After the manager made a detailed research plan, he finally decided on it. At the end of this month, he would set off to find the Penglai Wonderland, and I had already settled all the matters at home.

"Zhang Ziyuan, I have some things to take care of with the others. Don't worry, there won't be any danger, I'll be back in a few days. I'll be troubling you to take care of Dong Dong."

"Okay, then go and come back quickly. Do you really not need me to accompany you?"

I shook my head. "I'm not lying to you, there really aren't any dangers this time, at most, I'll be back in a week. If we were to leave together, no one would be able to take care of Dong Dong."

"I believe you, no matter what, I will silently support you, okay, I will take care of Dong Dong at home, after everything is done, quickly come back!"

At that time, I never thought that this trip would take so long …

The flying stone is indeed the most practical treasure I have ever seen. He is actually even more powerful than the divine art.

The ends of the earth were indeed very far away. It took us a full day and night to land on a rock. No one came to this place.

This place was filled with wild grass and was surrounded by wild mountains, as though they had really reached the end of the world. There were no signs of life, so what kind of legendary Penglai Wonderland would appear here? I probably don't believe it either.

Li He Yue looked at the map in her hands, "That's right, this is the place. Legend has it that this place is called the ends of the earth, and because there are few people here, practically no one comes." Furthermore, this place is a barren mountain and wilderness, and simply is not worth developing. Over there is a vast ocean, and rumours have it that mirages will easily appear on the ocean. Penglai Wonderland is the legendary mirage. "

"Actually, I have looked through some scientific information. The atmosphere, or is this mirage a strange scientific phenomenon, an illusion that appears in my eyes? I never thought it would actually appear in this world."

Arriving in front of the vast sea, he saw a red sun rising slowly across the horizon. It was a boundless sea. The flying camera was holding a rising sun, and it was truly a sight to behold.

But looking at it this way, there was no sign of a mirage.

"Could it be that we live here and come here every day? I wonder which genius will find the Mirage …"

Zi Lang shook his head, "According to legends, if he wants to find the Penglai Wonderland, it definitely requires a great opportunity. Maybe someone will set up a shack here and live here for the rest of their lives, and he won't be able to see the mirage. Maybe someone will see the mirage.

That's why I said this place is completely illusory. Maybe the so called agave really only exists in the legends …

Fu Junqing took out his binoculars and looked at the other side of the ocean, but did not discover anything.

I have been wandering in this desolate mountain for two days now, but I still haven't seen the figure of the legendary Penglai Wonderland. I feel like I am about to despair.

Last night, when everyone was asleep in a small temporary house, I, who was unable to sleep, ran to the coast alone and secretly slept. Looking at the vast ocean and the full moon, my heart is filled with mixed feelings.

I quietly sat by the seaside, looking up at the full moon. Suddenly, a sea breeze blew past, causing me to shiver. Mist started to appear on the surface of the sea.

There was actually such a large fog on this sea, what did this mean?

The fog grew larger and larger, blocking the moon. The bright sea surface gradually became indistinct. But in the dense fog, I seemed to see many strange plants growing on the beautiful Immortal Island. It was exceptionally beautiful.

I was deeply shocked and immediately stood up and looked at the mirage before me. Could it be that I was really that lucky to have waited for the mirage to appear on the third day?

"Look at those places?" Could it be the legendary Penglai Wonderland? "

A voice came from behind me. When I looked back, there were a few people standing behind me.

"You didn't sleep in the middle of the night. We were worried about you coming out, so we followed behind you. I didn't expect that this Mirage would actually appear at night!"

"Then the Penglai Island really appeared? Then let's hurry over there, there's no way we can get to an island! "

"Even though the Penglai Wonderland has appeared, with the naked eye, she should be on the other side of the sea. How could a human with their strength be able to pass through the sea?"

Li Hanyue seemed to have thought of something, "Oh right, using a fire phoenix?! He can carry us there, but we have to be fast. A mirage won't appear for long before it disappears immediately! "

I nodded, and poured all the Spiritual Energy in my body into the phoenix bracelet, summoning out the Phoenix. The fire phoenix, ah, became bigger and bigger as we slowly cultivated.

The fire phoenix spiraled its trembling wings in the air, and its pleasant cry resounded through the skies of the Penglai Wonderland, carrying the four of us as it rushed towards the legendary fairyland.

Beneath my feet was the boundless waters of the ocean. I was sitting on a phoenix, and now that the legendary fairyland was flying, perhaps, some people would spend their entire lives without being able to find such a beautiful place, but I would easily run into them. Perhaps, this might be the fate of the legends.

As for the mirage before my eyes, it gradually became more and more annoying and blurry. I knew that it hadn't appeared for a long time, and if I didn't make good use of my time, I would miss out on this rare opportunity.

"fire phoenix! "Please, fly faster. We have to get there before it disappears!"

The fire phoenix flew faster and faster, and finally, just as the mirage was about to disappear, we charged into the thick fog. We felt that our eyes were filled with whiteness, and by the time we could see clearly, we had already landed on a beautiful island …

The scene on this small island was truly like the difference between the ends of the earth and the seas. The seawater around me was clear, and the big round moon seemed to be hanging in front of me, surrounded by beautiful unnameable plants. I felt as if I had really arrived at a paradise on earth!

Fu Junqing shouted excitedly, "It's all thanks to Su Su that girl, we actually got to Penglai Wonderland. Look, these are all the legendary common sage herb, I had only heard of them before, but I saw them with my own eyes, I'm extremely excited."

So it turns out that we have really arrived at the Penglai Wonderland. This is something that we would never have thought of in our lifetime.

"Big Brother Fu! There are so many common sage herb here, it seems like every single one of them is different.

When I first arrived at this place, I already noticed that the common sage herb that were planted here were all different. It seemed that every subject was very different from every other.

Perhaps the common sage herb here have their own uses, but right now, I am most concerned about which one is the agave.

Zi Lang carefully observed all the common sage herb on the ground, "I have read about these before, and I only thought that the person who described them had a very rich imagination, but I never thought that this common sage herb really existed. If I'm not wrong, this should be Gemini Grass.

I'll go? There is actually such a magical herb in the world that can make people pregnant with twins. If this was discovered earlier, I might as well eat it and become two babies now.

I discovered that there was a strange common sage herb at the bottom of my feet.

"What is this? "It looks pretty good, why don't we take it back?"

Big Brother Fu walked over and shone his light on it. "This kind of grass is called rebirth, in fact, it's just like our current plastic surgery. It can make a person's skin become as tender and smooth as an infant's, and all the scars can be clearly seen!"

Damn, there was actually such a magical grass, I must bring it back! If I take it, I'll be young forever, and I won't have to worry about my skin getting bad anymore.

However, Zi Lang reminded us at this time, "Oh right, I have read about this in the books. Penglai Island never welcomes greedy people. In other words, the most of us can only take one common sage herb back. If we have more, these common sage herb will become useless and become ordinary weeds. "

I would rather believe it than not. I don't want to be able to bring more grass back, and once I get to Penglai Wonderland, getting the agave is already a blessing from the heavens.

Then I won't take this rebirth, I will only take the agave!

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