"Shuo Yue has woken up, the stone in your heart should have dropped to the ground by now, right? Just stay here to recuperate and don't go anywhere else! "

Zhang Ziyuan had been looking at me very tightly recently and he had already forbidden me from going out anymore. After all, my stomach was getting bigger and bigger, and even I couldn't be bothered to go out for a walk anymore.

"I know, I feel more and more lazy right now, like every pregnant woman is like this, and I feel like my weight has increased a lot. Do you think I'll become a big fat person after I give birth?"

Zhang Ziyuan laughed happily, "Even if you become two hundred kilograms, I won't turn my back on you. Furthermore, I can't even see what kind of appearance you have turned into, I even feel that you are the most beautiful wife in my heart."

"You're still saying that after you recover your sight and see my fat and ugly appearance, you'll despise me?"

Zhang Ziyuan gently embraced my waist and caressed my stomach, "How could that be? Don't let your imagination run wild. Don't put too much psychological pressure on yourself. Pregnancy and childbirth are the hardest times for a woman. No matter what, I will not despise you. Besides, there are plenty of people who can recover their original size after their birth. The most important thing for you right now is to have a healthy baby. "

I leaned lightly on his shoulder and listened to his rambling. I didn't realize he was such a long-winded man.

"Shuo Yue calculated against my stomach today. So it turns out that he is a divine rod! I just didn't want to reveal my secret so easily. I didn't expect that today, for the sake of the baby in my stomach, I would actually help him make a divination. "

"Oh? Then what was the result of his divination? Can he tell you are carrying this in your belly, any way you like, or any way you like? "

"If you say so, then he is a ghost …" Don't worry, he has already told me that this is a very healthy male fetus, and is not affected by your special physique at all. He is a normal, ordinary boy. "

Zhang Ziyuan seemed to heave a sigh of relief, "That's good, I never thought that Shuo Yue would have such a skill. Being able to see through your stomach to see what you're carrying, I've decided that if the baby was really born to be a boy, I will definitely give him a huge gift."

I lightly leaned on Zhang Ziyuan's shoulder and reached out to hug his neck. "Shuo Yue also said that this baby of ours is not an ordinary person, he will definitely have great achievements in the future, and is even more capable than the both of us!"

"That's right!" Shuo Yue is really a true divine rod, no, I have decided to give him a huge gift tomorrow! "

Time passed by quickly, especially when I had nothing better to do. For the sake of the baby in my stomach, I really had to endure staying home for a few months. Now, I really didn't hear anything from outside the window.

Although Zhang Ziyuan's eyes did not recover, his Mind's Eye was growing stronger and stronger. Right now, not only does he no longer need others to take care of him in his daily life, he sees that everything is more transparent than us normal people. His sixth sense is also becoming stronger and stronger, his sense of smell and hearing has reached the peak of perfection.

"To be honest, can you tell me how you trained your Mind's Eye and how you used the spell you used last time to pass through the wall? Can you teach me?"

In order to properly nurture my fetus, it has been a long time since I've been practicing my techniques and sword arts. Other than researching the mechanical technique and the Mud Art, I don't have much else to do.

During this time, I didn't have any other pieces, so I did come up with a few fun and ingenious things.

"No problem. As long as you can have your baby safely and safely, once your body recovers, I will hand over the baby to you no matter what you want to learn. But now you can't. "Right now, any technique you practice will have an impact on your body. If the energy travels through your body, it will cause a great deal of harm to the baby."

I lowered my head in frustration. "When you practice Mind's Eye, you just lie in bed everyday and don't have any activities. Why can't I try?"

"Regarding Mind's Eye, I have to tell you in advance that you can't train in it by yourself. People who practice Mind's Eye are blind, so I don't think you'll go blind just to train in it, right?"

"What?" Cultivating Mind's Eye meant that he was blind, so why was there such a rule? This is too cruel! "

"Don't think too much into it. Those who cultivate Mind's Eye must be blind because those who can see things won't be so calm. He would be confused by the sounds and colors of this world, and would not be able to meet the requirements to cultivate the Mind's Eye. "

"If that's the case, why don't I just cover my eyes and pretend that I can't see anything?"

Zhang Ziyuan laughed happily, as if I was a child that hadn't grown up. He was asking me for fun toys.

"Alright, then why don't you put on an act for three days. If you can persevere in taking it off, I might be able to let you try."

I was a quick and decisive person. I immediately pulled a piece of cloth over my eyes.

"It's a deal. Three days is three days. I'm betting with you!"

Zhang Ziyuan was obviously just joking with me, he didn't think that I would actually block his eyes, and immediately reached out to take it off, "Alright, Aunt, let's talk about everything after you give birth to your child, how dangerous it is for you to walk while blindfolded. What if you trip and trip over it, wouldn't the child inside your stomach be in danger?"

"That's true. Then forget it. I just feel that I've been too bored these days. I can't go out, and I can't do many things. It's like I'm tied down …"

"I know you have worked hard. How about this. I will train less during this period of time and accompany you more …"

Just like that, another month passed, and soon I was sitting on the day of delivery, feeling unusually nervous.

Fu Junqing and Shuo Yue repeatedly said that this would definitely go smoothly for me, so there was no need to be so nervous. After all, this was my first time giving birth to a baby, so all sorts of emotions were mixed within.

Because of some signs of premature delivery, I went to the hospital early. I felt like a patient who couldn't control himself, and I was extremely anxious.

But to my great relief, many of my friends took turns taking care of me. It warmed my heart a lot, and I really felt like I was one of the happiest pregnant women in the world.

Shuo Yue's words came true, although I was born half a month prematurely, the production went smoothly and after an hour, the child was out. Following a loud and clear cry, my heart that was hanging in the air for a long time was finally relieved.

Feeling extremely exhausted from the torture, I fell into a deep sleep …

When I woke up, that adorable little fellow was sleeping by my side. Zhang Ziyuan was quietly sitting on the side of the bed, looking somewhere with his eyes, but his hand was holding onto my hand tightly.

"Wife, thank you for your hard work. You really are an adorable chubby boy."

"So I said it, I never thought that Shuo Yue would actually be such a genius at divination. Right, I must have him calculate for you when your eyes will regain their brightness."

My voice was a little hoarse, and I felt like I was completely drained of energy. I was extremely tired, and Zhang Ziyuan seemed to be able to see half of it, as he skillfully gave me a cup of water from the tea table by the side.

"For me now, seeing and not seeing don't make much of a difference. My Mind's Eye has been trained to the point where nothing in this world can escape my eyes."

I looked at him in astonishment. "Could it be that your Mind's Eye has really been cultivated?" You obviously can't see anything, but why do the things around you seem to really exist in your heart? "

The Mind's Eye is truly a mysterious thing. I said with my mouth that I might not be able to experience my current state of mind, and perhaps my eyes really can't see it, but I will judge what is around me based on the sound of the air current. For example, I can hear the sound of the water shaking in the cup.

I feel like this is an advanced technique? I feel that even if I can't see anything now, I might not be able to cultivate to such a high level.

Out of curiosity, I asked a few more questions, "Then are you sure what's in this room? "Where is the gate?"

"Of course, there's an air conditioner in the northeast corner. This is obvious because the sound of the air conditioner is too loud for me. There's a vase with two peonies in it, because I can smell their fragrance. "There are two chairs in this room. When I first came in, I could feel the resonance between the floor and these two chairs by walking on the floor …"

"I can't believe I'm right. I really admire the Mind's Eye now!" I feel that nothing in this world will trouble you. Even if your eyes are blind, you can still possess skills that are more powerful than ordinary people! "

Zhang Ziyuan held the baby, "Of course, from today onwards, I will not only take care of you, but there will also be one more person. I will not become a decadent person just because I can't see these things. "Right, he seems to have woken up. It's time to feed him some milk …"

Honestly speaking, being a mother feels very subtle, he let me love a lot more, the heart also softened a lot.

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