To me, this is like a very meticulously designed mechanism. Try to find a pattern in it.

I looked up at the sky. The sky was filled with stars, except for a big moon hanging in the sky. The stars were very bright, as if they were right in front of his eyes. It was very different from the polluted sky in the city.

"I understand, this is the position and position of a statue, it is closely related to the position of the stars in the sky."

Zi Lang nodded his head, "If you put it this way, I seem to have figured out a few things, but I am indeed not very good at mechanisms, and I don't have any clues as to exactly what they are."

"Look, all the stars in the entire sky can be divided into four directions. Look, the stars in the east can be divided into four directions, and look, the stars in the sky can be divided into all the stars in the sky. The stars in the west don't look like a strange little ghost, but instead correspond to the Sprite Demon, turning the statue to the west, and accordingly, the Divine General's, moved to the south, and the Divine King's, moved to the north … "

Following my instructions, everyone turned the statues in their own direction. Miraculously, as we moved, the statues actually lit up.

"Great, this proves that our train of thought is correct. Next is how to position the four of them. If what you say is correct, there should be a certain order of positions for the four of them to meet the requirements."

I was still carefully observing the stars in the sky when I noticed that the western sky was abnormally bright. I changed the position of the statue.

After waiting for a while, the east started to light up again. I changed the posture of the statue of the Goddess again … After trying a few times, indeed, a huge magical formation was activated in the middle!

"Little girl, you're really amazing. Such a mysterious opportunity was solved by you with just a few words. None of us have the ability to do so!"

When Li He Yue saw that the mechanism had been activated, she felt a burst of joy. At least the few of us wouldn't be trapped here.

I can't even remember how much time has passed since we found this Penglai Island. I look at my watch, but I can't even tell when it happened. Forget it, let's get out of here first.

"Are you sure you've got what you want? We may only have this one chance in our life to find this Penglai Island. "

"No problem. Let's go. I feel like this fortuitous encounter in my life wasn't a wasted one."

Just as we were about to leave, we discovered something unexpected. The four statues that we had been moving and changing our postures seemed to have undergone some strange changes.

I always thought it was a statue, but the mechanism used in it was completely still. However, we didn't expect that just as we were about to approach the teleportation nexus and return, the golem suddenly moved.

Zi Lang and his friends were once statues of mechanisms, but they were sealed back then. When they woke up, the outside layer of rocks cracked.

These stone statues, on the other hand, had actually turned from stone to stone, which was quite shocking.

The flying sculpture had really turned into a beautiful heavenly woman, and was extremely beautiful. The Sprite had really turned into a little ghost, holding a large hammer, its appearance was extremely wretched. The other two statues had also become living creatures. They were the real Godly Generals in front of him.

I was dumbfounded as I didn't know what this meant. Could it be that these people were really sent down from the heavens? Did our actions just now offend these people and make them angry?

Thinking about this, I immediately calmed down. If these few people were able to close the formation, then we would never be able to leave this place in our lifetime.

"Fairies!" We did not mean to offend him. We were just anxious to get out, alone. Thus, he activated everyone's mechanism.

That day, elder sister Mu's temper seemed to be quite good. After hearing my words, she immediately burst out laughing.

I have seen all of your actions upon arriving at the Immortal Island. In fact, all of you have entered our eyes. After entering the Immortal Island, you are not greedy at all.

Hearing this Elder Sister Immortal say this, I finally heaved a sigh of relief.

However, the Demon Sprite on the side did not have such a friendly attitude, "If the others don't mind, then I do! We've been on this island for thousands of years! There are only a few people on this island, so you guys are pretty daring! If you want to leave Penglai Island, you have to beat me first! "

Damn, the four people of Penglai Island also have different personalities and their way of handling things is quite unique. Elder Sister Immortal clearly said that she won't make things difficult for us, but this brat actually said that she wants to fight with us?

He really did not know where this Demon Sprite came from. From what he said, since he had already lived in the Penglai Island for tens of thousands of years, he should not be easy to deal with.

"Senior, we are all ordinary people, if we were to team up and defeat senior, senior, please do not make things difficult for us, we did steal the common sage herb first because we wanted to save them, we only took one each, do not worry, we did not destroy your environment here!"

That divine general seemed mighty and domineering, but he also spoke at this moment.

"We do not want to make things difficult for you, this is the rule we have followed for thousands of years. Anyone who wants to leave this island must beat down one of the four of us, so do not worry, we will not use our full strength and will only test you. You can pick anyone of us to fight you!"

So that's how it is, it seems that it's not that the Sprite is making things difficult for us, but their rules.

Li He Yue pondered for a moment, "In that case, if we jump this Elder Sister Immortal, can we make a move against us?"

The woman covered her mouth and smiled, "That's right, you can pick me. But you must think this through. The strength of the four of us is not something that can be seen just from the outside!"

I feel that there's something in your words today. Are you trying to trick me? Could it be that she was the strongest out of the four of them?

Li Jun and Yue Yue were also stunned, but from the surface, the soft and weak Heavenly Lady was indeed the easiest to deal with.

"If there's no change, we'll just choose this Elder Sister Immortal. Can we attack together?"

Tian Nu nodded, "That's right. Don't say I am bullying you. The four of you can come at me together. I don't need to defeat you. As long as you can cut off my hair, then I will consider it your victory."

I took a closer look and saw that there was something like a veil in Tian Nu's hand. It looked extremely thin and silky. Logically speaking, the four of us should be more than enough to deal with that piece of silk.

Just at that moment, the Heavenly Girl suddenly flew up, and using that piece of cloth in the air, she started dancing, it was truly beautiful, this time we really saw a Elder Sister Immortal dancing, it felt like our trip was not in vain.

But there is another problem, Elder Sister Immortal is dancing in the air, how can we deal with the veil in his hands?

Li and Yue had a way. He took out that small magical stone from his bosom and turned it into the size of a skateboard. He stood on the stone and walked freely in the sky.

I was inspired and summoned my good friend, the fire phoenix. The other three of us sat on the back of the phoenix and soared into the sky.

Obviously, the Elder Sister Immortal was also shocked. He did not expect the four of us to be prepared, and this problem did not make things difficult for us.

Li He Yue is the most naughty, but I never thought that he would have the most experience between us, but the most like a little kid. He actually took out a slingshot!

"You guys go and disturb that sister's line of sight. I'll do the rest!"

Looking at the catapult in Li He Yue's hands, I didn't have time to ask if it was reliable. The fire phoenix had already flapped its wings and flew over like a Elder Sister Immortal.

Elder Sister Immortal seemed to have never seen such a beautiful phoenix, sometimes she was also dumbfounded. Since she felt that the phoenix was spiralling in the air and dancing together with him, this scene looked extremely beautiful.

Li He Yue saw the dancing deities and was also stunned for a moment. However, she did not forget to use her slingshot to shoot the silk in Elder Sister Immortal's hand.

Elder Sister Immortal never expected that the current person could be such a scumbag. Li He Yue, who was slightly further away from him, was completely caught off guard.

But what we didn't expect was that the silk in her hand was actually a treasure. On the surface, it looked very thin, but it was actually the toughest thing in the world.

Li Jun and Yue Yue didn't expect that even though their slingshot could hit each other, it couldn't be broken.

There's nothing we can do now. What can we do to cut off such a tenacious piece of silk?

After thinking about it, I could only come up with this idea. Space Abyssal Sword were originally Ancient Divine Weapons s, so dealing with this kind of immortal treasure should be an easy task.

"I'll do it, all of you get out of the way!" I pulled out the Space Abyssal Sword and a lightning-like ray of light suddenly lit up the sky. Elder Sister Immortal also seemed to be shocked.

"Wait a moment!" I have something to say! " For the Heavenly Maiden to call for me to stop at this moment, it really makes my eyes drop.

What's wrong? Did they even bring a break?

"Miss, the weapon in your hand, could it be the legendary Tian Xie?"

Tian Xie? I'm serious, this is really the first time I've heard of this name. This treasure sword is clearly a Kong Ming treasure sword, how did it get a new name?

"I don't know if this sword is the Tian Xie you were talking about, but when it came to my hands, his name had already changed, and he was a Space Abyssal Sword."

Sky Woman nodded, "I took a closer look, this is indeed the legendary Tian Xie. It was a treasure used by the Paleogene, a famous Divine General. Not everyone could use this treasured sword. Only those who were fated with him, or even the reincarnation of that Divine General, could be used. Since this lady's weapon is Tian Xie, then it means that we are fated people, I won't fight with you, you guys can go. "

We were already prepared to take action, but the result is just like this. It turns out that the Kong Ming treasure sword that I used is for another reason.

As the heavenly woman spoke, she had already landed on the ground, "For a place like Penglai Island, only fated people would be able to see and come up. Everyone only has one chance to come up. You guys are fated people. As for this young lady, since you hold the Space Abyssal Sword, you need to remember one thing. The responsibility on your shoulders is great. "

These words made my heart tremble. "I'm just an ordinary person, don't place so much responsibility on my shoulders. I will be afraid if you say so …"

Tian Nu smiled. "Actually, it's not as serious as you think. The so-called responsibility is something that I can handle. Looking at Lady Xiang's good character, I'm afraid she will not disappoint me." This thing is called the corydalis, and is a treasure of us deities, it can be long or short, but it's very flexible, what use is there for me? It's nothing more than a dog, why don't you bring it away? "

Like this, for some reason, even if I won this match, and even obtained an immortal treasure out of nowhere.

"I haven't used the hammer in my hands for over thousands of years. The reason I asked you a moment ago was because I hoped that you would pick me as your opponent, but who would've thought that you would choose a heavenly lady."

The Divine General stroked his beard, "Sigh, actually, this world is just like this. Everyone sees things from the surface, and from the surface, you look like a ferocious ghost. No one has ever picked you as an opponent in their entire lives!"

When we finally walked into the formation with the others, the scenery in front of us immediately changed. We were once again in a vast expanse of whiteness. When we opened our eyes, we had already returned to the ends of the earth.

All of this felt like a dream. The only real thing was the agave in my arms. I felt that this time, our luck value was really out of the question. I didn't expect that not only did we find the Penglai Wonderland, we even successfully found the agave.

"Then let's hurry back, hurry up and shatter this agave and apply it on Zhang Ziyuan's eyes, then it can see the light of day again!"

Li and Yue took out his magic stone and took us back to Hangzhou...

But as soon as I got back to Hangzhou, I felt something was wrong.

"Look, do you guys feel that there's something wrong with the scene before us?"

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