Ghost Rider Through The Multiverse

Chapter 15 - Ch 13 Riders on the Storm~

Seeing Luffy atop the execution platform, Leo and the others were naturally frustrated.

There he was, about to be executed and the moron didn't even understand what was going on, until his would be Executioner Buggy, told him, and only then did he start to panic.

Not to mention all the cannon fodder surrounding the platform, and all the citizens that were watching.

Buggy was gloating and asked if Luffy had any final words, to which he declared that he would be the Pirate King, shocking all the citizens.

Zoro and Sanji quickly ran in and started making their way through the crowd. Nami said that they should run to the ship before the storm hit, otherwise the ship would drift away, and they would be trapped.

Usopp was going to go with her, along with the big fish, but Leo quickly took it from him and place it in his inventory, along with Nami's clothes.

Leo - "You will be faster without the luggage."

They both nodded and started running to the ship, and Leo turned towards the platform and sighed.

Leo - "*sigh* Here we go."

Breaking into a sprint, Leo maneuvered through the crowd of citizens, and barrelled into the pirates.

He created a pair of gauntlets, they were black in colour, intricately engraved and had sharp claws that he was using to tear through his enemies. All in all, they looked like Daedric gauntlets from Skyrim. (comments)

With his strength, tearing people apart was no issue at all, but with the claws of the gauntlets, the action was made even easier. He would swipe, and remove heads and limbs, thrust his hand into their ċhėsts and rip their hearts out.

The most disturbing thing though, was the excited grin on his face... He had started to enjoy fighting! Mostly when he had multiple attackers going against him, so to take more for himself, he shouted to his teammates. It's just unfortunate that he isn't gaining much power from them.

Leo - "Zoro! Sanji! I've got the cannon fodder, you go get our dumbass Captain!"

When they heard Leo's voice and the contents, they took a quick glance, and realized that he was having fun, so they decided to listen to him. They charged straight for the platform, only dealing with those directly in their path, while Leo was decimating everyone else.

It wasn't like he was killing everyone, just the ones who enjoyed killing and r***** people...

As the battle went on, the weather started to become worse, causing it to rain and create gusts of wind.

Unfortunately, Leo's massacre was on display to everyone in the surroundings. The citizens, the Marines, and Buggy, who was atop the platform, and seeing his men being taken out decided to skip over his bullshit and go straight to the execution.

As Buggy was swinging the sword down, Luffy shouted out with a huge smile on his face.

Luffy - "Zoro! Sanji! Leo! Usopp! Nami! Sorry, but it looks like I'm dead."

His words shocked many, including Marine Captain Smoker, who was waiting for the pirates to take care of each other. Zoro and Sanji were distraught.

Zoro - "Wha?"

Sanji - "Don't say that, you idiot!"

Smoker - 'He smiled."

Right as the sword was about to cut Luffy, without anyone realizing, Leo had jumped over and kicked Buggy, sending him flying back into the government building.

Luffy - "Nahahahaha! Thanks for the save, Leo! That was close!"

Leo - "No problem. But why didn't you just pull yourself out? You're made of rubber, your head should have squeezed through."

Luffy - "... Uhh, I didn't think of that. Hahaha."

Leo gave him a blank stare before sighing.

Leo - "Come on, we need to get going."

Saying that, he jumped down from the platform under the gazes of all those gathered. All the conflict had stopped by now, even Sanji and Zoro were staring with wide eyes.

Leo - "I suggest we get running, before the Marines arrive."

Just as he said that, the Marines started surrounding the square, so they all made a run for it. Luffy was even laughing.

As they were running, all the pirates that survived Leo's culling, were being captured by the Marines or more specifically, Smoker.

It wasn't difficult given the power of the Smoke Smoke fruit, and with the low numbers, it was even quicker. Someone had even caught the unconscious Buggy, who Leo left alive.

After all the pirates were rounded up and bound, Smoker called someone to bring out his 'billower bike', which was a specially designed bike made to work with his Devil fruit.

When Smoker had his bike, he gave a few orders and then gave chase for the escaped party.


While Leo and the others were making a run for it, they came across a young woman with a head of short dark blue hair, mostly in casual dress, except for a large coat with the Marines logo on it, and a sword on her waist.

The woman was Sgt.Major Tashigi, and from what Leo could remember, she was basically the doppelganger of Zoro's childhood friend and even had a similar personality.

While they were running towards her direction, she started shouting at Zoro about how he had deceived her.

Tashigi - "To think that you were Roronoa Zoro! And a pirate at that, too! You were just toying with me all along!"

Her misleading words then caused the local simp to shout at Zoro while they continued running.

Sanji - "You bastard! What did you do to that lady!?"

Leo - "Cough-simp!"

Zoro ignored Sanji and started talking with Tashigi, she told him that she would take the sword Wadou Ichimonji, to which he dared her to try.

Now close enough, Zoro drew his sword and clashed with Tashigi.

Zoro - "Go on ahead."

Luffy gave a nod of confirmation, Sanji was pissy that Zoro was going to fight a woman, but Luffy pulled him by the collar.

Leo - "I'll stay and take out the Marines, you can focus on your fight Zoro."

Zoro gave a nod, then he and Tashigi started clashing. Meanwhile, Leo was 'gently' knocking out the Marines.

The whole fight didn't take long, Zoro was far more skilled than Tashigi, and after defeating her he sheathed sword instead of finishing her, which she didn't like.

Tashigi - "Why didn't you cut me down!? Is it because I'm a woman?"

Tashigi - "You dare go easy on me in a serious duel just because of the fact that women aren't as physically strong as men!? How shameful! Of course, I shouldn't expect someone like you to ever understand what it's like to wish to be born a man would feel like! BUT KNOW THAT I DIDN'T PICK UP THIS SWORD FOR FUN!"

Her rant had annoyed Zoro, so he ended up shouting at her.


Tashigi - "Wha!?"

Zoro - "Your face is exactly like my friend who died long ago! And now you go spouting the same things she did! So stop copying her, you rip-off!"

Their blades were now pressed against each other as they were shouting in each others faces.

Tashigi - "Wha!? I've never heard anything so childish in my life before! I've only lived being me and only me my entire life! I have no idea who this friend of yours even is! In fact, I should be the one complaining here! Maybe she's the one who copied me!"

Zoro - "What did you say!?"

Leo was just watching from the side, and as amusing as this was, they did need to get going.

Leo - "*Whistle* Hey, Zoro, hate to interrupt, but we need to go."

Zoro - "Hmph, right."

No longer wasting time, he quickly knocked Tashigi out.

They then started running in the direction of the ship, all the while the rain and wind started to get worse.

As they were running, there was a sudden strong gust of wind that almost knocked them off their feet, but also gave them a small boost forward. They quickly caught up to Luffy and Sanji, which lead them to seeing the scattered Marines, Captain Smoke, A cloaked figure, and a face-planted Luffy.

Zoro kept running and grabbed Luffy by the back of his collar.

Zoro - "Luffy! Run for it or we'll be trapped on this Island! A huge-ass storm coming in."

Sanji followed close behind while praising Nami for her prediction.

Leo on the other hand had stopped and was looking at Dragon intensely, this is because he was looking at him and giving off a faint pressure.

Dragon - "Who are you and what are your intentions for travelling with that boy?"

Leo - "I don't have any intentions, I simply want to enjoy my life and punish some people."

Dragon was silently staring at him for a good minute before stepping aside.

Dragon - "Fine. You better catch up with them."

Leo nodded to him and was about get going, but out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Smoker beginning to get up, and his sight focused on the Jitte on Smokers back. So with a mischievous smile, he sped towards Smoker and grabbed the weapon.

Leo - "Hey, hope you don't mind if I borrow this."

He quickly placed the Jitte in his inventory and was about to run, but then he though of something fun to do instead. So, quickly making his Assassins Creed outfit and switching to his Ghost Rider form, he materialized a Hell Motorcycle and jumped on it.

The moment he got on the bike, as if it came to life, fire roared out of it and coated the wheels.

Leo started revving the engine and then sped forward, leaving a trail of fire.


Left behind, were a bunch of shocked Marines. They just saw a man steal their Captains weapon, become a flaming skeleton, materialize a bike and then sped off laughing. Even Dragon was bewildered.


Luffy and the other two had already arrived at the ship, and were trying to stop the ship from being pulled with the tides.

Nami - "What happened!? Why isn't Leo with you guys!?"

Zoro - "I don't know, he was right behind us a little while ago."

Sanji - "Well he better get here quick, we're not going to be able to hold on much longer."

It was right then.


They heard a loud noise and when they looked at the source, their mouths dropped. They could see Leo coming towards them on a flaming bike.

Luffy - "Sooo coooool!""

Luffy's eyes were shining from seeing Leo's entrance.

Quickly arriving, Leo jumped off of his bike and onto the railing of the ship. He de-materialized his bike and shift into human form.

Leo - "Good evening, fine weather today isn't it."

Nami - "There's no time for this! Quickly help, we need to set sail."

No longer messing around, Leo got to helping set sail. When they got out to sea and things were more calm, despite the rough sea, they started to talk a bit, well more like questioning Leo.

Sanji - "So what happened? You were right behind us, so what took so long?"

Zoro - "Yeah, and what was with all that at the square? If you could have gotten Luffy out of there that easily, then why wait?"

Luffy - "What was that cool bike you were on!?"

With all of them looking to him for answers to the questions, one less important than the others, he decided to respond.

Leo - "Starting with Sanji, I got slightly caught up with that guy in the cloak, he wanted to know something and I couldn't really leave, he was strong, stronger than me for now. To answer Luffy, I can create constructs, from weapons to vehicles, like with my chains, I can also imbue the things I touch with my power. As for why I didn't immediately save Luffy..."

He let his words draw out for a moment, which made them a little tense.

Leo - "For one, I though he would have been able to easily escape from his holding, given that he's rubber..."

He gave a blank stare to Luffy, and his words also made the others realise it was true, so they also stared at him blankly, to which the person in question turned his head and dry whistled.

Leo - "For another, he wasn't really in danger, as you saw, I could easily save him, not that I would need to when someone else would have... And even if he did die, it wouldn't have been to big of a problem."


Leo looked towards Nami.

Nami - "You could have just revived him!"

They looked at her like she was crazy.

Leo - "As she said, and given your conversation with that woman Zoro, this might interest you, I have the ability to revive nine people. It was ten, but I used it to revive Nami's mother on Conomi Island. So, if any of you die, which I dont advise since dying isn't fun take my word for it, I can revive you or if you have someone you want revived I can do that at some point."

What Leo said was too much for their brains to handle, they were basically told he could do the impossible, but they believed him considering Nami wasn't denying it.

Zoro - 'He could bring back Kuina.'

Sanji - 'He could bring back my mother.'

Leo then continued.

Leo - "There are some limitations, I cant bring back those who died of old age, nor will I bring back the elderly, this is because they have already live their lives and I can't reverse their ages. Similarly, I can only revive a person to be at the same age they died, I cant make them older or younger. And as I said, I can only revive a limited number of people, so if you can avoid dying, do so at all costs! Don't take death lightly!'

This second part made Zoro think a little bit in silence, and the last bit that was said with seriousness made them all gulp nervously.

Luffy - "I don't really get it, but does that mean you can bring my brother Sabo back to life?"

Leo - "So long as he is dead, then yes."

Luffy then had a happy smile on his face.

Luffy - "Great! Then please do it!"

He knelt down and slammed his head on the deck, making his straw hat fall off in the process. They were shocked to see kneel like that, well except Leo, but he felt uncomfortable having Luffy beg him like this, so he quickly helped him up.

Leo - "Come on man, you dont need to kneel. I've already offered to do it, so I will if you just ask. Though, if he died young, he will be that same age and that's only if he is dead."

Giving a look of absolute seriousness, Luffy nodded and waited for Leo to do it.

Seeing the look on Luffy's face, Leo decide to just do it. He took it seriously as well, he wasn't sure if Sabo was actually dead, this world could be an AU afterall.

After a few moments of concentration, he stopped trying to revive him.

Nami - "What's wrong, why is nothing happening?"

Leo - "There's nothing I can do, he isn't dead."

Luffy was shocked.

Luffy - "Really? Are you sure? We were sure he was dead! He was shot!"

Leo - "Did you ever see his body? Did you bury him?"

Luffy shook his head.

Leo - "Then he must have been saved by someone and he might have lost his memory, which would explain why he never made contact."

Luffy couldn't believe it, he was so happy that he started to cry, but he had a relieved smile on his face. He, Zoro and Sanji now had a lot to think about.

After that, Luffy calmed and they continued sailing, eventually they saw a light house and Nami explained that, that was known as the 'lighthouse of guidance' and that the entrance to the Grand Line was just ahead.

Nami - "So what shall we do?"

Usopp then started to question going into the Grand Line during a storm. It was at this point, Sanji came out carrying a barrel.

Sanji - "So we've reached the Grand Line, have we? This calls for a celebration!"

They then, one by one, put a foot on top of the barrel.

Sanji - *Tap* "To find the All Blue."


Zoro - *Tap* "To be the greatest swordsman..."

Leo - *Tap* "To become the strongest!"

Nami - *Tap* "To draw a map of the world!"

Usopp - *Tap* "T... T-to become a brave warrior of the seas!"



(Just putting it out there, this is my first time writing a fanfic and even with all the ones I have read, I don't know how well the harem plan will go, so I will look for a lot of advice.

If you can't tell, I'm not very good with naming the chapters, but I will try to make them correlate with the contents.

There is my bullshit of a reveal for his reviving capability.

Sorry about the Goal at the end, it was that or 'rid the world of the sinful' which didn't really fit too well.)

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