Feeling restless and uncomfortable, I decided to get up first and have a chat with someone.

Zhang Ziyuan and Big Brother Fu's room is just next door, so I knocked lightly on their door.

What's wrong? Not sleeping at night? There were still a lot of things to do tomorrow. If you can't rest well, it will involve a lot of energy. Zhang Ziyuan said.

We were originally husband and wife, so we should have slept in the same room, but in order to avoid suspicion, we slept separately.

I think about what happened during the day. I feel that if I do that, I will definitely have a bad conscience …

I don't wish to fight over such matters personally, but there's no other way. If we don't work together with the big boss of the downtown area, we won't be able to reach this goal with just the strength of the few of us. Or if you tell us that you have completely given up on the seven-step lotus flower, we will respect your opinion.

I shook my head. I felt that I was the one who had involved these people, making it difficult for them to dismount from the tiger. If I were to say that I would give up at this moment, then the risks that these people had taken before would be completely meaningless.

I don't know now, but I don't think there's anything in the world that's perfect. There's no absolute right and wrong, right and wrong, right and wrong. I just don't want to implicate the innocent.

Zhang Ziyuan gently grabbed onto both of my hands. Although there is no way to achieve perfection in everything, I feel that after our efforts, will we be able to solve the problem perfectly?

Then tell me, how should I settle the conflict between the two great regions of the Netherworld Valley so that I won't harm anyone?

Since there was a fight, there would be casualties. This was something unavoidable in the first place. People could not learn to live in peace with each other, which was why there were levels, which was why there was killing. He was just thinking that the people in the Netherworld Valley were not actually unfamiliar with each other. Some people were only able to enter due to the great grievances they had suffered in the mortal world. Don't think this world is too simple, too beautiful...

The meaning of his words was that he was trying to persuade me. If I wanted to achieve great things, I had to be unrestrained. If I wanted to be a good person, in the end, I would only achieve nothing.

When he returned to his room, there were many things he could not figure out. After experiencing so many things, my ability has yet to rise to the level of being able to do as I please. There are many things that I am helpless about.

Perhaps, since I haven't tried, I shouldn't give up so easily. Perhaps, I can do what others think is impossible. I've made up my mind. I'll be lying on my bed today, and I'll be sleeping today. I must get some rest before I have the energy to fight a tough battle tomorrow.

The next morning, everyone was busy because the grand dinner party was about to begin in the afternoon and would last until midnight.

At that time, the entire Tianhua Palace would be bustling with noise and excitement. They might not have realized yet that this last ecstasy was their final resting place.

In the morning, I also followed some maids to do all kinds of cleaning.

It was 9: 30 in the morning, the agreed time. At this moment, two maids in front of the house began to argue with each other. Although I don't know the reason, but I can guarantee that this was Li Li's masterpiece.

The First Lady, who was originally in her room caring for her baby, was also alarmed by the ruckus. She was actually a very responsible head. If there was even the slightest movement, she would do it herself, making the most fair decisions.

Not surprisingly, he walked out of his room and I waited at the corner of the room. Once he was held up by the chores, I would attack the seven-step lotus flower in his room.

Wearing the clothes of a servant, carrying a bucket and a rag, I gently opened the First Lady's door, disguised as if I wanted to clean it for him, and locked it tightly behind me.

There was no one around when I first came in, and I hope no one saw me.

Actually, the secret chamber was very easy to open. I easily opened it, but what surprised me was that when I entered the secret chamber, the potted plant that was properly placed in the corner yesterday was gone!

What had happened? It should have been in this secret chamber yesterday, so why was it suddenly gone? Could it be? Madam still did not believe in the truth, so after showing him the magnificent flower, she moved on?

I didn't have any confidence in that moment. Today was my last chance, but with such a mishap happening, my entire plan was messed up.

I kept telling myself, don't panic, don't panic, I'll definitely find something. I flipped left and right and searched through everything. I really couldn't find any trace of that potted vegetable.

The appointed time was only half an hour. I looked at my watch and saw that it was about to end. They won't be able to hold the First Lady for long. You won't be able to come back there and you'll find out who you are.

There was no other way. I could only leave the secret chamber. I planned to discuss it with the others before proceeding with the next step.

But unexpectedly, the moment I came out of the secret chamber, I saw the First Lady standing there in front of me. I was taken aback and immediately took two steps back.

You really do like things to be wrong. I didn't believe you yesterday, but I kept having the feeling that you weren't a bad person and didn't have any heart, so I treated you as one of my own. But I didn't expect you to disappoint me …

Not good, I've been discovered … Although the plan was meticulous, there was a mistake in the most crucial part.

Madam, don't misunderstand me. Actually, I just wanted to take a look at that beautiful flower. I didn't want to steal it, and I have no other reason for doing so.

In order not to implicate anyone else, I was prepared to fight to the death for not admitting to it. Since I didn't bring anything out, it wouldn't be a crime of theft.

Do you think I have the IQ of a three-year-old child? I've seen countless people in my life, and I can clearly see the thoughts and intentions of the person facing me. Why do you think I've climbed to my current position? Just based on his appearance? Women, do not be so confident about your looks.

That is to say, you suspected me from the beginning? If he knew our plan from the beginning, wouldn't we be clowns? He saw everything and waited for us to take the bait.

The First Lady shook her head. The first time I saw you, I felt that your eyes were clear and transparent. A girl with this kind of gaze will always have a bright heart. It's just that I feel that your request to me is too obvious. I was going to try you, but I didn't expect you to actually fall for it. Actually, I'm very curious, what do you want this lotus for? I don't believe you're one of those selfish people who just want to take it for himself. Or maybe, you are from downtown?

As I asked the last question, I sucked in a breath of cold air. It turned out that he had never trusted Sang. Even if they worked together, there was still a strange estrangement between the two of them, allowing them to guard themselves against each other.

Yesterday, I was secretly happy that I finally got what I wanted. I didn't expect that someone would tell me today that this place is actually more complicated than I imagined.

Looks like my lie is unable to fool the bright eyes of the other party. I might as well just admit it. Actually, this is also good.

Actually, I am from the outside. My goal is that seven-step lotus flower. Everything was my own idea!

The First Lady did not get angry, but laughed instead. Why do you need to take responsibility for yourself first? Actually, even if you didn't say anything, I already know that if there wasn't a spy here, how could a foreigner like you be able to get in here so easily? He obtained my trust, this is simply impossible. Besides, all of my friends are from Asan. Whose people are you? Isn't it obvious?

At first, she did not want to implicate others, but from the looks of it, the First Lady should have grasped a lot of relevant information. It was no longer possible for her to take responsibility for the whole incident, and her plans for today were about to fail.

But I also know one thing. If it wasn't for some other reason, you wouldn't be willing to be used by Ah Sang. Speak, what reason do you have? If I think it's acceptable, I'll let it go.

This condition is indeed very tempting. After all, our ultimate goal is to obtain the seven-step lotus flower s, and then retreat safely. Preserving one's strength was the biggest goal.

Actually, I am a Spirit Master. I don't know how much you understand about this profession, but what I need to do is to maintain the balance between the yin and yang. It was for the sake of dealing with an unscrupulous Ghost King, that we couldn't wait to get the seven-step lotus flower and use it as a scented sachet so that we could enter the extremely poisonous Ocean of Constellation.

The First Lady frowned. So you're saying that what you want is not for your own personal gain, but for your own.

I only spoke of my purpose. I didn't want to mention anything else!

The First Lady smiled. "That's right, you're an interesting girl, you don't want to bite anyone else, I didn't expect a little girl like you to be so loyal, but don't forget, this matter is already obvious. Whether you say it or not, it doesn't make sense anymore."

If you can't get my statement, no matter how much you try to guess, there's no proof. You don't have to force me anymore. I really won't say anything.

What I'm feeling right now is not that I want to protect anyone. After all, I can't even protect myself anymore. However, I have to do what I promised. Since my deeds have been exposed, it would be disloyal of me to reveal the plans of others.

Alright, I won't force you, you can say it even if you don't want to. Actually, I can tell from your eyes that you aren't lying. You are not a girl that can speak, I can accept your reason, I can even give you a piece of seven-step lotus flower's leaf!

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