"There are so many common sage herb? Which one was the agave? I am also not as knowledgeable as them. Even my head feels a little dizzy looking at the common sage herb that covered the entire sky. "

Zi Lang explained to us while he searched, "agave s are actually very easy to find. It is a very tall common sage herb, and on every leaf, there are 7 points, just like the Big Dipper.

After his explanation, I seem to suddenly be enlightened. If that's the case, then it's still quite easy to find. I'll look at the grass.

The entire Penglai Island is so big that it's really hard to find even a single blade of grass. After searching for it for at least four hours, I finally couldn't take it anymore and sat on the ground to rest.

"This won't do. It's too difficult to find grass in this place. We have four people now, and I don't know when we'll find them in this big area …"

Li He Yue had a naughty smile on her face. "How about it?" You guys didn't find the grass you guys were looking for right? Only I found the common sage herb that I had been waiting for for a long time, I must bring this grass back! "

As he said that, he waved the common sage herb in his hand. It seemed that he had found the treasure he wanted to take back.

The common sage herb in Li He Yue's hands didn't seem to be anything special. It looked normal, just like the dog tail flowers in the Central Plains. He didn't know why he chose such an ordinary common sage herb.

"Do you have the sage?" I couldn't help teasing him.

"What are you talking about? "Don't underestimate the appearance of this grass. I've been searching for a long time, I never thought that I'd find it here!"

"Then what is the use of this grass?" I couldn't help but to ask curiously. Looking at his radiant face, it seems that this grass is extremely useful.

"Can I not tell you?"

Li He Yue actually went to the restaurant with us, "If you don't want to tell me, then don't tell me, I don't want to know, hurry up and find the agave, I'm not interested in anything else!"

After searching through this large stretch of sea of grass for six hours, I felt as though my feet were about to pop out. Finally, someone did their best, and this was the only agave that I found in a tall pile of grass.

These seven stars were indeed mighty and domineering, almost as tall as a person. They were about four to five leaves, and each leaf had the mark of the Big Dipper, which was very easy to recognize.

I carefully pulled the grass out, "I've finally found you. You really made it easy for me to find you, but don't worry, I'll definitely send you back to the Central Plains safely!"

Oh right, only the leaf part of the agave can be used. You just have to take it off and throw it away, otherwise, it won't be easy to take a large leaf like you.

Big Brother Fu's words really solved a big problem for me. Otherwise, I really wouldn't be able to move with a plant that was as tall as a person. I quickly plucked all of my leaves and carefully wrapped them in my bag, afraid that there would be any mishaps.

Although this trip to Penglai Wonderland was quite arduous, I was happy in my heart. I finally found what I was dreaming for, and with the agave like this, Zhang Ziyuan would be able to recover as quickly as possible.

"Alright, I've already found the agave. I need to rest for a while, you guys continue looking for what you want!"

Big Brother Fu also waved his hand, holding a stalk of grass with yellow flowers blooming, "I also found what I was looking for. This thing, I also didn't expect to be able to be found here. This Penglai Wonderland is truly a place that mortals cannot even hope to reach. "

Zi Lang seemed to be in a difficult position. It was said that he found two common sage herb s he especially wanted, and he was extremely conflicted over which one to choose.

"I think you can take something that's more important to you. If it's all that important, then you should consider which one is more useful."

Zi Lang closed his eyes and thought for a while, "Alright, then I will take this, since this common sage herb is a gift from the heavens to us, it doesn't matter how much we take, we have to be grateful to the heavens, and we cannot be greedy."

"We finally got the common sage herb, but how do we get out of Penglai Wonderland?"

Looking around us, apart from the central island, we were surrounded by water. We seemed to have arrived at a place that was thus isolated.

"In the documents I've read, there are records of how I was able to leave the Penglai Wonderland. "How about this, you follow my footsteps, and I'll see if I can find the exit according to the records."

Zi Lang was indeed a knowledgeable man, and in the ancient texts, he was more or less familiar with them.

He led the way, and all three of us followed him. Gradually, we moved closer to the center of Penglai Island. Why, I wondered, should I go to the middle of the island? Isn't this getting farther and farther away from the exit?

Zi Lang explained, "The entire structure of the Penglai Island is different from other places. If we head towards the outskirts, all we can see is a sea, never to be seen again. Now, the only way is to find it. There's a teleportation circle in the middle of Penglai Island, if we find it, we can leave. "

"So that's how it is. Where is the array?" This place is so big, how can I find the location of the so-called formation? "

Zi Lang looked around, and saw that it was still an endless stretch of common sage herb s, and was simply unable to determine where the center of the island was.

This place was truly not suitable for all the greedy people to come to. This place was a place filled with common sage herb s, and no matter how many of them were taken, no matter how greedy you were, it would all be in vain if you went back and brought only one type of common sage herb back. This was a place filled with countless common sage herb, and no matter how many you brought back, it would all be useless.

After carefully determining the situation, Zi Lang pointed in the direction in front of him, "It should be there. The entire Penglai Island is in fact a spiral maze. The only way for us to get closer and closer to the formation in the middle is by circling around. "

I think, this is another kind of test for those who come to the Penglai Wonderland. Even if that person had the luck to come to the Penglai Wonderland and pick the common sage herb here, they won't be able to find a way out, and will only be trapped here for the rest of their lives.

Zi Lang was a general who led his men in battles before. His ability to recognize the road was something no one could compare to, especially us. Walking in a big city, we would often get lost.

"Listen to me. According to the records on how to open the magical formation, we need Galaxy to trigger the four traps around us. Have you seen the four statues around us?"

I nodded. "I saw it. From just now, I felt that these four statues were extremely strange. These statues were created by humans. Could it be that there was a sculptor here who set up four statues?"

Zi Lang shook his head, "I guess that's not the case. Look at this statue, one is flying in the sky, one is a Sprite, one is a Divine General and the other is a Divine Lord. So my guess is that since ancient times, these statues have existed in the Penglai Island. We must use the correct method to open the mechanism to create these statues to be able to leave. "

"I'm quite familiar with the mechanical technique, how about I study it for a while?"

Zi Lang nodded, I can only rely on you for these items.

I carefully observed, these four statues, each sculpture's city and direction are different. On this immortal island, we are unable to discern the direction, although the moon is rising and setting in the east, there is no daylight here, it is always night. So I guess it's a sculptural gesture, and it should be transformable.

After understanding it, I decided to give it a try. I changed the flying sculpture's posture, and the flying sculpture seemed to have a soft body. When I changed my posture, it immediately followed my hand and changed into another dance.

I feel that this is not some mechanical technique at all, this place is probably controlled by some kind of spell. These four statues all contained tremendous amounts of Immortal energy.

The statue of the Divine Lord was originally standing there motionlessly, but I took the opportunity to change his position, and his hand actually pointed towards the Sprite.

But right at this time, the flying sculpture's posture suddenly changed, returning to its original appearance.

I suddenly understood. "I understand. The ultimate purpose of being a mechanism is to change the positions of these four people. However, there needs to be a corresponding order. If the order isn't correct, then the person who was previously changed will recover."

Li He Yue nodded, "I think so too. But the question is, in what order are these four statues placed in? If we put all the possibilities to the test and put them together, how many solutions do we have? "

I shook my head. "I think that this is the sequence of yesterday's photos. There must be something to say. One by one, the experiments are really too troublesome. Wait a moment, I'll think about it …"

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