"Wifey, I can't see it. Can you tell me what our son looks like? Do you like me more or do you miss me more?"

"Don't you have eyes? Can't you see what our son looks like? "

"Faith only allows me to use my other senses to sense the surrounding matters and dangers. I can't go far, nor can I see. I can feel a person's face with my hands, but I can't see it with my eyes."

I sighed in my heart. Even if his blind eyes were unaffected by normal life, my heart is still extremely tangled. I must let him see something again, otherwise, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life.

"Then let me tell you, my son is just like you, a little bit more. He's very handsome, just like a bun from a few days ago. He seems to have matured recently, and he feels handsome and handsome. He's definitely a replica of you." But your lips are like mine, very thin. Overall, they are inherited from us two. In the future, you will definitely be a beautiful man who can bewitch millions of girls! "

"I'm relieved that I was able to tell at such a young age that she was a beautiful man."

After Zhang Ziyuan became a father, he became very different from before. Maybe the softest part of everyone's heart, could only be completely released after becoming a parent.

"Right, the baby doesn't have a name yet. Quickly give him a name, right?"

We called the baby Baby before he was born, and we never thought of giving him a name until now.

Zhang Ziyuan thought for a while, "I think his nickname is Dong Dong, what do you think? "As for his name, Zhang Ziliang?"

"I feel that whatever name you give me sounds nice. Dong Dong, it sounds so smooth to me!"

From then on, the baby had a new name, Dong Dong.

He really likes to stay together with little bun. The two of them have a good relationship with each other. The two of them are having fun, so I secretly left the room.

"Big Brother Fu, I feel that my body has more or less recovered. Can you tell me now, what method is there to recover his eyes?"

Fu Junqing looked at me in shock, "You still haven't given up?"

"Of course not. Although on the surface, he doesn't affect his life, but I can't let him be blind for the rest of his life."

Fu Junqing was silent for a moment, "Actually, it's not that he has no cure for the poison, it's just that the poison has been around for a long time. "If, if I must treat her eyes, I can only say that there is a medicine that works. If I could have come earlier, I am very confident that I would have been able to bring his eyes back to light. It does not seem that this thing is particularly easy to find."

It was indeed like this again. A woman couldn't do anything, and a person's medical skills were superb. If there wasn't enough medicine, she still wouldn't be able to save him.

"Then why don't you tell me where you can find it? Doesn't that mean that Lotus can be obtained in such a dangerous place? What other place could be more dangerous than Netherworld Valley's Constellation Sea? "

"You're wrong. The place I'm talking about isn't a threat, it's a place that only appears in legends. I don't even know where this place is or if it really exists. Perhaps this medicinal plant really is just a legend …"

So that was the reason, but he didn't know where this place was. He didn't know if things really existed in this world. But if we don't try, how do we know we won't be able to find it?

"Then tell me, what did this legend say?"

Fu Junqing sighed, "Legend has it that on the shores of the Eastern Sea, there is a faraway place, there's a Penglai Wonderland. There is a type of agave in Penglai Wonderland that can let people hear clearly. I can only think of a way to wipe my eyes, and the only way to do that is to get this agave. "

"Penglai Wonderland? Isn't it the Penglai of Shandong? What's the difference? "

Fu Junqing shook his head, "Of course it's not the same place. If I were to go to Shandong Penglai, I would not say that it exists in the legends. It's because no one has ever been to this kind of place and no one has ever been able to gather agave. I think you'd better give up. It's a waste of time to look for something in a place that doesn't even exist on a map. "

"That Netherworld Valley is also not on the map. I feel that the Penglai Wonderland is the same as the Netherworld Valley, they have already transcended the dimension that we are currently in, and are in another dimension."

"What you said is impossible, but the biggest problem is that we know the way to go to the Netherworld Valley, but we don't know how to get there. If you don't know the direction and location, even if it's the divine art, you won't be able to get there. "

Maybe someone can help us...

We haven't seen each other for over half a year. Since his return, he seems to be busy with some of his own organization's matters. He hasn't shown his face for a long time, and there haven't been many rumors about him in the martial arts world.

He did not know if he was really busy, so he did not recklessly call him. He secretly sent him an email, asking about the Penglai Wonderland, he carried two lifetimes' worth of memories, and knew even more than ordinary people. Maybe he had heard about this kind of ethereal place.

Unexpectedly, three minutes after I sent the email, he called me back.

On the other end of the phone, a slovenly voice could be heard, "Girl, if you have anything to say, please just call me directly. What's the matter with sending the email? How about not contacting you after so long?" Looking at the date, it should have already been born, right? "

"Yeah, it's indeed been a long time since we last met. There's no helping it, everyone is busy with their own things. I've already given birth to a son, if you have time, you can come over and take a look."

I said hello, but I was very anxious.

Li He Yue also understood that if there was nothing important, I wouldn't take the initiative to contact him.

"Speak, what happened? Is there anything I can do for you? "

Have you ever heard of the legendary Penglai Wonderland? Legend has it that there is a type of fresh grass growing all over the place, which makes people's ears and eyes sharp. Have you ever heard of this place? Where the hell is he? "

Li He Yue remained silent for a while. "So that's why you're looking for me. That's right, the legends do say that there's a Penglai Wonderland there, but no one has ever come to that place." But when I was young, my master once told me a few stories about the Penglai Wonderland … "

"Really? Then you don't know how you're going to find that place? "My tone is a bit hasty."

"The Penglai Wonderland is an illusion in the first place, it's like a mirage in a world. If you want to reach the Penglai Wonderland, you need to have a certain amount of fortuitous opportunity, I still know his approximate location. I have tried to find him, but there were no results …"

Hearing his words, I became a little dejected. So it turns out that the so-called Penglai Wonderland is just a mirage that one cannot see. It seems that the so-called agave only exists in legends.

"Little girl, don't be too discouraged. I already said, finding this place requires luck. Perhaps no one in this world can reach this place, but instead, you do have this kind of fate. "How about this, wait for me for a moment. After I finish dealing with the matters at hand, I will head over to your place in about two days. We will talk about the details when we meet again."

I could hear that although the current Li He Yue had already accepted and completely lost the reality of me, he was still 100% satisfied with my request. I always felt I owed him more and more at this rate.

Three days later, he arrived as promised. For those who listened to him, he could be considered a frequent guest, and many people did not have any doubts about his arrival.

Only I told him in secret that the matter of going to the Penglai Wonderland to look for the agave, definitely do not mention it to anyone, especially Zhang Ziyuan.

Li He Yue said that he had come prepared this time. After hearing about the matter of the Penglai Wonderland, he immediately got up and looked for the ancient records to confirm the specific location and method of arrival of the Penglai Wonderland in the legends.

"We can go and take a look. Although it's at the ends of the world and is fairly far from here, I have a flying stone and I don't need to worry about the distance. "In any case, I'm just going to try my luck. Even if I can't find a place, I'll just treat it as a trip. I won't lose anything, what do you think?"

"Will you come with me?"

"Of course, before I came here, I had already dealt with everything on my side. Furthermore, I came prepared and wore it on my body while flying, this time I am accompanying you to find the Penglai Wonderland!"

Facing this man, there were times when I felt a little apprehensive in my heart. After all, my memories of my previous life became clearer and clearer, and my impression of this man became deeper and deeper. I was afraid that by the end, I would have already lost my emotions …

However, the only person who could truly help him at this moment was him.

Fu Junqing is a very smart person, he already understood what I want to do after seeing Li He Yue visiting for no reason. He quietly found me and said that if we were really going to visit the Penglai Wonderland, he could bring him along.

Just like this, the three of them reached an agreement not to tell anyone where we are going, and secretly went out to find the Penglai Wonderland and the agave.

Fu Junqing suggested that I tell this to another person. After all, this person is a chef and would be of great help to us in finding the Penglai Wonderland.

"Penglai Wonderland, I have indeed heard of it before. This place was already recorded down a few thousand years ago, and in the books, there were records of people arriving at this place. It is just like the 'Peach Blossom Origin' from the legends, only, the second time someone visited this place, they would not be able to find any traces of him."

That person had mentioned to many people that he had once found a fairyland, and many people thought that he was just speaking nonsense.

Only that person truly knew that he had once explored the Worldly Immortal Stage and took out many of the treasures within, including the legendary agave.

According to the documents left behind by that person, it was recorded that the Penglai Wonderland should be at the ends of the world, atop a beautiful mirage.

Zi Lang was truly knowledgeable, and had decided to look for him to discuss this matter, and did the right thing.

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