Ghost Rider Through The Multiverse

Chapter 13 - Ch 11 The Choice

(I may or may not have been putting it off...

Anyways, here you go.)

Nami - "I want to bring back Bellemere! I will still be coming along to be a pirate, and I'll miss her, but Nojiko also misses her and it wouldn't be fair to make her wait... I can always come back and see her anyways!"

Though she was sad at the prospect of reuniting with Bellemere, only to separate again, she was thinking more about her sisters happiness. Once again, she was sacrificing herself for other, all while showing a smile.

Leo looked at her with a frown, he felt sad for her, and a self-sacrificing personality like hers wasn't always a good thing.

Leo - "*sigh* Okay... Well let's go to your house, it's the first time I'm reviving someone, it might leave her a little shocked, so a familiar place will help."

Nami nodded with understanding and lead the way.

As they were walking, Leo was thinking about how exactly he uses his reviving ability, when he heard a voice in his head.

God - ["When you want to revive someone, simply focus on that person with the intent to revive them. It will help if there is someone there who knows that person. Oh, and for future knowledge, you can improve your ability and increase the number of people you can revive, I'll leave it up to you to figure it out. You might hear from me again. Have fun now!"]

Hearing God's voice in his head, Leo was startled and stood still as a result, and when he heard that his limit could be increased, he was pleasantly surprised.

Nami who was walking ahead of him, noticing that he had stopped, turned to him with a confused gaze.

Nami - "What's wrong?"

Leo - "No, sorry, nothing. Just thought I heard something. Let's continue." (a/n: paraphrased reference)

She looked at him strangely, but then just shrugged and started walking again.


After a short walk, they arrived at the orange farm, where Nojiko lives, and where Nami lived as a child.

When they got there, they saw a nervous, pacing Nojiko, and when she saw them, she ran over.

Nojiko - "What's wrong? Is she back yet?"

Nami - "Calm down, calm down. He said that we should do it here, that way she will be in a familiar place."

Nojiko calmed down, but she was still nervous, so Leo decided to help put her at ease.

Leo - "How about we head inside and I can reunite you with your mother?"

Leo - "Okay, it will help if you can focus your thoughts and feelings on her, the stronger the better."

They both nodded, closed their eyes and started thinking about all the time they spent with Bellemere. They thought about the birthdays they spent together, where even though they weren't the richest, Bellemere still tried her best to give them what they wanted. About the times they got in trouble at the village, but Bellemere would always laugh it off in front of them, and then later apologize. A myriad of memories flashed by, all the way up to the point that Bellemere died for them, all so that she could make it known that they were her children and she was their mother.

They stood there, with overflowing emotions, tears in their eyes, and one unified dėsɨrė.

Nami/Nojiko - 'I want you back, Mom!'

With both his psychic and empath abilities, targeted towards them, Leo could see their memories and feel their emotions. And using them, he focused on the image of Bellemere and concentrated on reviving her, on bringing her soul back in to the physical world.

Slowly, but surely, an outline of a woman started taking form, as more time passed, the woman's body became more corporeal and more distinguishable, showing that she's a beautiful woman in her early thirties, mid length reddish hair with shaved sides, making her look tomboy-ish, she is quite buxom, has a toned figure that came from her time as a Marine, but most importantly, she's nȧkėd...

Not paying attention to that small detail, Leo continued to focus on the task at hand, ignoring the reaction of his new body, which had yet to experience certain... things...

Anyways, the process was taking some time, he was creating a body from nothing after all.

At this point, both Nami and Nojiko had opened their eyes in amazement, shock and a little bit of embarrassment. They weren't sure about this whole situation, they initially thought that it was too good to be true, and so although they didn't hold out much hope, they still thought it was worth a shot. And now that they're seeing their mother come back, right before their eyes, they didn't know what to think.

Continuing on for an hour, the process was finally complete, there was now a fully revived, fully nȧkėd, Bellemere. She was unconscious right now, but if her undulating... ahem... ċhėst... was anything to go by, then she was very much alive.

Nami and Nojiko were staring at Bellemere and were overwhelmed with happiness, tears in their eyes and hands covering their mouths. But they were brought out of it.

*Huff* *Huff*

They looked over to the source of the noise, what they saw was a heavily panting and sweating Leo kneeling on the ground

Leo - "Haha... Never thought I would feel tired again in my life... You should probably cover her up with something... I think she will wake up in a little while..."

They just stared at him for a moment, he had actually brought their mother back, and it was extremely difficult to process, but they soon came around.

Nojiko quickly went to get a cover for Bellemere, and Nami went to see if Leo was okay.

Nami - "Hey, are you okay? Is something wrong with you?"

Leo - "Haha, no need to be concerned, just tired is all. You should go be beside your mom."

Although she wasn't sure if he was actually okay, she listened and went over to Bellemeres side.

It didn't take long for Nojiko to come back with a sheet to cover Bellemere with, and clothes for when she is awake. She also glanced at Leo, who is sitting with his back on the wall and trying to calm his breathing.

Leo currently felt exhausted, it was obvious that his powers are different from a traditional Ghost Rider, but he never thought that he would have to deal with this exhaustion from reviving one person. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to deal with it once he's stronger.


It had been almost 2 hours, and everyone was nervous now, the two sisters were still beside their mother, even Leo was wondering if he somehow messed up.

He had now fully recovered from his exhaustion, but now felt like a huge pressure was on him and was pacing back and forth. He even tried asking God, but got no response.

Leo - 'Why hasn't she woken up yet? Did I mess up? I followed what I was told. It feels like it worked, her soul is there, and it seems stable... Huh...?'

As he was busy stressing about the whole situation, he heard a noise.

Bellemere - "Mmm..."

Bellemere had started to awaken, it started with groans and grumbles, then turned small spasms and twitching. Soon enough, she was fully awake, but disoriented, she held her head like how one does with a migraine and sat up, causing the sheet to fall and reveal her brėȧsts.

Leo quickly turned around, and it was just in time, because Nami and Nojiko were eyeing him, as if it was his fault.

Leo - 'The hell they looking at me like that for...? It's not like I purposely made her nȧkėd... I made her body out of nothing, only people with bullshit powers remake the clothes as well...'

Their stares fortunately didn't last long, as they wanted to focus on Bellemere.

Bellemere - "Ughh... What's going on...? Feels like the worst hangover ever... The last thing I remember was, some pirates were taking over and demanded money, I paid for Nami and Nojiko, and then...? Wasn't I shot!?"

She was rambling on, trying to remember, and when she got to the end, she started to panic and looked at her surroundings. When she did, she saw two young women looking at her and crying. As well as the back of a man in a trench coat.

She was about to ask what was going on, when...

Nami/Nojiko - "MOM!"

She was hugged by the two young women and was being called 'mom' by them.

Bellemere - "N-Nami...? N-Nojiko...?"

Hearing her, they both looked up at her with tear filled eyes, and nodded.

Bellemere - "What happened? Why are you all grown up? The last thing I remember, I was..."

Leo, seeing that they were going to be a while, he decided to leave and give them time to catch up, and for the sisters to explain the situation to Bellemere.

He didn't really go far, he just went over to a tree and sat against it.


At some point, he may or may not have fallen asleep...

He woke up when the had just started to set, and after a good stretch, he remembered that he had revived Bellemere, so he went over to the house and knocked on the door.

After a moment, Nojiko opened the door, she had puffy red eyes from crying, but a happy smile adorned her face.

Nojiko - "Oh, you're finally awake! We came to get you, but you were asleep. Come in, Bellemere wanted to see you!"

Without giving him a chance to speak, she grabbed his arm and dragged him inside.

Now inside, he was met with, a now fully awake, fully clothed, Bellemere. She was stroking Nami's head while she slept on her ŀȧp.

Leo - "It's good to see that I wasn't the only one sleeping. I see that you're doing good, and have clothes now..."

Bellemere - "Hahaha. What, disappointed?"

Leo chuckled at her and shook his head.

Nojiko had a wry smile on her face, even after death, her mother was the same.

Leo - "Anyways, I just came to check that everything was alright. If there's no problem, I'm gonna go train more until it's time to leave."

He was about to leave, but Bellemere stopped him.

Bellemere- "Wait! I want to thank you, so why don't you stay and we can treat you to a meal?"

He wasn't sure about whether he should accept or not. He didn't need to be thanked, but he didn't want to be rude...

Leo - "I... Uhh... Haah, sure, I would love to. Thanks."

Bellemere - "Great! You can take a seat, it wont be long."

With a happy expression, she gently Nami move from her legs and got up, placing a pillow in her place.

Leo just sighed and took a seat.

He looked over at Nami, she had a happy smile and seemed to be having a good dream, it kind of made him happy aswell.


During the wait, he and Nojiko made some small talk. After a while, Nami woke, panicking a bit when she didn't see Bellemere, but was easily calmed down by Nojiko.

Nami thanked Leo, and then she joined in the small talk.

It was soon time to eat, and Bellemere came to get them. During their meal, Bellemere was playfully flirting and teasing Leo, he just smiled and laughed it off.

After eating, they spent a bit more time talking, and when it got dark, Leo decided to leave. They offered to let him stay, but he declined and left after thanking them.

He wanted to continue practicing his devil fruit and use of the spear.


3 days later.

Leo was now standing on the Going Merry with Luffy and the rest. There was a crowd of villagers there to see them off.

Right now they were waiting for Nami, though Leo wasn't sure whether she was actually coming or not.

As they were waiting, they suddenly heard a shout.

Nami - "SET SAIL!"

Luffy listened to her and told everyone to set sail, Nami on the other hand, was now sprinting over.

The villagers, who realized that she wanted to leave without saying goodbye, started clamouring and tried to block her.

Nami easily slipped by and moved between them, all the while picking their pockets without them noticing.

When she got past them and to the end of the dock, she jumped the gap, and when she landed on the boat, she lift her shirt and made all their wallets fall, while she gave a cat-like grin.

When all the villagers realized what had happened, they all started to shout, it started off angry, but they soon started to tell her that she should return to visit. And Genzo told Luffy to remember the promise, to which he gave a thumbs up.

Nami - "Goodbye, everyone! I'll be off now!"

As they were sailing away, she was waving to them with a bright smile, and at the dock, they were now sitting down and waving back.

Bellemere - "Hehe, that brat."

Genzo - "Talk to me about it, she's just like..."

As he was talking, he looked over to her, and when he saw who it was, he lost all colour and looked like he had seen a ghost.

Genzo - "AAAHHHHHHHHH...!"

Bellemere/Nojiko - "HAHAHAHA!"

Back on the ship, Nami had just heard the scream of Genzo, and the laughter of Bellemere and Nojiko, then she started laughing when she realized what happened.

Leo - "Almost thought you weren't going to come. I'm actually surprised you did."

While she was resting against the handrail, staring at the disappearing dock, Leo came to check on her.

Nami - "I almost didn't... But I still have my dream... And I couldn't leave these idiots by themselves, without me, who knows what would happen."

She turned to him with a bright smile, to which he returned a small one.

Leo - "Well, it's nice to have an excellent navigator to take care of us. Please take care of me!"

(Okay, honestly I'm bȧrėly satisfied with this chapter, but I just wanted to get on with the adventure already. I hope it doesn't bother you all that much.

I also didn't have any real plan for this, I just made it up as I was writing.

For the record, he wasn't nerfed when he revived Bellemere, I just wanted to make it show that he isn't all that strong right now.. It really doesn't make sense if he just instantly revives people, his powers are already different to the original Ghost Riders, so I want to let him get more powerful and capable.)

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