Ghost Rider Through The Multiverse

Chapter 14 - Ch 12 Bounty And Shopping

(Just in case, I want to clarify that he doesn't need to breath, but like a vampire, although they dont need oxygen to live, they still have functioning lungs, otherwise how would they talk?

In his human form he still has lungs, and there for can do the physical action of breathing and talking normally.

In his Ghost Rider form, my theory is that he is just a flaming skeleton, and the fire fills out his clothes in some way, like an elemental of sort, so being a skeleton, he speaks using his own unique energy, like how cultivators do under water or in space, or like when they send a message without speaking, he doesn't have lungs, a tongue or lips, so he wouldn't even be capable of pronunciation, making it the only logical answer.)

It had been a day, and they were currently sailing to Logue Town to start their journey on the Grandline.

They were all doing their own thing, Luffy was trying to eat oranges from Nami's trees, Sanji was stopping Luffy, Zoro was just chilling, Usopp was working on some new ammo, Nami had just bought a newspaper, and Leo was sunbathing in nothing but shorts he made with his Hellfire, though he won't actually tan...

Sanji just kicked Luffy into Usopp, causing his ammo to go into his eyes, which happened to contain Tabasco sauce.

Nami had just sat down next to Leo in her seat with her paper, she kept taking glances at Leo's body, it could truly make a woman drool.

Because of her continuous glances and flipping through the paper, she didn't realise the two loose flyers that were between the pages, and so they fell out onto the the floor, face up for people to see.

Nami - "Ah..."

Usopp - "AGHH!"

Luffy - "AH!"

Zoro - "zzzz"

Sanji - "Oh?

Leo - "Hm?"

They all had more or less, the same reactions, Nami simply showed a little surprise. It was hard to tell whether Usopp was in pain or was surprised? Luffy was surprised. Zoro was sleeping. Sanji and Leo had mild curiosity.

Luffy/Nami/Usopp - "AHHHHHHHHH!"

When it set in what those flyers really were, they let out a rather loud shout. Though, again it was hard to tell with Usopp... On the upside, Zoro was awake now!

After they were done expressing their shock, things turned around.

Luffy was laughing with a big grin, while holding up his poster, that showed him with the same grin and 30 million Berry bounty. Plus the back of Usopps head, which he was bragging about to Sanji, making him gain a tick mark.

Their behaviour made Nami hold her head in frustration because of how they failed to understand the severity of the situation.

And then, there is the second flyer, it was a 50 million bounty for Leo, stating his full name, though there were two pictures of him. One, was of his human form with a smirk, which seemed to have been taken from when he was holding the rat by the throat. And the other, was of his Ghost Rider form from below, when he was looking down at Arlong from atop the tower, giving him a domineering appearance.

Leo - "When did they even take these? I didn't see a camera. And how the hell did they get my name."

Zoro - "How come your bounty is higher?"

Leo - "Probably because of the violence I showed."

Zoro - "Hm."

Meanwhile, off to the side Nami was considering their situation.

Nami - "With this, we cant afford to just loiter around in the East Blue any longer."

This made Luffy excited.

Luffy - "Alright, men! Let's head straight for the Grand Line!"

Sanji/Usopp - "AYE, AYE!"

As they were having fun, Zoro and Leo noticed that they were coming up to an island.

Zoro - "Hey, I see an Island up ahead."

Nami then went on to explain that, that Island was the birthplace to the Pirate King Roger. And famous the town called Loguetown, where he was executed. It's also known as 'the town of the beginning and the end'.

Leo couldn't help but to chuckle, which confused everyone else.

Sanji - "What's so funny?"

Leo - "Nothing. I just find it amusing, you could consider it my new beginning after my end."

This lead to even more confusion.

Luffy - "What do you mean? I don't get it."

Leo - "Nothing, just pretend I didn't say anything."

He shook his head and let out a small sigh, his face devoid of an expression.

Luffy just looked at him with a confused face for a moment before forgetting about it and looking towards the island with anticipation.

Luffy - "So that's the town that the Pirate King died at..."

Nami - "Shall we go?"

Meanwhile, Nami, Sanji and Zoro, were giving concerned and curious side glances towards Leo, which he ignored. And Usopp was just as confused as Luffy, so he had joined him in looking at the island.


It didn't take long to arrive, only 30 minutes or so, and when they did, Luffy made some exclamation about the size of the town and how it was where the great pirate were began.

They then decide to split up and do their own thing. Luffy wanted to see the execution stage. Sanji wanted ingredients. Usopp wanted to buy equipment. Zoro wanted to buy a couple of swords, but had no money, so Nami said she would loan it to him at 300%interest.

When they looked towards Leo, who was only wearing shorts and running shoes, to see what he was going to do, he responded with...

Leo - "I'm gonna take a walk."

And then walked away humming.

(a/n: and he waddled away, waddle, waddle, waddle~ till the very next day~ ... you have no idea how tempting that was to put there...)

All except Luffy were taken aback by his nonchalance.

During his walk, Leo was looking for a place that sold books and Logue poses.

While listening to music with some earphones in, he was attracting a fair bit of attention, mostly from women, but he didn't mind it.

He wasn't all that bothered about getting attention for his looks, because they came from God, he was decent looking before dying, so he accepts his new look as his own, but he won't be narcissistic about them.

His walk was disturbed by shouting and a woman crying out.

He looked around, and saw that people were looking at the source of the commotion and murmuring to each other. He decided to check what was happening.

When he got over, he saw that a group of 5 pirates were harassing a store owner and her young daughter who was helping out, and by the looks of it, one of them had hit the child.

Needless to say, he was pissed!

He started walking over, to 'deal' with them.

Imminent corpse 1 - "You stupid brat, how dare you steal from me?"

Daughter - "WAAH! I-I didn't."

Mother - "P-please, I'm sure there is a mistake."

Imminent corpse 2 - "If you don't want to get hurt, you better pay us back! Hahaha!"

Mother - "B-but we didn't...! I-I cant..."

Imminent corpse 1 - "Hahaha! If you cant pay us, you can use your body!"

Mother - *!!!*

Her eyes opened wide in fear, and then the pirate started reaching for her, causing her to close her eyes and hugged her daughter... But the hand never came, so she opened her eyes.

When she did, she saw the bȧrė back of a man standing in front of her.

Leo was now standing in front of the woman and her daughter, and he REALLY wasn't happy, not that you would be able to tell, considering his face was devoid of emotion.

He was currently holding the pirate by the throat. Blocking the line of site for the daughter, he turned a little bit, giving a small smile.

Leo - "Will you cover your daughter's eyes."

After receiving a small nod and seeing her do it, he turned back and lost his smile.

Imminent corpse 2 - "What are you doing!? let him go!"

Imminent corpse 3 - "Do you wanna die!?"

Imminent corpse 4 - "Right!"

Leo didn't bother saying anything, he didn't see a point.


Onlookers - *Gasp* *Gulp*

The pirates were angry and about to attack, but the closest two were instantly grabbed by the throat. They tried stabbing him with their swords, and one even shot him, but he didn't react.


Only two left, the one who shot him was a small distance away and already started running, so he grabbed the remaining one, a quick *SNAP* and *THUD*, and he was dead. Seeing the last pirate trying to run, Leo made a chain and swung it towards the pirate, making it wrap around his neck, then channelled his Hellfire through the chain and pulled. But, there was no blood... Thanks to his Hellfire, the pirate was incinerated and turned to ash.

Done with killing the scum, he threw some Hellfire at the corpses to turn them to ash and consumed their souls. Though they were pathetically weak, so he didn't get anything significant.

His eyes glowed for a couple seconds, but that was it.

He turned around to the woman with a smile, who was staring at him, mouth agape and some fear in her eyes, much like everyone else in the surroundings.

Leo - "Well, sorry about that. You both are safe now."

Mother - "... O-oh yes, t-thank you for saving us!"

Leo - "It's no problem, just getting rid of some trash. Do you happen to know where I could buy some books and a Logue pose?"

She stuttered a few times giving some directions, all the while blushing. And her daughter was also just staring at him with amazed eyes, which he noticed, so he gave a gentle smile and ruffled her hair a bit.

After receiving directions and more thanks, he made his way to the first store, while the onlookers parted way for him, partially out of fear, but mostly from respect.


Having resumed his walk, Leo quickly got to a store that sold books by following the directions given.

Going inside, he was greeted by an elderly man sitting behind a counter. Exchanging a quick greeting, Leo got to browsing.

He wasn't there for anything in particular, he just wanted something to do when he was at sea.

He found quite a few interesting looking book.

There were; medical books, books on musical instruments and how to play them, history books, an Encyclopedia of islands on the Grand line, works of fiction, tales of peoples adventures at sea, even a few weapons handling books.

And then, one that was very strange, but also very interesting. It seemed like a work of fiction, but was actually a novel wrote by an unnamed explorer almost two hundred years ago.

It was about a mysterious moving Island shrouded in mist, the book was simply called 'The Island of Myths', but there was no author.

He picked up a few books on Spearmanship, Swordsmanship, and Archery, not as good as having a teacher, but they would suffice, then a few random adventures and works of fiction books, Encyclopedias and Historical books, and finally this 'Island of Myths' book.

He went over to the counter and paid for the books, he tried to ask about the strange book, but the shop keep didn't know anything, so he left.


Leo quickly made his way to the shop that sells Logue poses.

When he got there, he didn't waste any time and bought a couple Logue poses, but didn't leave just yet.

Leo - "Do you happen to have any Eternal poses?"

Shopkeeper - "There should be some in the back. Not a lot of people even know about Eternal poses before the Grand line, you did your research didn't you."

Leo - "You could say that."

The shopkeeper quickly went into the back and then came back with a box of Eternal poses.

There were only ten in total, and he only recognised two, and he was very pleased with them.

Leo - "I'll take the ones that leads to the Boin Archipelago and to Drum Island. Thanks."

Shopkeeper - "Sure, here you go."

Leo ended up spending 3 million Berries in total, but that's not a problem, thanks to all the money he sto-reposessed from Nezumi.

With everything bought and placed in his inventory that he made by separating his personal dimension into sections, he has areas with time frozen for items and areas left for future use, that he would have to introduce vegetation to. He had discovered that, while there is dirt and rocks, even mountains, rivers and seas, there are no trees or even grass.

Anyways, he left the store and started walking around aimlessly while listening to some Imagine Dragons. (pick your own, personally 'demons')

He was looking at the sky, watching the clouds drift, and because he wasn't watching where he was going he bumped into someone.

Leo - "Oh, sorry about that, I wasn't watching where I was going... Oh, Nami, it's you."

Yeah, he walked right into Nami, who had been walking around with a huge bag of clothes, but is now on her ȧss...

Nami - "Damn it, Leo! Why does it feel like I walked into a brick wall?"

Leo - "Haha! Sorry about that."

Giving her a hand to get up and picking up her clothes with a single hand.

Nami - "Thanks. I keep forgetting how strong you are. So, what are you doing?"

They started to walk and talk.

Leo - "Not much, killed some scum that were harassing a woman and her daughter, and went to a couple stores. I'm done now though."

She paused in place for a moment, but then shook her head with a sigh and continued walking.

After that, they made some small talk while walking, she mentioned how there seemed to be a rain storm coming, and just when she said that they should probably head back to the ship, they crossed paths with Zoro, who was now carrying three swords, one that Leo could feel the curse on, plus Sanji and Usopp, carrying a big fish.

Leo - "Sup."

They responded with something short for their greeting. And then.

Zoro - "So where is he?"

Nami - "He said he wanted to check out the execution stand..."

Usopp - "Isn't the execution stand right here in the town square?"

They all then looked over to the stand and saw he was trapped in a pillory, about to be executed... (search pillory if you dont get it)

Leo facepalmed even though he knew it would happen. Nami and Sanji looked like they were questioning their life choices. Usopp had his mouth open, with his eyes about to pop out. And Zoro had a face of shocked confusion.

Usopp - " WHA!"


(I done goofed... I didn't make it known to the crew that Leo can revive people, so imma have to put some bullshit next chapter... sorry.

Also, I have realized by reading the manga, that I have somewhat misjudged/misremembered how Nami's personality is, so I might, just MIGHT, add Nami into the harem. We'll see....)

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