was once a spy, her ability to read words and observe the situation was superb. When he saw my expression and my silence, she could roughly guess what I was thinking.

Don't think too much, this is a society where the strong preys on the weak. You have to listen to those upper class people thinking, why don't they think for us, these people who live in abyss of suffering? On what basis do they occupy eighty percent of the superior material condition of society? This was simply an unfair world. Could it be that when you were bullied by that fat guy again, there wouldn't be any resentment in your heart?

That is true, but it was my intention not to take part in your quarrel. I just want what we want.

No problem, this is how we work together. As long as you help us steal something, you don't have to care about the rest. What should not have happened here on the day of the dinner would be a thing of the past.

That day, we worked out a detailed plan. The rest of us were responsible for creating some kind of conflict, delaying the First Lady's actions. I used the opportunity to clean her bedroom.

Li Li's current location is indeed very convenient for us to move around. Furthermore, I have already completely memorized the position of the three books on the bookshelf just now.

But this night, my heart was always uneasy, and I was unable to sleep for the entire night.

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